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We Shall Have Wonderful Dreams

It’s the day before the day before the day. Christmas is almost here.

I think it’s going to be a pretty nice christmas this year. Not big and fancy. No snow. But I’m feeling good. It will be nice with the family, the uncle. I will bring christmas treats to the goats. I will look at the cards that you nice people have sent me. I will be darn jolly, I will. I feel richer this christmas. Richer in spirit and friends.

Ho ho ho.

So, the news from the playground. Vanilje is going on a little vacation. Actually, she has already left. She’ll be back though. Hopefully it won’t be too long. She’s going back to Kurt’s place to have some “alone time” with a buck. Yes, she’s going on one of those wild sex cruises that you always hear about. I guess Kurt’s farm is the goat equivalent of those cheap Greek tourist traps that all Danish teens go to every summer. Or something.

My little Vanilje. I feel kinda the same way I did when it was Magnethe’s turn last year. “YOU’RE GOING TO DO WHAT TO MY LITTLE BABY!?”. Aw. And I feel somewhat torn of course. Because on the one hand the thought of wonderful little goat kids and seeing Vanilje grow to be a mother, that is wonderful. But on the other hand, the thought of saying goodbye to those kids when they grow up.. that is not good. Not at all.

But I’m going to look on the bright side. It still pains me to think of 3B and Springbok, but I am glad I got to know them. So I will look forward to the new kids and all the fun we’ll have. I have no doubt that it will be great.

Per told me about it a couple of days ago. I asked him, what about Magnethe? She wasn’t going? he said that they figured one of the kids had impregnated her! Oh boy. And here I was thinking that she was putting on weight because she was a goat and goats eat all the time. But I guess that wasn’t all. I didn’t think it would be possible for the kids to impregnate her. It’s all a bit incestous, isn’t it?

A goat’s life is one long party, methinks.

Here is the last picture I got of Vanilje before she went on her merry way:


Funnily enough it was a picture of her leaving. Hehe. In mid-air, jumping through the hatch.

I brought a christmas card for the playground too. I had to explain that it was made for my “internet friends”, that’s why it was in English and so on. But I figured they would like to see the pictures of the goats wearing christmas hats. The picture of Mads and I was taken by Bodil, by the way. I met her while doing shopping, just after I had left off the card at the playground. So I told her she’d have to go take a look at that. And then we said our merry christmasses. She told me that we probably wouldn’t see each other again before christmas. She’s spending most of her time at home these days. Because of her dog, Lulu. And the fireworks. Apparently Lulu had a bad experience with a piece of firework going off close to her some years ago. And since then she has been very afraid of all the bangs and noises. So Bodil stays at home and takes care of her. And she doesn’t go out on new year’s eve. At midnight when all the shooting is worst they go out into her bath room together and she lets the water run and plays soothing music and she sits like that to make Lulu feel okay. I think you can tell a lot about a person from how they treat their pets. You can tell Bodil is a sweet and caring person. Her dog matters more than anything.

I’m not a fan of the fireworks myself. Especially not rowdy teenagers with bags full of cheap cannonfodder. And that’s without getting into the whole thing about illegal fireworks. A couple of brothers were killed here in Denmark recently. They were manufacturing illegal fireworks. Now someone else is left to pick up the pieces…

Anyway. Back to jollytown.


Don’t we look like old pals, laughing at a joke I just told?


While Mads is thinking “enough with the jokes, bring out the peanuts buddyboy”.


Magnethe and I holding hands. Sort of.

And also, videos. Youtubed for that seasonal spirit.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=Rt7gwk11vpg. A funny Magnethe moment. She sneezes but it breaks into a sort of abrubt burp. Cutey.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ydcv0OQlAro. I’m sitting on the bench and Mads decides to join me. He’s a good jumper when he is properly motivated. And you can tell it’s almost feeding time because both Magnethe and Mads start baahing at the hatch door.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=m18fnbZH7gg. Another Mads video. This is a scratch attack. A good, hard scratch. It almost looks violent. I find that youtube sometimes seems to screw a bit with my framerate, some parts of the videos seem to go a bit fast. And sometimes the audio is out of synch too. The start of this video almost looks like I think Mads is one of those scratch lottery tickets and I’m trying to get to the magic numbers. But anyway, he takes it like a good sport.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=duBrrw7nUyA. Cute, little Kridte. This is her version of the “up-close and personal” videos that I did of Mads and Magnethe. A compilation of three scenes in fact, where she gets up and almost eats the camera.

So that is some cute christmas spirit for you guys.

I got a big dose of christmas spirit from Luis. His much anticipated card. I can’t believe you said you weren’t an artist, Luis! Is there a story behind the christmas tree heads? I loved the inside with the quote from Finn Family Moomintroll. Perfectly picked. And the picture of me with Magnethe, again perfectly picked. It’s amazing how sweet it is to see it like that, picked out by someone else.. it makes it even sweeter still. Thank you Luis.

2 Responses to “We Shall Have Wonderful Dreams”

  1. Deb Says:

    So Vanilje’s going to be a mommy! Let us know when she starts wearing maternity clothes. She’ll look so cute.

    So the truth comes out. Luis IS an artist! We knew it all along.

    Just what was that joke you and Magnethe were sharing???

  2. Plume Says:

    Deb – It will be adorable. It’s such a transition, I remember Magnethe as a cute little goat kid and then now she’s like all grown up. Wow.
    Luis is a great artist, I think. An artist’s spirit that’s all you need.
    I’m afraid I can’t tell you the joke, you see it’s a bit naughty. “What did the nun say to the goat”. Oh dear.

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