I’m Not An Orange
Well, I’m sick. My throat. Some kind of infection I guess. It hurts. And my head. And I’m tired. But those two are always around, like two old college drinking buddies that just can’t take a hint even though I don’t keep alcohol in the appartment anymore.
Anyway. I was feeling okay this morning. Planning to go to the playground. But I had to fix my tv and dvd-recorder first. The cable company did some “maintenance” work on their system and changed all the frequencies. So all the channels had to be reprogrammed. Fun! After that was done I was feeling sort of light-headed. And my throat had started hurting a bit. So instead of going off to the playground I went off to bed. And slept for a good while.
I was woken by the phone. My dad on the line. They have the same cable company. So their TV was all a mess. And there was something on the telly they really needed to watch tonight… so I had to go fix it for them. My throat had started hurting more and I wasn’t that pleased about being dragged out of bed. But I am a good son, so I went and fixed it for them. Their TV at least. I left the VCR in scrambles. It’s way too annoying to reprogram, so I’ll do that another time. At least they could watch their show now.
Being at my parents’ place is halfway to the playground, so I figured I might as well go see the goats, even though I wasn’t feeling great. But seeing the goats is always good, and today it was as well. Beautiful, wonderful creatures that make me happy, they are.
It was fairly late in the day, and it had been a warm day. Maybe that was why they were a little sluggish. Expecially Thor was uncharacteristically subdued. He sat down for almost the entire time I was there. Maybe he had spent all his energy for the day. Or maybe it was because he didn’t like the treats I brought. My dad had given me a bag of pea pods. Thor sniffed at them, but did not care to eat them. Maybe if he had liked them then he would have been all hyper, like he usually is. He still liked his scratchies though. And the other goats were happy to take care of the pea pods.
When I came home I made pork slices for dinner. I was planning to do baked potatoes. But not having had any breakfast or lunch, I didn’t feel like waiting an hour for that. So I fried some pork and made mashed potatoes instead and it was terrific. Tomorrow I will hopefully bake potatoes to conclude my holy triumvirate of dinners. Omelette – pork slices – baked potatoes. As was dreamt up one late night.
That is, if I feel like having dinner at all. My throat is getting worse and worse. My head hurting more. Tired. I’m going to go back to bed in a minute. We’ll see how I feel in the morning. I have a feeling that I won’t be up for much. Maybe I’ll have to spend the day in bed, shock, gasp, horror.
Ah, maybe I’ll get through it.
July 2nd, 2008 at 3:35
Oh, no. A summer cold! Drink plenty of fluids, take aspirin or ibuprofen, or Tylenol for your sore throat. Sometimes hot drinks help with the sore throat or letting some hard candy dissolve in your mouth.
(I sound just like LuisLemmings, don’t I?) He will probably give you “Debster” advice – smoke some cigars, drink beer, and scratch yourself.
Do you have a microwave oven? We cook our baked potatoes really quickly in the microwave when we’re in a hurry.
They are good baked in the oven in foil when you have the time, though.
I’m e-mailing you some pictures of our latest addition to the “zoo”. I told my husband: “No more goats, dogs, or birds”. So he gets that baby miniature donkey that I’d sent you pictures of earlier!
July 2nd, 2008 at 14:52
Aw, its nice that you can fix things, I’ve always loved men to be able to fix things and be handy. It’s very masculine!
July 2nd, 2008 at 23:29
Debster – I have Strepsils, which is the Danish magic cure for the throat problem. And hot drinks, yes. They loosen up the throat. I’ll get by. I have no microwave oven though. I barely have an oven. It’s a “mini” oven, which is not a microwave at all. I wonder if there is such a thing as a miniwave oven. Hmm. Anyhoot. Thank you for the pictures! I love Snickers! What a sweet, sweet donkey. I wish I had a place like yours with space and and greenish and spools with goats on them and cute lil donkeys. Looks swell.
Clare – I’m a most manly man, doing manly things in manly ways. And I do it all while wearing a lovely evening gown!