This is a funny little page wherein I would like to present people wearing their underwear on their heads. Some people might not understand the point of this. Heck, there might not even be a point. But we can make something up. Let’s see… we live in an absurd world where the things we do often don’t make sense. There is a lot of evil and horror in our lives and to protest against that we will wear our panties on our heads. In the face of absurd horror we will give out a dose of surreal love. We will rise up and show the capitalist pigs that what they’re doing makes as much sense as wearing underwear on top! Or alternatively, if you like capitalism then.. we will rise up and show that the people who fight against capitalism are silly and that their fight is as futile as trying to bring down windmills with panties. The important thing is to send me pictures of yourself wearing underwear in a silly place. Okay?
If you would like to contribute to this page please email me your pictures. Or upload them somewhere. Any pictures will do. Any quality. Any underwear. Any pose. You can blur out your face if you're shy. Anything goes in the name of fun. And you would make me extremely happy. Plus I will plug you in my blog. Everybody wins.
The pictures:

The picture that started it all. This is from the princess of panties, Stine. She was the one who got the bright idea to pose with underwear on her head, while keeping a straight, serious face. It blew my mind, as I’m sure it has blown yours by now.

Now when I got the idea to make a page with pictures like this (okay, it was supposed to be a website,, actually) I thought it was delightfully fun but that no one would want to be a part of it. I’m sure that will still turn out to be mainly true, but the wonderful Maile was quick to join up. And I can’t thank her enough! Without you this page might not have happened. (So now everyone knows who to blame!)
New one:
 With a bra on her head! That is wonderful, let's have more underwear of all kinds! And yes, it does resemble a flying nun doesn't it?
added 2005-01-02:
IMG WIDTH=352 HEIGHT=288 SRC="./pictures/panties/panties_maile4.jpg" ALT="maile"> This time Maile is wearing her friend's panties! Isn't she great?!

A new addition! The exquisite Mille. Mille is well known for having completely amazing hair. Wearing panties on her head only emphasizes those qualities. And even her underwear is brilliantly fashionable. I salute you!
(added 2004-12-29)

I did a little promotion on Netphoria, where all the cool pumpkin fans are. And no one cooler than Toby who submitted this gem. Now you know what true rock'n'roll looks like!
(added 2004-12-29)

Celebrity guest star: George Bush! Hail to the thief, with underwear on his head! Courtesy of Katherine the Great.
(added 2004-12-30)

Another Netphoria member. So Very Sad About Me. I had to promise her 20% of the profits because apparently she came up with a similar idea as this a while ago. But that's okay, since I'm not planning on making a profit haha! I'm a shrewd businessman.
(added 2004-12-30)

At long last! This is yours truly. The very Plume himself. Wearing a striking pair of blue underoos. I don't often show pictures of myself so enjoy the special occasion. Good thing I'm a boxers kind of guy. Now if I can embarrass myself like this, surely so can you? Submit your pics.
(added 2005-01-02)

This is "some dude from the white stripes" board. Courtesy of gpub from Netphoria. Thank you!
(added 2005-01-02)

This is Hanneh from neocodex. Isn't she a beauty? If I could give you a million neopoints I would!
(added 2005-04-12)

Finally a new update! Many, many thanks to the beautiful Staci. A nice handful of excellent panty pictures. Keeping the dream alive. Love ya!
(added 2005-08-13)

Alrite! Back in business. New panties. Fresh new panties. From Dylan Herpes McManynames. Unfortunately she insisted that I censored them, which is too bad because she's rather good looking. But the panties are uncensored. And as you can see panties work great on teddies and other toys too.
Update: Booo, Dylan is gone. But her teddies remain.
(added 2008-07-22)

New panties! Or well, old panties on a new head! Thank you to Clare for reviving the dead panty horse. Isn't she a darling?
That's all for now. Please, please submit some pictures! Remember, guys are welcome too. And for those of you who don't want to do the underwear thing there is also the greetz page.