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A Sudden Sense Of Calm And Liberation

Enter 2009.

I survived new year’s night okay. Did not watch the fireworks, but I did listen to them for a while. Bang-bang-BANG-bang-bang-BOOOM-bang-bang. According to the news there were a lot of fires around here. But nothing too serious I gather. The kindergartens all seem to have survived as well.

I have been having some bad thoughts here in the new year. Some really rather bad thoughts. But let’s hope they’re gone now. Let’s think of something else.

I went and checked up on the animals today. Everyone was okay. I always get a little worried at new years. That I’ll get up to the playground and find everything burnt down. But thankfully not so. The lambs are huge, I tells ya. Huge. Now it’s not just the boy who likes to nibble on fingers. The girl does too. And when I say nibble I mean completely chew. And when I say fingers I mean everything, coats and caps and whatever they can get close to. It’s a good thing they won’t keep growing at this rate or they would soon devour us all.

The goats were fine too. No new additions. But Vanilje is looking quite big and her udders very developed. Any day now probably.

In other news, my eyesight is still horrible. Sometimes it feels like it’s getting worse every day. But I guess I’m imagining that. When I was going home from the playground today I could barely see the traffic lights on the other side of the road. I think I’m almost at the point where my eyesight when wearing glasses is as bad as my eyesight without glasses before this diabetes thing started. Almost at least. Almost like walking around without glasses. And I hate it and I hate it.

But let’s not go down that road again. Red light stop.

Instead I have a new year’s present for you. A rare picture of myself. Thankfully it is quite bad. But you can sort of make out the Greenland shirt that my parents got me.


As always I need a haircut and a shave and better posture. Too bad I just don’t give a fuck.

Exercise biked: 63km.

4 Responses to “A Sudden Sense Of Calm And Liberation”

  1. Debster Says:

    I guess I thought the “Greenland” shirt would be green! hee, hee

    Sorry you’ve having a bad day and hope you get to feeling better over the weekend.

    We had a nice time with the goats and donkey girl yesterday. All had a nice walk and then plenty of scratches along with fresh hay and water. The goats were all smiling when they got scratches.

    Snickers doesn’t smile much, but she does show her teeth. It’s not quite as bad as before.

  2. Desirée Says:

    Happy New Year, Plume.

    I thought I told you where to send the little Evil Voice. Pls be safe. You know, get on yer bike and ride like the wind ’till the voice is just a speck of dust on the windowsill.

    I wish you could spend a day with my kids as well. They’d cheer you up so much!

    And Happy Birthday to ME! *smiles* We’re done with the birthdays here for a little while now. Than f*** for that. I love my family an’ all, but I’m glad it’s another 6 weeks before we have to have everyone over ;)

    Thanks for the picture. I like the beard! And of course the t-shirt. Glad it wasn’t one of those “… and all I got was…”

  3. Debster Says:

    Desiree had a birthday???? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – Well apparently Greenland isn’t even green. It’s false advertising I say!
    Does Snickers like to be scratched? I am jealous that you have a donkey. It seems like such an exotic pet. While goats are perfectly mundane to me now hehe. Lovely as they are.

    Desiree – Happy new year, and happy birthday! Next year you should wish for a day at a spa or something like that, something nice and peaceful. I’ll babysit! Well, it’d be fun anyway.

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