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Two Thousand And Aight

So the year is almost gone. Five hours and counting as I’m typing this. I have been to a nice, little dinner with my parents. And managed to avoid the explosions so far. Hopefully the night will pass without incident. I’m not planning to be doing anything special at midnight. Probably watch the traditional bells ringing in the new year on the telly. And wait for my parents to call. And then it’s another year.

It’s also a tradition to look back at the year that has gone. I’m not going to do a long sermon, but I would like to mention the three big things that have happened this year.

The first was my retirement going through. Disability. In many ways a good thing, something I wanted. Although on the downside it means sort of giving up the hope of a “normal” life and job and productive future. But on the upside it means I get to be left alone and not thrown out into situations that make me feel bad. And it also meant getting a lot more money every month. Not that money makes you happy. But it’s certainly nicer than not having any. So all in all I will count the retirement as a positive thing.

The second was not positive, not at all. The passing of Mads. Devastating to me. My best friend for years. I can’t count the times he made me smile, the happiness he brought. Before he died I had a long stretch where I often felt quite good. But after he’s gone I can probably count the really good days on one hand. I still miss him terribly. Things haven’t been the same since he left, and I don’t know if they ever will be. And if you’re sitting there thinking “he was just a goat” then you really don’t know me.

The third wasn’t positive either. Diabetes, of course. And everything that came with it. I’m trying to make the best of it, and doing reasonably well I think. But it sucks, make no mistake. Especially my poor eyesight still plagues me and depresses the hell out of me. The doubt wether it will ever get better.

Those were the three main events of the year in Plume. Other notable mentions: Passing the 1st year anniversary of moving out on my own. Uncle Jens getting cancer and getting through it okay. Seeing Brøndby, the soccer team that I have loved since I was a kid. live for the first time. My parents getting married at City Hall. Getting a new monster computer. The riots and kindergarten fires in my neighbourhood. Missing the familty trip to Greenland. And no less than three new bucks at the playground along with the wonderful kids Choko and Lakrids. Not forgetting Vanilje’s Rainbow who did not make it.

Yes, a few things have happened. But in the bigger picture the negatives won 2-1. And the two negatives are hugely bigger than the positive anyway. I guess it hasn’t been the best of years, all in all. I have had some really dark times that I didn’t think I’d get through, get out of alive. I still have days where I can’t do anything but get back in bed, because I just feel too horrible and sleep seems the only good thing I have. I know that is not the truth, but when that feeling comes washing in then it is like a tidal wave and it tears asunder all defences.

I hope 2009 will bring some better things. I have no grand plans for it. There is more diabetes work coming right away. Foot therapy on January 6th. Doctor’s appointment and more laser therapy the week after. There is no rest for the wicked.

THank you all who have been with me the past year. I don’t know if I could have done it without you. I hope you will all have a nice and safe new years eve. And may your 2009 be a good one.

Happy New Year!

3 Responses to “Two Thousand And Aight”

  1. Debster Says:

    We are staying home this New Year’s evening, having a nice supper, and watching tv or reading.

    Our 2008 year started out very slow (work-wise), then it rained so we couldn’t work as much as we wanted to outside. But things changed and work came in and we got super busy.

    Having my gall bladder out in May was not good. But I recovered really quickly and did feel much better after all was said and done.

    We gained one animal, Snickers the miniature donkey, and said goodbye to one dear pet cockatiel, Guido.

    We did spend lots of time with our three goats when we had some down time earlier this year. Everyone was happy with that situation and I know the boys missed us when we got busier.

    My New Year’s resolutions are about the same as last years. Continue to donate blood at the Red Cross, give more compliments than complaints to people, continue on with going to the monthly book club meetings, make time to spend with the goats and donkey, and remember to be grateful for all the good things that come my way in the coming year.

    Thanks for allowing us to all be part of your life, Plume. Checking in with my dear danish goat boy and his animal friends is an important part of my day!

  2. Desirée Says:

    Happy New Year, Plume.

    2-1 to Negative my behind! In adversity you have shown so much strenght, courage and love. That means Negative had his sorry arse kicked!

    You are Super Plume, and don’t you forget it.

    Hugs and all the best for 2009!

  3. Plume Says:

    Debster – I hope you got through the evening and night safely. And that you won’t have to have any gall bladders removed in 2009. How many of those do we have anyway? I have six kidneys, four hearts and golden spine. At least that’s what the doctors tell me.
    I haven’t got any resolutions this year. Didn’t even think about it. Just plum forgot. Or Plume forgot. Too many things on my mind I guess. If I can manage to stay alive then that’ll do for now.

    Desiree – Well that’s a good way of looking at it yes. I’ll try and keep it in mind. All the best for the new year, and happy late bday to the little guy!

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