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Ace Rimmer Inhibitors

Today is my brother’s 30th birthday. Happy birthday, Peter!

We celebrated by going downtown and having dinner at Rådhus Caféen. Quite a good time was had by all, although my traditional order of pork wasn’t quite as good as it has been the other times we have eaten there. It was good, but a little greasy this time. Still, I shan’t complain. Better than most meals I have. And as always I find it surprisingly nice to spend time with the family. Surprisingly only because in the past that is not something I have enjoyed a lot. But I do now. And with the current state of my life, it really is nice to get out and spend time with others. Good times, even with the fumbling around in the crowded dark busses.

But that’s not all for today. I also had a trip to the doctor to get the results of my blood tests. Most of them were fine. The long term blood glucose level was “beautiful”, the doctor said. It was doctor Michael. I haven’t seen him in a long, long time. The blood tests are always done by nurses, and since the results are usually fine I just get them by email. And the last few times I have needed to actually talk to a doctor, Michael hasn’t been there, so I’ve had to see someone else. There are 3-4 doctors sharing the clinic, I think. Anyway, nice to see Michael again. He obviously didn’t know exactly how my eyesight was doing, as he was surprised when he told me to have a seat and I couldn’t find the chair at first. But I got seated and we talked a little about how everything was going. He thought I’d lost weight as well. If it’s been more than a year since I saw him last then I guess it’s possible.

Anyway, one of the tests wasn’t so good. Seems my kidney levels are a little elevated. Nothing alarming. But I am going to have to start taking meds to protect the kidneys. So that’s another one for the list. Pills for cholesterol, for kidneys, two kinds for diabets. And two kinds of eyedrops. Along with fish oil and copper and zinc and vitamins. I am a posterboy for the drug industry.

I did ask him if I still had to take the cholesterol stuff since my cholesterol levels have been fine for a good while now. “For the rest of your life, mate” he said. With my diabetes and bad blood circulation it is so important that my cholesterol doesn’t go up that I have to keep taking the pills as a preemptive measure.

I’m not sure if the kidney meds will be for the rest of my life as well. I’m starting off with half a pill, then I’m going back in for a new blood test in 3 weeks and we’ll see if it has had any effect or if we need to up the dosage. At least my blood pressure is fine.

It’s funny, in some ways I am fitter than ever before and living healthier than ever before. Yet in other ways my health is very frail and sometimes it feels like everything is failing. Go figure.

I wonder if I’ll ever be finished with doctors and nurses and hospitals? Somehow it seems to never end. I do still have some other small niggles that I might want looked at. But I have enough on my plate right now. Maybe when the eye stuff is over.

In good health and good time.

3 Responses to “Ace Rimmer Inhibitors”

  1. Desirée Says:

    It’s quite normal to have forhøjet levertal if you have diabetes, Plume, so you mustn’t let it worry you too much. It was my initial thought when he told me about the enlarged liver – I thought, perhaps I have diabetes after all! I don’t, but I also don’t think the Fear of getting it will ever go away. My guess is my enlarged liver is a consequence of my weight-loss. Overweight can give an enlarged liver, but so can weight-loss. So, I’m sticking to that as an explanation. This means it’ll also rectify itself when my weight stabilises. I hope. ;)

    Anyways, it’s waaaaay past my bedtime, and I only came by to wish your brother a happy birthday! See, I remembered this year! My brother is 35 today, so also a “round” birthday. We went to my mum’s for his birthday “party” – unfortunately, only me and the kids could make it, so I actually felt a little bad for him. But I think he had a good evening none-the-less. Even now, after all these years, I still tease him the entire 17 days every year where we are the same age – when I catch up with him. But if you promise not to tell him, the fun of catching up is waning… it’s so much more cool being the same age as your big bro when you’re both 8 (for 17 days) than when you’re both 34 (for 17 days). ;)

    Anyways, hugs from me and thank you for your kind words. :)


  2. Debster Says:

    My sister and I are one year apart in age on one day only. Then the next day, we are two days apart! Her’s is August 27th and mine is August 28th.

    Happy Birthday to your brother, my dear danish goat boy!

  3. Plume Says:

    Desirée – Well it was nyretal, not levertal. But in any case it’s nothing to worry about. For now at least. I’m sure everything will be juust fine. For you as well. And oh my god, I forgot about our brothers. Hah. Well happy birthday to the both of them. I’m two years older than mine, so luckily he never catches up to me. I don’t know if I could accept being the same age as him :-P

    Debster – I think Magnethe’s birthday is close to mine. Not that that has anything to do with anything!

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