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Old & Newfound

I got myself a new DVD player today. Out of necessity. My old one gave up the ghost yesterday. Kind of sad. I have had that player for… ? I don’t know. Fifteen years? It was a really cheap one, but it served it purpose loyally for so long. Excellent value for money. But now I’m not sad about it dying anymore. Because the new one is really cool. It’s actually just a newer version of the same basic, cheap Philips player. But it has a USB port! Woohoo. That means I can take media files from my computer and bung them on a USB stick and watch them on my telly. That will make things a lot easier. I hope it will last fifteen years like the old one.

Another nice thing I have gotten is a card from Katt. A very sweet one that made me happy. It was too late for christmas, but on the other hand it was quite early for my birthday. So that’s just right. Katt is a great friend, I talk to her a lot on Facebook and we make each other laugh. At least she makes me laugh. We are even listed as being in a relationship together on facebook. Which prompted my mother to ask me, at christmas dinner, if I had gotten a girlfriend. Haha. Well, not yet. I’ll wear her down, though. Her or Jessica Alba.

I have been spending some time lately playing Championship Manager. Did I mention that? Now that I am in 1024×768 resolution I can actually play it. It takes some effort, but it works. It’s nice being able to play computer games again, even if it’s just a little. My parents have started moving stuff out of their apartment for renovations, and my dad came across my old Commodore 64 I guess. He wants to give it to the tech museum at The Old City. I don’t know if they can use it at all, somehow I doubt it. But I guess it would be nice to give it a good home where lots of people can see it. It pains me a little to get rid of it. Even though, to be honest, I’d forgotten we still had it stored away. But still, it’s a huge part of my childhood. I remember when I moved out on my own, I had these great plans to make a game room with my old Commodore 64 and my Amiga 500 and then a retro PC. That would have been awesome. Of course I don’t have anywhere near the space for it. And with the little eyesight I have left there’s no way I’ll ever be able to play the old games anymore. That won’t be possible. So I guess it’s better to let go. Of some things. And at least I can still watch people playing retro games on youtube. Lucky bastards.

8 Responses to “Old & Newfound”

  1. Desirée Says:

    Poo! I reversed into my mum’s beau’s car and it’s gonna cost me 4200 kroner and I don’t have a job or an income. Poo! Stupid black car parked RIGHT behind mine! In the night when it’s black and dark and no light. In MY drive! Grrrr…

  2. Desirée Says:

    Sorry. What I meant to say was that I’m sorry for your loss and glad for your new purchase! We recently purchased a combi player – DVD/Video both, ‘cos so many of the childrens’ films are on video. Very old school. But at least we don’t have a Beta Max any more! ;)

  3. Traci Says:

    I bought an old NES a few years ago, off Craigslist I think. I was SO excited to play all the old games but of course, it had the same issues my old NES had & acted broken half the time. I will stick with the emulator things I suppose.

    Yay for you having a dvd player that works =)

  4. Plume Says:

    Desiree – Sorry bout your car troubles. That was avery inconsiderate colour of car. Very unreasonable. That’s why I prefer pink cars.
    I wonder if you can still buy standalone VHS players today? I have seen the combi ones. I still have my old VHS, but I don’t think I have used it in years and years. I am still resisting blurays. Fancy smancy technology.

    Traci – Oh yeah, emulators are cool I am still a little amazed that I got the complete Amiga and C64 game collections. Sooo many games. And a little sad that I never got to play most of them before I started losing my eyesight.
    Emulators are cool but there’s still something romantically sweet about having the actual physical systems!

  5. Debster Says:

    No doubt about it, we’re having ourselves a BLIZZARD! We’re in the area of 13-24 inches (or more) of snow and high winds. We got out this morning to finish a painting job, work at the shop, and eat lunch and go home before 1:00 pm.

    Sure is blowing hard now and it’s hard to see anything even close up. We fed and watered everyone when we got home. We sat out in the enclosure with the goatzies and donkey while they ate hay.

    My poor little bird feeder birds are having a terrible time staying in the trees let alone being able to eat seeds. Even had a squirrel out under the feeder. He was covered with snow and it was hard to tell it was a squirrel. Don’t think we’ll be going anywhere any time soon in the next day or so.

    Schools were cancelled, businesses shut down at noon, and there wasn’t much traffic out at all this morning. The most snow I remember having all at once has been 11 or 12 inches. This will be more than double that amount.

    I’m ready for spring!

  6. Plume Says:

    Debster – hope y’all get through the blizzard okay! It’s been nice and mild here. Not even freezing temperatures. I hope it’ll last. Brrr. Poor squirrels.

  7. Katt Says:

    I suck for never seeing this. I <3 YOU!

  8. Katt Says:

    I’ll send you a Vday card for easter.

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