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The Plume Also Sets

Time to catch up a little.

On Wednesday, the day after my birthday, I had an appointment at the doctor’s office. I got my test results back, and they were all fine as could be. My blood pressure had been a little too high the week before, but it was better this time. It was still bordering on being too high though, so the doc had me up the dosage of the meds I’m taking from half a tablet to a whole one. The blood pressure meds that I’m taking to protect my kidneys. So I’m doing that now, and I have to go back in a few weeks and see how that’s going.

After the doctor’s office I went and spent some time with the goats. Per video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt410Scj3Fw. Mostly more Snow White stuff with some Magnethe mixed in. A little bit of me, too. I had a good time, as always. I managed to give Snow White some raisins. I imagine she’s never tasted those before. She seemed to like them a lot. Even lost a little of her calmness as she was eager to get more of the tasty treats. Magnethe was in a better mood too, liking her neck scratches this time. You never know with her.

Other than that there is not much new. The sun has been out. Lovely. My new freezer and fridge are comfortably silent most of the time. A thank you goes to Katt who sent me the Twin Peaks movie for my birthday. She also keeps me entertained on Facebook and does it well.

Yesterday my dad and brother dropped off a bookcase for me. My parents have had renovations done on their apartment and done some redecorating. And they wanted to get rid of a bookcase. And I have been needing an extra one, because I have been expanding my DVD collection significantly with nice box sets. So the DVDs were lying in stacks and piles. But now they are nicely displayed in twin bookcases and what’s not to like about that?

Oh and I also got biscuit cake. I had been meaning to ask my mother if she could make it for my birthday. She makes excellent biscuit/chocolate cake. It’s not very healthy at all, but once a year I think I’m allowed to enjoy it. Anyway, I forgot to ask in time for my birthday, but she was nice enough to make it a couple of days late. Good stuff.

Yeah that’s all.

4 Responses to “The Plume Also Sets”

  1. Debbie Says:

    I’m a shit I forgot your birthday! If it helps any I’m still celebrating for you! I hope it was good~

  2. Plume Says:

    Debbie – don’t be silly! It’s qite alright. I consider my birthday to be a year round thing anyway!

  3. Debster Says:

    I thought I was the only “Debster” in the world. Fancy that; there must be two of us! hee, hee

    Snow White says you should write on book on “Places to Scratch Goatzies”. You know all the good itchy places that the goats can’t reach.

    We had the best time with the goats this afternoon. My husband and I made two benches (for lack of a better description) for the animals out of some scrap wood we had left-over.

    We let the animals out for walkies and then let them see the benches. Frankie was the first one up, then he jumped down and jumped up on the other one. John Boy finally got up on one of the new benches, too.

    Billy was content to rub his horns on the benches and sniff them all over. Frankie laid down on the bench and I sat down next to him and scratched him. He put his head in my lap and was so calm and content just sitting in the sun with me.

    A good time was had by all. My husband had a great idea to use up that scrap wood. We like to build “goat toys” for them to play on. We already had one bench for them, so now all three goats have something to get up on and lay in the sun.

    Snickers’ long nose may be a little put out as she didn’t get a bench built for her. But we gave her lots of scratches and attention along with the boys.

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – The more the merrier! I’ll just have to see if I can tell you two apart. Hmm. Well all humans look like goats to me anyway.
    It sounds like you had a great time with the goats. Have I told you how jealous I am?`It sounds so wonderful to actually have one’s own goats and have them where you live and be able to just go and hang out with them and build benches for them and everything. Beautiful.

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