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Orbital Wobble

Took a trip to my parents’ house today. Carrying a computer monitor. My dad decided to take the bus. He was carrying my old computer.

With my recent computer purchase I had no less than 3 PCs in my tiny apartment. Which seemed a little over the top. And since we’d been planning to buy a new computer for my parents because their old one was very slow and outdated… well it all made sense. So my parents got my oldest computer and the screen. It’s not a state-of-the art computer, but it should still be a significant step up from the ancient one they have now. And the bigger screen will be nice. Not least for me, when I go and help them with computer stuff. A 15 inch flatscreen is not a good thing when your eyesight is wrecked. A bigger screen and a faster computer, that should be nice.

I spent some time today copying over their files and exporting bookmarks to a USB drive. And then next week I’m going to go back and set up the new computer and import everything. Meanwhile my second oldest computer has been hooked up to my TV. I’ll use that for some backup and maybe some retrogaming. I loaded up Gamebase64 the other day and played some old Commodore 64 games. Brought back a lot of good memories. And I found that with my improved eyesight I can sort of play games a little again. If I put on cheat mode I can at least get a little fun out of the simple, old games. So that’s quite nice. Certainly better than nothing.

In goat news, everything is still okay. Although when I went to the playground on Monday I found Magnethe and Mio (formerly Snow White) alone in the fold. For a second I thought “Oh no, this time the boys really are gone”. But then I decided not to jump to conclusions and it wasn’t long before I heard goat baby baahs in the distance. And as I went to investigate I found the boys running around up in the residential block. Four of them at least. Bandit was nowhere to be seen. I thought maybe he had left after all, but some 10-15 minutes later I suddenly heard his distinct wailing siren-like braying. From the other end of the playground. I guess he’d been out on his own. Usually goat kids stick together a lot, I’m surprised that they seem to be going off on their own too. Maybe it’s because they’re all boys. I don’t know. But the fence of the fold can’t hold them in at least. And the mamas aren’t happy about it of course. The boys don’t listen to them at all anymore. Poor girls. Especially Mio’s baahing is so sad because of her frayed voice. And she’s younger, she has less experience with kids running off. Magnethe usually takes it a little better. But then when she does get upset she voices it even louder and more energetically.

I went up there again today, and once again the boys were out exploring on their own, having left the mamas back in the fold. I did some repair work on the fence. Using branches and wooden planks to board up the vulnerable spots. I’m not sure how effective it will be. But when I left all the goats were still in the fold. So we’ll see. The mamas are much happier with the boys in there with them. Of course the boys are less happy when they can’t just run off on their own adventures. It’s hard to make everyone happy at the same time!

Here’s a video from Monday: youtube.com/watch?v=CzQ7yaxj5QI. The boys playing around up in the residential area. And the mamas crying for them to come back. I do love the white tip on the dark boy’s tail still. Whirring back and forth. Cutesy.

4 Responses to “Orbital Wobble”

  1. Debster Says:

    So now your parents don’t have to have the hamster with the little wheel going round and round to power their old, ancient computer. That’s great. What will they do with the hamster? hee, hee

    We have 5 male hummingbirds and 5 female hummingbirds coming regularly to the feeder. I can stand close enough to almost touch them, if I wanted to. They really like my homemade nectar. They would look at me, then go gulp down some nectar, look at me again, and drink some more. They have such tiny little feet.

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – I think the hamster is going on vacation in Hawaii. Deservedly so!
    Your hummingbird adventures are quite extraordinary. I wish you could get a video of them or something. It sounds wonderful. I wonder if the goats would like some homemade nectar? Well I think they’re perfectly happy with old apples and bread. They aren’t gourmets!

  3. Desirée Says:

    I’ve been poorly, Plume. Very, very poorly. :'(

    I’m back home now, hooked up to a mechanical drain thingy – a V.A.C. Therapy machine. It’s staying for at least 2 weeks.

    Maybe God’s trying to teach me something about vanity…

  4. Plume Says:

    Desiree – Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds pretty unpleasant. I guess you have to suffer for your beauty. Feel better soon!

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