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Not much going on these days. Nothing worth discussing in public anyway. The weather is cold. The goats are good. I’m doing exercises on the bike and for the back. Prodding along. Installed Skyrim on my new computer and it runs beautifully on the Ultra setting. Unfortunately I can’t see it well enough to actually play it. Had a little walk around in the snow. It makes me a little sad because it looks like the perfect game for me and I really wish I could play it. But those days are behind me. And there’s no point in getting myself upset over that. Things could be worse. The fact that I can’t play modern computer games is something I can live with. Many people have to deal with much worse. It’s no good to remind myself of what I have lost. No reason to look back.

Look at goats instead. Here’s a little Bob video: youtube.com/watch?v=W1qy4A7pk9o. Transcendental goat meditation.

4 Responses to “Cumbernauld”

  1. Debster Says:

    Someone put Bob in a cheap sheep suit! (Say that fast three times!) He sure is wooly and cute. I’ll bet he’s super warm in the sheep suit.

    I sent you three pictures on your email. They are of our goatzies – drowsy in the sunshine from late summer.

    I’d like to sneak up on Frankie sometime when he’s laying down asleep with his chin propped up on the fence. Silly goatzies!

    We cleaned out their pen – yucky job – last night. We had them fenced off so they could see us, but not get in our way. When we let them back in their pen, Snickers investigated everywhere we’d been. Frankie went into their shed and looked up and down and tromped on the new straw and then ate some straw.

    John Boy went to get a drink and Billy looked inside the shed and went to get a drink. They weren’t too concerned about what we had been doing, but nosy Frankie and Snickers were sure we were up to no good.

    We visited some other goats on Saturday at the apple orchard. They have Boer goats, too. A very handsome billy in with the girls right now. There are also chickens, rabbits, horses, and long-horned cows to visit.

    They have an elevated “goat walk” so the goats can walk up a ramp, walk across the elevated walkway or lay down and then walk down another ramp into an adjacent pen. Their goats are so polite when walking on the ramp and they encounter another goat lying down.

    Our boys would butt the lying down goat completely off the ramp if we had such a thing. It would look like the cartoon goats that go “bam” and the butted goat goes flying off the ramp about half a mile and then goes “splat” when he lands.

    We bought a new bird feeder yesterday so I got busy and filled it up along with our thistle feeder and put some suet out for the woodpeckers. We had some goldfinches this morning on the feeders. It won’t get really busy till we have some snow, but at least the birds will know where to look for an easy meal when they have to.

    Haven’t seen our squirrel either. He only comes out when it snows, I guess. Lots of food to eat in the country, but he’ll show up when food gets a little difficult to find.

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – Thank you for the pictures! They are lovely. There’s nothing quite like drowsy goats hanging around doing nothing. Not a bad life. And your goats have such majestic horns, I haven’t really noticed that before. Yes they are so mighty fine goats.
    I hope they appreciate having such nice humans who come and clean their place for them. That’s really good service. If they had to do it themselves it would probably never get done! (goat) boys will be boys.
    The apple orchard sounds like a nice place too. I hope goats don’t get fear of heights! It’s funny how goats always seeem to want to get as high up as they can. No wonder they climb mountains when there are some around!

  3. Debster Says:

    Yes, Billy has a quite impressive set of horns. They seem to go straight up and flare some at the ends. Even with such weapons, Billy is the nicest, friendliest goatzie. He always seems to be careful about where his horns are when people are around.

    Frankie, on the other hand, likes to rub his horns on your leg. Sometimes he’s gentle and sometimes he goes a bit overboard. Ouch!

    John Boy is usually very careful as well. He will rub gently on your leg and then look at you as if to ask: “Was that ok?”

    Frankie was standing up a few days ago, in the sunshine, with his chin resting on the pyramid. I think he was asleep and didn’t want anyone to know about it. “I’ll just stand up and they won’t know I’m really asleep”.

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – I bet you are thankful for having those goats around. It sounds like a joy.

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