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Easter Heckler

Catching up with a couple of goat videos.

youtube.com/watch?v=ekuRc3g5XiY. A short one of Bob. The handsome young fellow.

youtube.com/watch?v=SuCWmCibaUo. And 12 minutes of Easter goats. As described in the last entry. With kids and Pia bringing the goats hay and other fun. Good times.

And also today is my father’s birthday. So happy birthday dad. In regards to his health he’s still doing better, although there are still tests and stuff to come. But today is just a happy birth day.


7 Responses to “Easter Heckler”

  1. Debster Says:

    Happy Birthday to your Dad! I wondered how he was doing lately. Hope he’s feeling better and the test aren’t too bad to go through.

    The goats all look so good. They are very, very woolly yet. Our boys and Snickers are all starting to shed their winter coats.

    Some of those kids were almost, almost not too nice to the goats. But I think Magnethe put them in their place. Especially the one with the stick he was waving around. Magnethe let them know in no uncertain terms that she didn’t like that. “Curse you and your stick. I will EAT your stick”.

    I don’t know why kids would play so rough with animals. One girl seemed like she wanted to ride one of the goats. You don’t ride on a goat, you might get one to pull a cart or sled if you asked him nicely! They must not of had an adult to show them how to pet an animal and gain its friendship.

    It was nice outside this afternoon, so I was out with our goats and donkey. I took a book outside with me, so they were all interested in what I had in my hands. Then the cats all wanted to sit in my lap! I had Callie cat in my lap first, then Mama Calico laid down on top of her. Whenever Callie moved, Mama Calico growled and play bit at her head to stop her from moving.

    I had to finally move as my legs were going to sleep! I had a cat on either side of me as well. The cats are shedding their winter coats – all over my sweatshirt! Had to get a lint roller remover to get rid of excess cat hair when I went inside.

    Still no hummingbirds at my feeders. I had a dream about hummers last night. I was outside and saw one. As I pointed to it, the bird landed on my finger and was joined by a second and third bird. They were huge hummers, about the size of a golf ball and different colors than the usual ruby-throated hummers that visit us in the summer.

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – My dad is doing well, for the most part. Hopefully it’ll just keep getting better.
    Yes, some of those kids are a little unruly. And unfortunately most of the time I can’t really see it when it’s happening. But Pia was there and she was telling them not to do it, so hopefully they will learn from that. And the girl who almost tried to sit on Kamel, I think she knew not to do it. She was saying that she wished she could ride on her, but she knew not to put all her weight down on her. But hopefully the playground can help teach the kids how to be responsible around animals. There was one boy, the boy I “saved from drowning”, I could tell he had a bit of a mean streak in him. Not outright hurting them, but I could tell he had fun when he was inflicting a bit of distress and such. I hope I got through to him when I tried telling him that he wouldn’t like bigger kids bullying him around. And hopefully I helped show him that you could have fun with animals just by sitting down and enjoying their company. I have only seen him briefly once or twice the last couple of years.
    Sounds like you make a good cat climbing tree! I wouldn’t mind having some cats to sit with. I met that cat when I went home for my birthday. And last night I dreamt I had a cat. Me dreaming about cats, you dreaming about hummingbirds. Makes sense!

  3. Debster Says:

    Well I’m glad you and the other playground people set good examples of how to enjoy, pet, and play with the goats and other animals. Some of those kids just don’t know better and some may have a bit of a mean streak, as you said. At least there are some adults to show them there is another way to behave with animals and people.

    You never know just how your actions and words may affect a child and the boy you saved from “drowning” may think back on your words someday and change his attitude. I’ll glad you were there to “speak” for the animals.

    Well, time to get back to getting ready for our Easter lunch at my sister and her husband’s home. We’re taking pea salad (peas, cheese, onions, and mayo) and my husband is making baked beans. There will be baked ham, lettuce salad, apple salad, and a coffee cake (no coffee in the ingredients) hee, hee!

    I’m glad we dream of hummingbirds and cats instead of Godzilla. We have been watching TV with some old Mothra and Godzilla movies. I like the noise G makes, sort of a shrill elephant trumpet. I also like the soundtrack music whenever G shows up. Now I’ll probably dream of Godzilla and a giant, fire-breathing hummingbird.

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – I hope you had a nice Easter! I have had some computer problems and mental downtime. What else is new!? I feel like I should come spend a holiday with you some time, just for the food alone. Well, the company too of course. But you always make the food sound so delish. I feel like a goat now, always minding the feeds.

  5. Debster Says:

    My husband put a roast in the crock pot (slow cooker) while we were at work today. Sure was good tonight for supper. We pulled it apart and added some BBQ sauce and made sandwiches . . . yummy!

    I watched a concert on TV last Sunday and saw “Cowboy Junkies” playing Trinity Revisited, I think it was called. Such cool music, especially “Misguided Angel” and “Sweet Jane”. I’m listening to them on youtube right now as I type this.

    Also watched a show with “Bare Naked Ladies” playing. They are really funny to watch and their lyrics are so funny, too.

  6. Debster Says:

    I saw a hummingbird today! The first one of the year. I emailed the on-line migration map with our location . . . and there’s a little blue dot with today’s date on the map in our area!

    We were outside in the yard this afternoon and my husband lets out a yell: “Hummingbird!” The male hummer buzzed around the feeder and then took off, but I did get to see him briefly.

    How exciting. Last year, I saw my first bird on the very last day of April, so they are early this year. It has been such a warm winter and early spring, I have been looking for the ruby-throats for weeks.

    I can’t wait for the rest of the birds to show up and entertain us over the summer.

  7. Plume Says:

    Debster – Hooray for hummingbirds! That is excellent news. I hope they come bearing good tidings. Can a hummingvird carry a crock pot with it I wonder? And what is the velocity of an unladen swallow? But I’m sure you’ll have some funtimes with the hummingbirds.

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