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Sun II: Son Of Sun

Ah the warm cometh. Like a warm comet in the sky, the sun shines and shines well. All is swell that shines.

It almost feels like summer now. And that feels good. There’s nothing like a siesta in the sun with goats. youtube.com/watch?v=GhCTEs_oEws.

These are the good times, when the sun shines,

2 Responses to “Sun II: Son Of Sun”

  1. Debster Says:

    Nothing like using Magnethe as a foot rest while scratching an itch! Wow, what a bunch of drowsy, calm goatzies you have. Everyone was smiling with the scratches and so happy to be with you.

    It’s amazing what a little sunshine will do for a person or a goat. We’ve had some nice sunny weather perfect for basking goatzies.

    I need to come over there and comb out Magnethe. She has too many wooly bits still stuck on her. I’ve been combing and combing our boys. Billy especially has that dense, close to the skin, wooly fuzz that he’s shedding. Billy Fuzz Butt, is what I call him this time of the year! hee, hee

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – Hehe, I like when they use ME as a foot rest. Although it’s not so handy when it’s cold and muddy out. But oh well, where’s the fun in being nicely dressed anyway?!
    I’ve been trying to pick the wool from Magnethe’s fur, she seems to quite enjoy it. Unfortunately she’d had a bit of scabies, so her fur isn’t in the greatest shape in all places. But it’s getting better. Hopefully she’ll have a nice summer coat so she can look like the fancy lady she is.

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