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Christmas And Goats Are Here

Okay. It’s christmas! It is, it is. The 24th. That’s christmas in Denmark. I shall be heading out to celebrate with the family tonight. So here’s my plan. I will prepare the goat update now. And then when I’m back home tonight I will append the christmas update. And then I will post it all and you’ll be none the wiser! Perfect plan.

So now let’s just go with the pictures.

Mia and Mio, with Kamel just poking her head into the shot.

And there we have the three of them.

Mama Mio with the asymmetrical ears.

Preben. It was quite a foggy day. Almost needed a rednosed goat to light my way home.

Bob looking up.

Bob checking out my new hat.

Kamel with the folded ears.

Sweet Mia. You wouldn’t know it, but she packs quite a punch. She managed to give me a bloody nose! She was standing on my shoulder and I guess she fell forward and planted a hoof in my face. Next thing I knew she was on the ground and my nose was bleeding. Knockouted by a goat, I’m sure we’ve all been there. It didn’t hurt or anything though, I just stuffed some tissue in my nose and kept on with the fun.

Couldn’t possibly be mad at that sweet face.

And those propeller ears.

That is my apartment block, in a snowstorm.

Yes, we were hit by a giant snowstorm!

Okay, it wasn’t that bad. Just a little snowstorm.

This is CityVest, the shopping center around the corner.

And the last of the snowstorm.

I had gone up to see the goats. The playground is closed for christmas, but I was hoping I’d get there when they fed the animals. Unfortunately that didn’t happen, so I couldn’t get inside. But I did get to see Mio and Mia through the windows. And I fed them through the grating. So at least it wasn’t a total waste. I had taken my gloves off for a minute to feed them and my fingers were immediately frozen through. So I went by my parents’ place to just warm them up. My parents seemed surprised that I was out in the storm. They wanted me to stay for lunch, or to call me a taxi. Or at least walk me home. But really, it wasn’t much of a storm. And it isn’t far to walk from my parents to my place. So I went out on my own. Braving the snowstorm! It wasn’t snowing that bad but there was a fierce wind and it was dark and cold. But quite nice actually to go adventuring. Went and did a little grocery shopping and then home.

And since Debster requested videos of my surroundings, I made a video of my snowstorm adventure. So you can see me walking around in the hood. You can see Mio and Mia through the grating at the beginning. And then I’m walking through the snow more or less for 10 minutes and we go inside the shopping center too, briefly. And then end up in my apartment block where I just pop out again and film up towards my windows. Exciting stuff! The camera picked up a lot of light, it was actually a lot darker out there than it seems in the video.

But there are also good old fashioned goat videos of course. First off is a slowmotion version of the video of Mia jumping around and butting heads with Kamel. It’s also zoomed in a little so you can get a good look at her amazing leaps of joy.

And a goatlog from Monday with the fogness.

And a goatlog from Thursday. Preben has started taking an interest in Mia. She doesn’t quite understand his intentions but you can see him staring intently at her and following her around. Even doing a little huffing and puffing at her. Mio doesn’t appreciate it I think. She would rather he stays away from both her and her baby! Preben also has a little brawl with Felix the pony. It seems Felix is trying to eat his horns. Or maybe he’s trying to use them as toothpicks?

And that’s all. Now I’m going to head off for christmas celebrations and I’ll be back tonight and tell you all about it.

Okay, later that day. Back from the christmas celebrations. It was pretty much the same procedure as every year. No visitors this time, but just my parents and brother and I. A quiet little christmastime. First though, I went up to the playground and gave the goats some bananas through the grating. Then I went to my parents’ place. Dozed off in a chair with the traditional Disney show on the telly. We had a nice roast and risalamande for dessert. I got the hidden almond. Go me! Won me a marzipan prize. And that’s about all there was to it. The only difference to so many other christmasses was the christmas tree of stacked cardboard boxes with stuff packed down for the move. The last christmas in the house I grew up in. It’s an odd feeling, that we won’t be having any more christmasses around that table. But there will be new christmasses in the new place. And I’m tired and coming down from the christmas buzz, can’t be bothered nostalgizing right now.

At the end of the evening we took a taxi back to my place. The driver was a surly fella who did not seem in the christmas spirits at all. He even refused taking my dad’s senior citizen discount card thingie. Maybe he was upset to be working on christmas eve. I hope he finds a merry cheer somewhere on his ways.

And I hope all of you all are having or will be am being have had a jolly time. Merry christmas, and to all a good goat.

Oh PS. DesirĂ©e, I don’t know if you’ll be reading this, but if you do I suggest you check your “other messages” on Facebook. I can’t leave a message in your diaryland anymore and the email I have for you is no longer valid. But thank you so much for the calendar!

Once again, merry christmas to all!

6 Responses to “Christmas And Goats Are Here”

  1. Debster Says:

    Merry Christmas to you! What a great video of you walking in the snowstorm. I think I saw something in the shopping mall I wanted! hee, hee That really was quite a snowstorm, too. The cars were still moving by at a pretty good clip. Now I was right at home seeing the green tractor with the snowplow on the front of it.

    Lasse’s thinking “I wish Debster had mentioned wanting to see a video of my town in the summer time when it was WARMER!” “But no, I’ll pick the snowiest, windiest day and show her.”

    Mia in slo-mo is so cute. Nothing like a leaping baby goatzies to make me smile. She tries so hard to get Kamel to play with her. I liked the music with that video, too. What was it?

    In “Fogtown” around the 5:24 minute mark in the video, I can hear a bird whistling. It sounded like our cockatiel when he whistles like a cardinal. Do you have cockatiels along with the budgies at the playground? Or who was that whistling in the background?

    Preben just isn’t happy. When Mia comes over, he acts bucky. When Felix comes over to see him, he starts butting the fence. That was funny when Felix starting chewing on his horns, especially since Preben could get away and he just stood there for awhile.

    Felix and Preben’s legs look about the same height, just Felix is taller in the rest of his body. He’s either a little pony or Preben is a big goat.

    I did get butted in the head just this summer after I was trying to trim John Boy’s hair where it was tangled. He didn’t want me to mess with it and gave me some warnings, but I didn’t pay attention. He finally did get my attention and I think I saw stars for a second or two!

    Frankie tends to hook his horn around the back of my leg and I’ve gotten bruised from that. I’ve gotten kicked in the leg by the donkey a few times, too. She usually warns me, but not always.

    We celebrated Christmas at my parent’s house last Sat evening. We had a ham (ham and cheese sandwiches), pea salad, carrots, celery, radishes, olives, and sweet pickles and lettuce and tomato for the sandwiches, chips and dip. After we opened presents, we had coffee cake and there were some brownies in there somewhere as well.

    We are going over to Mom and Dad’s on Christmas Day for lunch. We celebrated early since my sister and her husband were going out of town tonight and will be gone over Christmas.

    We had some snow flurries again today, but nothing like last week’s snowstorm. I’m ready to see the sun anytime now!

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – Merry christmas Debster, and husband, and animals. Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! I’m glad you enjoyed the snowstorm video. I quite enjoyed the battle with the elements! I was a little worried about my camera though, but it seems to have survived. The music in the slowmotion video is a “rock remix” of the theme of the game Monkey Island. I always loved the theme from that game, and I thought the rocking remix suited the jumping haha. Poor Preben with all those sweet girls walking around and him being tied to the fence. I do feel bad for him, but if he wasn’t tied he’d be chasing everyone else out of the fold and charging me too, so I’m not really tempted to let him go. I do try to give him some company and move stuff to him so he can jump and butt and have some fun.
    I was butted in the head once too. I got in between Mads and one of the other goats. I have noticed that the goats’ sense of distance and accuracy isn’t always the greatest. Sometimes they’ll just swing their head in the general direction of another goat. And if a human happens to have his head placed in between them… BANG. That did smart, I must say.
    It sounds like you’ve had some nice christmas celebrations. ANd I hope today too, depending on the timezones and all that. You always make the food sound so yummy. I really must invite myself to one of your occasions some day! Maybe we can do a food exchange, I’ll bring a bowl of soup. I accidentally wrote “soap” there. Not sure a bowl of soap will get me anywhere.
    ANyway, merry christmas again yalls!

  3. Plume Says:

    Oh and the cockatiel. I have to admit I’m not sure exactly what kinds of birds there all are in there. It’s quite possible that there are different kinds. I know that there seems to be one bird who likes to whistle back at me. When I whistle at the birds it’ll repeat my whistles back almost like it’s trying to talk to me. I wonder if I say words to it if it’ll repeat those back too…
    In any case I’ll try to get a video of me whistling back and forth with it, it’s rather amusing. I was rather surprised the first time it happened. I was whistling at the goats (sometimes I like to make odd sounds to see if I can get their attention or confuse them a little. They don’t quite know what to make of a horse whinny coming from the mountain gorilla man!) and suddenly someone started whistling back in the same tone. haha.

  4. Debster Says:

    Yes, I am working on my detective skills. So if you are kidnapped and I hear a bird whistling in the background, I know the goats are holding you hostage!

    A traditional cockatiel will be gray/black and white on the body and wings with some yellow on the head. It will have a feathered crest on its head and an orange cheek patch circle on both sides of its face – like Pik-a-choo in Pokeman.

    Having said that, they can be more whitish, no orange cheek patch, but still have the crested feathered head. Sort of like the budgies can be blue/white or green/yellow or a mixture of other colors.

  5. Plume Says:

    maybe our budgies have learned to impersonate cockatiels to confuse the detectives! You never know. Anyway, I wouldn’t mind being held hostage by the goats. Hopefully I’ll get some raisins too then!

  6. renanda tribowo Says:

    how many types of goat do you have?

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