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Thunder And Electricity

My week started off without power. On Monday morning I wanted to do some vacuuming while my electric kettle boiled some water for tea. And then everything blew up. Or at least, the electricity stopped. I figured it was probably a blown fuse but since I’ve never messed with the fuses and since I’m too blind to actually see what’s what I had to call the housing association and I spent most of the early waiting for the super to come. He quickly fixed it and all was back to normal.

On Tuesday we had a brief thunderstorm while I was at the playground. I knew it might rain but had decided to leave my jacket at home anyway. So I got quite drenched as I filmed the goats instead of heading for cover. Priorities! Nothing new to report from the goatworld. Oh apart from the fact that Mia and Medium have gotten collars. I wish they didn’t have to wear those. But at least they haven’t been tied down. So that’s something. Mia does look rather adorable with her collar.

No new home for Medium yet. Not good news. Hopefully something will come up soon.

On the homefront there has been the usual exercising. I managed to reach the target weight I had set myself for my weightloss. Over the weekend. So that was really nice. I didn’t really expect that I’d be able to make it there. A nice surprise. Of course it was a somewhat arbitrarily set target so now I have a new target which is 10 kg lower. I probably won’t be able to reach that, but I’ll try. At my current weight I am officially not overweight anymore, according to the US government’s BMI scale. So. That’s good. Looking at myself I can see that I’m definitely still overweight, though. But it’s coming along. I’ve been working hard for it and it’s nice to see it pay off. Still a ways to go but so far so good.

Now to the goat pics.

The gruesome twosome. I wish they could stay together.

But hopefully he’ll be going soon. Medium showing off his new collar.

Mia looking very pretty with her new collar.

Look how big her horns are now. She’s a grownup alright.

Palle is still a little one.

Growing though.

Look at Large’s nose! I never really noticed it before. It’s so cute!

Mia, Palle and I, relaxing.

Lovely Mio.

Still feeding her babies. And then the ingrates just run off and leave her behind all the time! Hard work, being a mother.

And videos. First from Tuesday, when we were hit by the thunderstorm. I love Mia and Palle’s reaction. Running off together. Mia jumping the fence, Palle going through a hole. While the rest of the flock is left behind to weather the storm. Along with me, in my t-shirt.

And from Wednesday and Thursday. With the usual fun stuffs.

And that’s all, folks. See you next time.

4 Responses to “Thunder And Electricity”

  1. Debster Says:

    Please send some of that rain my way! What a nice little thunder shower that was. Poor goatzies really don’t like rain, do they? I feel bad about the tied up goats, they can’t run inside the barn.

    We were supposed to have a 70% chance of rain a few days ago and we received about 4 drops of rain – on my head. Today we had 30% chance, but still nothing. It was really hot and humid though when the sun came out this afternoon.

    That Palle is sure a little ball of fire. Jumping and hopping on those platforms and all the head butting and pushing going on, too. He makes a nice “lap goat”.

    Camel is looking good, too. Everyone was getting in on eating the weeds and bushes.

    I was doing some weeding tonight after work. I cut some big weeds for the goats and donkey to eat and put them in the pen. Would have thought I’d put in candy for them as crazy as they were over those weeds.

    I just created a new word – crazing. Means grazing on grass like a crazy goat! I had typed “crazing” in the previous paragraph and just noticed it when I re-read what I’d written! We could create a whole new language when it comes to goats.

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – I’d be happy to send you some rain! If it means I don’t have to stand in teh rain in my t-shirt. I need to learn to dress more appropriately when the weather forecast says it’ll rain. I’m afaraid our summer is slowly running out.
    I like crazing! That is quite descriptive. It could also almost describe me with tomatoes. I don’t go for the weeds, though. I’ll leave those for the goats.

  3. Debster Says:

    I’m still trying to figure out how to tell you about how much blood I’ve donated.

    Our gallons of milk or water = 3.78 liters So when I donate blood in October, it will make a total of 7 gallons. If you take 7 x 3.78 it comes to 26.46 liters.

    Hope this will give you a clearer idea of how big a gallon is and how much blood I’ve donated throughout the years.

    Yumm! Tomatoes. Do you just eat them raw with your meal or do you fix them in something?

  4. Plume Says:

    Wow, that is a lot of blood! Good thing you didn’t donate it all at once!
    I eat the tomatoes raw. They are a yummy treat for me.

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