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Inside Out

It’s been a bit of an odd week. The playground has been closed a lot. They’re having meetings, I think. I don’t completely know what’s going on actually. I think there has been a lot of trouble in the area and they’re trying to work things out. Maybe hire more staff. I don’t know. I know someone let out the birds. Bodil found some bolt cutters that someone has apparently used to get into the birds’ cage and perhaps steal some of them or just let them out. So that’s pretty horrible. Bodil says they can’t survive on their own outside. I know she loves birds, so she’s not happy about it all. It’s sad that people have to ruin it for everyone else and hurt the animals. I always worry that someone will harass the goats. We’ve had hens stolen too. Troubling.

I hope the situation gets worked out soon in any case. It’s not nice for the goats to have to stay cooped up inside so much. On Monday and Tuesday I went and spent time with them on my own. I don’t mind sitting inside with them like that. Mio was very cuddly. Wanting to be scratched constantly. I was scratching Mia’s back and she came in with her head under my hands and lifted up her head so I was scratching her there instead of Mia’s back. She may be a big, ferocious tiger when she’s bossing the other goats around. But with me she’s just a big cuddlebug. On Thursday Sigrid was there until noon so I got some time outside with them. She seemed happy to know that I came to see the goats while the place is closed. Gives them something to do and some contact. Good for them. Good for me too, for sure.

On the homefront it has been more crosstraining mostly. I am enjoying it. Although it’s hard too. I went at it a little too hard the other day. I didn’t feel it until my workout was done but then I as I was stretching afterwards I started feeling sick. I had to lie down on the floor twice. And when I got up the blood rushed to my head and I felt like I was going to black out. My vision went completely dark for a minute and I could hear a buzzing sound getting louder and louder in my ears. I almost couldn’t stand without falling over. Felt like I was going to throw up too. Haha. I gotta be careful I guess. But it’s working well. Slowly but surely losing more weight.

And so on and so forth. Just a few goat pictures today.

Me and Mio.

Palle in the dark.

Me and Kamel.

And sweet Mia.

And a goatlog from mostly inside:

And that’s all for this week, folks.

4 Responses to “Inside Out”

  1. Debster Says:

    Are you still taking the same amount of medication for your diabetes as before you have lost weight? I know my Dad’s doctor wants to know about any weight loss or gain for my Dad as that affects the amount of meds he is supposed to take.

    When was the last time you saw your doctor? Is he pleased with your weight loss? You may want to check in with him as you shouldn’t be getting light-headed or dizzy when you exercise.

    Don’t make me come over there and check on you to see if you are passed out on the floor!!!!!

    That’s terrible about someone letting out the birds. I’m fond of birds, too and I know you had some budgies (parakeets) at the playground because I could hear them chattering in the background of your videos.

    Although there are some people who don’t think we should even have companion animals like dogs or cats. But I don’t think they realize what good care and attention the playground animals get and how much the kids and adults enjoy being around an animal. (Not too mention how much the animals enjoy being petted and loved).

    Hope they can resolve the security and safety issue for the animals at the playground. I think having the playground in your community is a really wonderful thing to have in your city.

  2. Plume Says:

    Actually I stopped taking one of the two diabetes meds I was taking. Because my blood sugar levels kept dropping too low. It’s been a long time since I was at the doctor’s. I know I should get going soon.
    Very sad about the birds. I miss the chirping. And the whistling. Sometimes they’d whistle and the goats would start bleating because they thought it was humans inside.

  3. Debster Says:

    Yes, you definitely need to get to a doctor and check out your medication dosage. You’ll need to let the doctor know just how much you’re going to be exercising (a lot or a little) as that will make a difference in your medication.

    Please, please don’t put off going to the doctor any longer. None of us, goatzies included, want you to get sick.

  4. Plume Says:

    yeah I’ll try to get going soon! No worries. I’ll be fine!

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