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Adventure Time With Goats

It’s been a fun week at the playground. It started with a Monday morning goat circus. I guess the goats have some pent up energy to spend after being inside for most of the weekend. Herman was putting the moves on Mio and Kamel and they responded by running away. And soon everyone was running in circles and butting heads. Fun fun fun. I also helped them to get a little taste of the leaves hanging from the tree in the pen. With all the green growing everywhere, I noticed them looking up at the leaves longingly. So I pulled down some branches for them. Now, smashcut to Tuesday when I was leaning over the wooden staircase, doing some repair work. The goats obviously remembered how delicious the leaves were the day before because it didn’t take 30 seconds before I had Palle and Mia competing to jump up on my back to reach the leaves. I spent a lot of time with that. Managed to stand up straight with Palle on my shoulders too. Got pushed over a couple of times when Mia and Mio tried to jump up against me. Just a ton of fun on a bun.

Later on the goats were let out of the pen. For the first time this year I got to see them run off to the greens and enjoy themselves there. I love when they’re just allowed to roam around and do what they want. And all that fresh vegetation to dive into. We let them out on Thursday too. Even the rain couldn’t spoil the good times. A really good goat week.

I also had my foot therapy. I had to cancel it originally back when I cracked my rib. But it was time for the big yearly status check. And there were good news. I have regained some feeling in my feet. Especially the left one. So that’s an improvement. I guess it must be because of the diabetes reversal? Otherwise I don’t know why it would happen. But that’s nice. Something getting better instead of worse.

In crime news, there’s been a shooting where I live. No one was hurt. But it was weird seeing the name of the road I live on in the news. It must have been in one of the blocks up the road, because I didn’t hear anything or see cops or anything like that. But I read it in the local news. Apparently it’s rival youths? It sounded like it was a somewhat random shoothing. At the windows of a ground floor apartment. I live on the ground floor. So that’s a little scary. If it was random then they could as easily have shot at my building. It was late at night, though. So I would have been in bed if they’d shot at my windows. But yeah, that’s kinda crazy. There was a similar incident recently up by the playground. Bodil told me about that because she lives up there. And now it was my turn to tell her about the shooting where I live. She was shocked and appalled. What a world.

I don’t want to think about that, though. Let’s have goat photos instead.

This is the kind of photo I’d normally discard because it just looks like a mistake. But on a closer look I find it quite funny.

Kamel enjoying the hay.

Palle showing off for Mia.

Another funny Herman.

Into the greens!

Almost looks like I’m dancing with Mia.

So nice to see them out of the pen.

Kamel seems to enjoy Palle’s posing.

Palle on my back. Reaching for the sky. Or the leaves at least.

Haha. I’m a step ladder.

Kamel wondering if it’s worth going out in the rain.

Longing for the leaves.

The flora is no longer safe.

Mio keeping a lookout as the others try to steal hay from the rabbits.

The Palleman.

And videos. First a video of all the fun I had with Mia and Palle jumping on my back to reach the leaves. Good times.

And goatlogs. First from Monday. With the circus act.

And Tuesday and Thursday with two goat adventure trips out of the pen.

And that’s all for this week, folks. See you in the next one.

4 Responses to “Adventure Time With Goats”

  1. Debster Says:

    Hermann seems to be quite “bucky” right now. I see he was chasing the girls and doing his flehmen lip curl.

    Snickers our donkey does that lip curl thing, too. They are smelling pheromones thru a special organ in the roof of their mouth. Sheep, goats, horses, and deer seem to do it during mating season.

    It’s cool again here. Seems like we have the furnace on once again while a few days ago we had the windows open and a fan on.

    At least I can report no snow in May! Although it might get down to freezing overnight before the weekend.

    We have a wren who has made a nest in the front yard. He had been singing so pretty, we bought him a new house to make a nest.

    Of course, he ignored it and made a nest elsewhere. Oh well, if Mrs. Wren comes along, she may not like his nest at all and will make a new one of her own.

    Sorry to hear about the gang shootings. So senseless and someone who has nothing at all to do with it seems to get hurt. Hope you continue to be safe and away from danger.

  2. Plume Says:

    Yeah, he’s getting buckier indeed. Getting along better with Mio now though. Maybe he knows if he’s already gotten her pregnant and that makes her less interesting? I don’t know. He’s been chasing Kamel around a bit lately. Not sure if he’ll have any luck there though!
    That lip thing always makes me laugh. Looks so silly.
    I hope the snow season is over. I think you’ve had your share this season!
    Not even sure what a wren is. We have a new parakeet at the playground. And I think they got some companions for him. Been a long time since there was bird singing in the cage next to the goats.

  3. Debster Says:

    Budgies! You’ll have to record some video and audio of the parakeets chirping and singing. I miss my parakeet Chicory. He was always so happy and chirpy and he talked really, really fast.

    Mr. Wren hadn’t been around for awhile and I thought he might have left. But this morning I heard, then saw him. Mrs. Wren was there at the nest, too. They must have been on their honeymoon and finally decided to come here to raise their family.

    She was flying in and out of the nest and adding some sticks while he was singing loudly. Hope they do decide to stay around even if they aren’t using the brand new house we bought for them.

  4. Plume Says:

    I’ll try to get some video for you! I do enjoy hearing the singing. Bodil is trying to teach it to whistle some tunes! Hope thw Wrens stick around. That should be the name of a sitcom. The Wrens. Okay, I’ll work on it!

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