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The Bridal Funeral Marching Band

You know that thing when you have to have someone do work in your apartment and they say “we’ll be there Monday or Tuesday between all day and all day”? And then they don’t come. Bloody carpenters. Wasted time waiting. Oh well. I am the snowflake. I am the snowflake.

I still managed to get good goat times with the gang. Including sitting on a bench in a goat pen in a rainstorm. Don’t we all do that? I’m pretty sure I can’t be the only one. One by one the goats decided that they had had enough and ran for cover. Until it was just me. Sitting alone on a bench in a rainstorm in a goat pen. As you do.

There was also a funeral at the playground. A baby bunny, I believe. It was a light mood, though. A line of 5-6 kids came walking past the goat pen. What threw me off was that they were humming the bridal march. Haha. And they were making up lyrics on the spot. “Før var du blød. Nu er du død”. You used to be soft, now you’re dead. A girl came up with that and cracked them all up. And then they proceeded to go out to the hills and bury the bunny. Rest in peace. I wouldn’t mind having a funeral like that when the time comes.

Other than that, not much going on. I’m not really in the mood to write, I just want to go to bed and hopefully catch some rain and thunder to play me to sleep.

My dad is well back from Norway, by the way. Seems there has been no trouble, so that’s really good. It was all a false alarm, I hope. Or the alarm prevented anything from happening. Fingers crossed it will stay that way.

Let’s get to some photos. Starting off with an edited version of one of my pics. My Facebook friend Susan put the text on it, and I quite like it. The goat life did choose me indeed. The photo went a little viral. Not as much as the video of Mia on my back. That one ended up around 440,000 views. This photo has some 5,000 plus maybe double that from a goat page that shared it. A few hundred reshares too. It’s not like it matters that much, but it is fun seeing Mia’s stuff being shared by people I don’t even know. Goat fame!

The good goat life.

Another goat siesta.

Here’s Herman, and his torn ear. Looks pretty dramatic. But he seems to be doing just fine.

Oh, that Kamel look.

Gotta love her.

The sweet here Mia.


Feeding time?

Back in the sun.

Excuse me.. pardon me.. .coming through..

Mia and Palle relaxing.


The Palle has eyes.

When you sit on a bench in a rainstorm…

I’m not coming back out until it stops raining!

Just me, being stupid on Facebook.

And a goatlog. With Nina and a girl getting branches for the goats. Nina had to help because that one branch was even bigger than the girl! And the next day, Nina pruning the tree in the pen, with the goats helping. And other fun things, including the rainstorm.

And that’s all for this week, carpenters. See you in the next one. Maybe…

5 Responses to “The Bridal Funeral Marching Band”

  1. Debster Says:

    “Lie on the bridge and watch the water flowing past. Or run, or wade through the swamp in your red boots. Or roll yourself up and listen to the rain falling on the roof. It’s very easy to enjoy yourself.”

    I’ll bet you know where this quote comes from!

  2. Debster Says:

    Did a mysterious package arrive at your place yet? Inquiring goat minds want to know!

  3. Plume Says:

    I got the package! Thank you so much! It’s a rather handsome shirt, and now I can always find my way to you if I decide to come visit! Almost as good as a trail of raisins for a goat! Plus, much easier to handle than a package of mice!
    The moomins would approve!

  4. Debster Says:

    I thought you’d get the moomin quotes! I found something like “50 Moomin Quotes” to live your life by and immediately thought of you!

    I’m glad you liked the shirt. I hope that was the right size for you. I just saw it one day and thought: “Now who do I know that might like an Iowa shirt?”

    Plume – the Danish goat boy, that’s who!

    My husband cut some tall horse weed (which I think might be ragweed – achoo!) for the goats and donkey to nibble on. They think they’re in heaven with that horse weed and can’t get enough of it. Billy and John Boy will try to pull it through the fence to eat if they can reach it.

    They can munch on all the ragweed they want. Me and a lot of other people are allergic to ragweed and would love to have goats eat all they can find.

  5. Plume Says:

    Moomin philosophy is something I can subscribe to! The shirt was just the right size, I prefer them a little big even though I have slimmed down. Just feels more comfortable to me. Perfect. thank you!

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