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Wanted Goats

First a public service announcement. Please keep your eyes peeled for these two bandits!

Oh, the fun we have.

Other than that it’s been a pretty quiet week. The weather has been mostly grey with a fair bit of rain. But when the sun is out it’s still really nice for mid October. Might have to start wearing a sweater for the colder days soon, though.

I’ve had my fun with the goats too. One day I let the twins out of the pen and spent some time with them outside. Watching them run around and jump and climb things. Good fun. It’s been school vacation this week so there have been a good number of kids visiting. Lots of chances for me to act as goat ambassador and help them spend time with the goat kids and such. Per came by too. He must have seen Mia’s video with the business cards because he asked if he could get one. Everyone seems quite impressed with them. As well they should be!

Bruce and Clark have gotten really good at climbing on my back too. I never get tired of that. And our visitors usually enjoy it too. The big goat show.

Sorry, no writing mood in am I. Let’s go go goat photos.

Love those folded ears on Kamel.

Lovely Mia.

Little goat in the big world.

A funnypic. And a very accurate depiction of how Mia looks when she hears people inside. Staring up at the window grating.

Mio and Bruce on the bench.

Okay, we’ve done our homework mom, can we go out to play now?

Clark trying to get up on the bench. It doesn’t look like Mia thinks it’s a good idea.

Mia ready to take Herman’s place if he gets up.

Guess who?! The folded ear should be a clue.

Mia silhouetta.


Mio’s half ear.

Bruce and Clark.

Hi Clark.

October fog.

I like when goats stand on things.

Palle’s airplane ears.


Mia and Palle.

And Sille the horse. I think I heard that she’s 18 years old. So she’s been at the playground almost twice as long as me. Some of my earliest playground photos are from walking by out on the street and seeing her through the trees.

And goatlogs. First with the goat boys playing out of the pen. Also a look at how Mia pops her head up and looks out if she hears me in the pen before I’ve let them out in the morning.

And another one, with Herman trying his luck with the ladies. And more goat kid fun etceterah.

And that’s all for this week, folks. See you in the next one.

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