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Brief And Not To The Point

Another week gone. It’s been quite lovely weather. Some sunny days. Especially Saturday was rather remarkable. Upwards of 20C some places. Probably not here. But sunny and warm nonetheless. Today has been cold and rainy. But hopefully more sun is coming. It really makes a ton of difference.

Nothing better than just sitting lazily in the goat pen with my goat buddies in the sunshine. That’s what I’ve been waiting for. I even had to drop my jacket a couple of times. Now I just need to exercise to get my T-shirt body back. Next week will be crunch time. I will do my best.

The goats doing well. Peanut and Popcorn are a treat. Playing around with them is good for the soul. And all the rest.

Nothing else to say, really. Let’s go to the photos.

And a couple of sunfull goatlogs,

And that’s all for this week, folks. See you in the next one.

3 Responses to “Brief And Not To The Point”

  1. Debster Says:

    I’m not sure who enjoys this time together more – the goats or you! Palle wants to be up on your back like the little goats. You can tell he remembers that time in his life. Instead he stands up for a big hug.

    Palle shakes hands very nicely now. Please may I have a treat if I shake your hand? He certainly likes to be King when anyone else is on top of the little house.

    I watched a show last night called “Unlikely Animal Friends”. Two of the shows had goats in them. One of the goats, Pismo lived in California and liked to surf the ocean waves with his human friend. He sure was balanced on that surfboard. He was a good-sized goat, too.

    Our boys do not like water, except to drink. Which is just as well, as ocean waves are not readily available in the midwest!

  2. Debster Says:

    There are a number of youtube videos about Pismo the surfing goat and Goatee the surfing goat. Those goats like a wide variety ofthings to do!

  3. Plume Says:

    I know Pismo and Goatee, yes! I’m not sure our goats would enjoy surfing. Or skateboarding. Or doing anything other than lounging in the sun! OR maybe that’s just me… But it sure is nice now the sun is back. And they can always surf on my back. Some of them..

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