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Restaurant Win

Oh, the summery times are gone. I guess you can’t expect anything else, what with it being October now. How did that happen? But sunlese exercise, and cold nights. The darkness creeps in. Maybe I’ll go sleep for 8 months. Hibernation always seemed like a great concept to me. I’d be down with that.

In the meantime, here are some copypasted Facebook posts just to keep the blog rolling.

Good goat times today. Another beautiful day, warmer than you could reasonably expect for such a late September day. T-shirt weather for a bit. I swung by the old playground today, on my way to the goats. To see if there was anything new. There wasn’t really. The fence around the burn lot was gone. But they haven’t started building anything. Still a bit of a hole in the ground where the old building was. Oh well. It takes times to get the financing and plans sorted.
Lovely time in the sun with the goats. A bit of running about, a bit of quietly relaxing. It’s quite amusing when I sit down and I get two big goats trying to step over one another to get as close to me as possible. Often Mia will be there first, because she’s the fastest. She’ll put her hoof on my leg to get some rubsies. Then Mio comes waddling in. The Mio train is slow, but powerful. She just pretty much walks into Mia, pushing her out of the way so she can stand right up to me. And I mean right up. Her face is practically touching mine. And then Mia will run around her to get back to being close to me, just on the other side. Cutiepies. Had some quality time with A38 while the big gals were in the dark fairy forest scavenging fallen leaves. Mulle came over to say hi a few times too. And I had a little chat with Ophelial, about the weather and the goats and things.
Shut up.
There was another girl too, not sure what her name is. But she took Mulle out for a walk outside the pen. And when she walked by me she said “I hear you’re the owner of the goats!”. Haha. Not exactly their owner, I said. Just their good friend.

Good news for me. I’m getting 390 dollars back on my utility bill. I pay a fixed amount every month for heat/electricity/water. Then once a year they measure up to see if I’ve paid for more or less than I’ve used. Last year I got 330 dolluhs back. I thought my usage had increased dramatically this year so I was thinking “well, as long as I don’t use MORE than 330 more than last year then I’ll still break even”. So it was a pleasant surprise to see that I’m actually getting more money this year. PIZZA’S FOR EVERYONE!
And by everyone I mean me. And by for me I mean I already ated it.

Good goat times today. The weather, not so much. I guess this was the first real unsummerly day I’ve had at the new place. Made it almost until October, not bad. We got quite a bit of rain today. Luckily it’s still not too cold, which makes it more bearable. In fact, a good rainy day is nothing to be sad about. I sat under a little half-roof in the pasture with Mia and Mio and listened to the rain. Very nice in fact. That little shelter is one of A38’s favourite places to sit herself down. But with the big gals there she had to seek back to the stables to get some shelter. And then when I went to check on her, Mia and Mio followed and took over the indoors there, sending A38 out in the rain again. There were some slightly heartbreaking moments when she was standing in the doorway, looking in. You could tell she wanted to go inside, but that she was just a little too scared of the big goatie girls. But at least there are two good shelter places (plus the dark forest, I guess) so there will always be a place for all of them. I think maybe if I wasn’t there A38 might even have been able to go inside with Mia and Mio. But when I’m there they get more territorial and they don’t want to share the treats and attention.
But yeah, a pretty nice rainy autumn day. Not bad. I prefer the sunny summer days, but this has its charm. Lots of sweetness, huddled up close with the rain falling around us.

Back from dinner with the family .We went to a local restaurant. I think it was Chinese. Something like that. To be honest I wasn’t really looking forward to it much. I don’t particularly like going out. And i’m very picky. I’m vegetarian so I can’t have meat. I can’t have anything that even reminds me of onion or garlic. Don’t really like spicy stuff. Yeah, I was kinda figuring I’d probably be going home hungry. But no, I was pleasantly surprised. The food was really good. They had a nice buffet. I got french fries. Because you know, I had to sample the rich, asian cuisine! Also fried rice and noodles with vegetables and some delish potato things that seemed fried on the outside? I’m not sure, but they were good. And some special bread. Probably the best meal I’ve had in a long, long time. So good I just wanted to keep eating even when I was full. Wasn’t too bad being out either. Not bad, not bad.

And now to the picturesques.

And videos

And that’s all for this week, see you in the next one.

2 Responses to “Restaurant Win”

  1. Debster Says:

    Lasse! You went out to eat Chinese food??? And you liked it and had a good time? Wow! You’ve really been making some progress. Are you sure this is the same Lasse I’ve been reading his blog all these years?

    I’m so happy you are able to do more things and talk to people, too. Way to go! You may have been uncomfortable at first, but you did find out there was something you could eat at the buffet.

    Now we all know what your motivation for change is . . . food!

  2. Plume Says:

    HAha, well don’t expect me to go out to restaurants every week! But it was nice. Baby steps. And good food!

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