Council of Elderberries
It is what it is.
What if I am allergic to the air
14/11 2016
Today will be a good day. We battle on.
14/11 2016
Good goat times today. Dreary weather, though. Dark and cold. Frozen ground and a slight, almost icy rain at times. The goaties were fairly subdued when I got there. Treats and cuddles got them to perk up, though. Normally I’m greeted by Mia, but today Mio was the welcoming siren. Mia was standing in the half-shed, for cover I guess, and couldn’t see me. But Mio was standing outside it and started bleating when she saw me. Quite a difference from Mia’s bleats. Mia is loud and hysterical. Mio has that kind of broken bleater like Clark had. Not nearly as loud. And just one croak at a time.
Mio almost also had a close encounter with Mulle. Anne was taking the horses to the other pen, and Mulle was being her usualy dramatic self. Running around and whinnying. Mio almost got trapped in close proximity with her. She was very aware though, Mio. She doesn’t like the horses, and I could tell by the way she was watching Mulle. She was just waiting for an opening to slip around the fence and get away.
Now I want to go back to the shower and take a nap in a warm waterfall. I can deduct my water bill, right? It’s part of my job as a scruffy looking goat herder.
14/11 2016
Here are some more fall colours before it all turns brown. Today I bought elderberry soup in the supermarket. It’s the only kind of soup I like storebought. Doesn’t compare to yer mama’s classic of course. But I can eat it with melboller and it’s warm and liquid so it’s the next best thing.
Forgot to mention that one of the horses was wearing something today, like a blanket almost. Maybe it was a horse coat. I didn’t get a good enough look. But it’s cold, for sure.
14/11 2016
“Sometimes an owl is just an owl”
– The Secret History of Twin Peaks
14/11 2016
Look, just because you’ve never seen me and the Supermoon together in a room at the same time doesn’t mean you should jump to any conclusions.
14/11 2016
Speaking of the moon. Well. Singing of the moon, I guess.
14/11 2016
Heading to bed. Don’t forget, the sun will rise tomorrow. It always does, even when you can’t see it. Long after we’re gone the sun will keep rising. Because clearly it doesn’t know the definition of insanity.
15/11 2016
Today will be a good day. I don’t see the sun, but I know it’s gonna rise.
15/11 2016
Good goat times today. Another dark day, with a little rain. More than yesterday. But the temperatures were up a little bit, which helped a lot. Didn’t need handwarmers today, even left my gloves off in periods. I’d take a light drizzle over the freezing cold, really. Not sure the goats agree. As Anne remarked while taking the horses to the other pen, the frost at least makes the mud easier to navigate.
Other than that, nothing new. I may be starting to flip flop on the Mio issue. Maybe she isn’t pregnant.
But then maybe she is.
Note to self: Fact check this later.
15/11 2016
Elderberry soup. It’s what’s for dinner.
It’s really good, I just miss vegetables. It doesn’t feel as full a meal. But it’s hot and has melboller, so it’s something.
15/11 2016
Meme idea. Text: Hands across America. Picture: A bunch of people flipping
the bird.
Which is a phrase I know.
15/11 2016
Bonus fact: Elderberry soup is “hyldebærsuppe” in Danish. Bær means berry, of course. And suppe = soup.
Hylde? Means either shelf or worship. I … don’t really know how hyldeberries got their name. Someone put a jar of them on a shelf? Or they were so good that people just had to worship them… by eating them. I don’t know. Shelfberry soup or worshipberry soup.
The more you oh no.
Actually now that I think about it, it’s not really worship. It’s more like.. praise. So praiseberry soup. Praise those berries. Praise them.
15/11 2016
Do not be alarmed. A38 is taking over your screen.
15/11 2016
Elf on a shelf = nisse på en hylde.
You guys practice that and I’ll go to bed. I’ll expect to wake up to a wall full of videos of you guys saying it. The winner gets a coffe mug with the inscription “This is a fictional coffe mug, there is no coffe mug, you’re not getting a coffe mug, please don’t expect there to actually be a coffe mug, I’m kinda regretting even mentioning the coffe mug now”.
Thank you for your patronage. It tasted great with a dash of vinegar and parslry. That wasn’t a typo, it’s my genetically engineered combination of parsley and celery.
15/11 2016
Today will be a good day. Happy hump day, guys.
16/11 2016
16/11 2016
If I have multiple personalities, does that mean I can cook up another pot of elderberry soup? I already had one serving, but really my Mr Hyde side is starving and I’m worried he’ll do something crazy if I don’t feed him.
16/11 2016
I lost the number for the Emergency Chocolate Cake Hotline. Why don’t we have an emergency number for when you lose the Chocolate Cake Emergency hotline number?!
17/11 2016
Today will be a good day. Accept nothing less.
17/11 2016
Good goat times today. The day started out light, but cold. Later it got darker and we got some rain. Typical Danish weather. Managed to sink my entire foot into a mudhole. Now I know why Mia always tries to jump that part. Spent time in the dark forest, watching the goats try to find goat leaves. There aren’t many worth eating left, even on the ground. Later I sat with them under the half-shed as it started to rain. Lazy like a goat, no rush to do anythiing but eat treats and cuddle.
17/11 2016
Looking for treasure. Maybe I could teach them to find expensive truffles. I have a feeling I wouldn’t be able to teach them not to eat the expensive truffles, though.
17/11 2016
Oh now I know what happened to the world. We don’t use VHS tapes anymroe so kids don’t see the “be kind rewind” message. We need to come up with a new Be Kind. Message. How about… Be Kind, You #¤&#& %/%%¤%¤. Catchy.
17/11 2016
Good idea, A38. Stick close to Mulle. Mia and Mio won’t give you any problems.
17/11 2016
Jakob Stegelmann liked one of my tweets. I know you guys don’t know. But that’s megasupercool.
Also, I miss the days when simple 30 second computer animation seemed like magic.
17/11 2016
Be Kind, Kiss A Blind
17/11 2016
I’m so tired, I just feel like going to bed.
So I’m gonna. Goodnight.
17/11 2016
Today will be a good day. Find it and kind it.
18/11 2016
Don’t mind if I do
18/11 2016
Just had an issue with Amazon where they accidentally delivered the same item to me twice, and I wrote to them asking what I should do. And I received back basically a five page letter going on about what a valued costumer I am, how sorry they are for the inconvenience, how much they appreciate me and how I’d make a great young Han Solo in a Star Wars spinoff. And that I should keep both items at no extra cost.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was as nice as amazon costumer service?
18/11 2016
I note with interest that South Park doesn’t know how to pronounce Leverpostej. Pretty good on the frikadeller, though.
18/11 2016
Please stop calling me “A mysterious foam blob”.
19/11 2016
It’s 1:50 am and I’m listening to this. Don’t ask me why,.
I’m not crazy about the singer, but I dig the music. No idea who they are. I’m subscribed to several youtube channels that post live music and it’s quite interesting. Most of it is stuff I X out of after listening for a minute, but then every now and then you stumble across something cool. Broadening the horizons and all.
19/11 2016
Sometimes when I blow my nose a little air escapes out my eye socket and I don’t know if that happens to everyone or it just happens to me because my blind eye has shrunk also it’s very late and I’ve been trying to say something about peeling my skin off but it doesn’t make sense and
I don’t know how to finish that
19/11 2016
That’s so weird, I thought Justin Hartley was Jensen Ackles.
19/11 2016
Today will be a good day, and I am completely sane. Ever the optimist.
19/11 2016
I notice you no longer have A38 dominating your screen. Allow me to rectify that.
19/11 2016
Finished The Secret History of Twin Peaks. Going to write a couple of spoilery observations plus a little half-spoilery speculation about the new series.
[j-cut]spoiler space[/lj-cut]
Okay, I forget how to do lj-cuts. Anyway spoilerspace.
I really enjoyed it. It was written as if it was non-fiction. An FBI dossier. Written by one of the characters in the original series. You only find out who at the very end. Covering the history of Twin Peaks from Lewis & Clark to native Americans and the cold war and past the timeline of the original show, closing off some lose ends along the way. Very interesting. I was surprised at how much it revolved around aliens. But it made me think of back in the olden days, when I first got the interwebs and started Yahooing things (because we didn’t have Google back then, get off my lawn, kids). And I read about their plans for season 3 if they hadn’t been cancelled. And it was going to be about aliens and stuff. And I remember being fascinated and puzzled and slightly amused because how was Twin Peaks going to turn into an alien show? I’m guessing the ideas from back then are what makes it into this book. And it must be part of what they’ll do in the new show since they’re putting this book out in advance. I guess i’m finally going to find out how they’ll turn Twin Peaks into a show about aliens. Though I’m not completely in love with the idea. I loved all the spooky stuff, the supernatural and spiritual stuff. Having all the spirits and owls and stuff be aliens is not really where I’d wanted that to go. But then speculation in the book is that they’re not just extraterrestrial, they’re also extradimensional. And that they’ve been here long before humans came around. Are the lodges portals back to their own dimension? And where can I get some of that stuff Dr Jacoby was on?
Anyway. Should be interesting.
I’m on popcultural streak of reading .From the Mr Robot book to the Twin Peaks book and now i’m going to start Catalyst which is the prequel novel to the new Star Wars movie. Good thing I’m not a nerd.
19/11 2016
Should be an interesting week coming up. According to my calculations next Sunday is end of the deadline. Plus minus a couple of days. Then we should know for sure if there will be babies. I must admit right now my guess is that there won’t be any. As big as she is. I might have to put her on a diet. Famous last words.
19/11 2016
goatlog and goodnight
19/11 2016
Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, guys.
20/11 2016
Stop hitting yourself, humanity. Stop hitting yourself, humanity.
20/11 2016
Reading the big Reddit thread about the Twin Peaks book and apparently this guy is me:
“The section where the smell of motor oil was mentioned around Glastonbury Grove sent chills down my spine and I had to turn the lights up. Something about Twin Peaks scares the crap out of me. Perhaps because I was so young when I watched it (12)? For a while I even hung a photo of BOB in my apartment to try to desensitize myself to him, but still when rewatching the show his face just freaks me out. I’m getting chills just typing this. lol.”
Except I never put up a photo of BoB and I never will because I’m not crazy, as previously established.
Even just reading online about Twin Peaks kinda gives me the willies. So I’d recommend Pence never do that. Boo.
20/11 2016
My painting of velociraptors playing poker is proving less popular on ebay.
20/11 2016
End of Facebook. Begin pictures.
And that’s all for this week.
November 21st, 2016 at 0:17
Never heard of elderberry soup before. I’ve had elderberry wine and it is good. Is it sweet and fruity tasting?
We have had some cooler weather lately, but not as cold as yours. It’s been windy the last several days and was a relief to have a sunny still day today.
We set up the heated water bucket for the goatzies and donkey. They sure enjoy their buckets of warm water, too.
I set up the de-icer in the bird bath yesterday. There were small flocks of goldfinches around the bird sauna this morning enjoying a nice drink of water.
I miss the hummingbirds, but I do enjoy watching all my winter birds that come up to the bird feeders.
November 27th, 2016 at 23:41
Well, I eat my elderberry soup with added salt. Which always horrified my parents. I guess it’s supposed to be sweet, but I like it salty. With flourball dumplings. Mmm mm. We had a little bit of warmer weather this week, but it’s back down to cold and colder now. Winter is a couple of days away. Maybe I should get myself a heat water bucket to stick my feet in.