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Rogue Wonderful

I really like People of Earth. The TV show, not so much the actual people of actual Earth. I mean, some of you are alright. Don’t let it go to your heads.
12/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Flow with the go.
12/12 2016

Good goat times today. Though A38 got me a little worried. Her colours are so dark and her demeanor so quiet and polite that I literally can’t see if she’s there when they’re in their stalls and the lighting is bad. I have no problem knowing if Mia and Mio are there because as soon as they even hear me outside they start bleating and Mia starts climbing the walls. But A38 just waits to see whatever will happen. I had to open the door to her stall and step inside before I could see that she was in fact sitting in the corner. She didn’t get up until I went inside and gave her breakfast. I like to hand feed her to make sure she’s eating (when Peanut went to keep her company it was because she was depressed and not eating). With Mia and Mio I just fling the buckets at them and dive out of the way and hope to survive. It’s incredible how different their personalities are. I think A38 is even calmer than Kamel. And that’s saying something.
I got to say hello to the barn kitty today. Usually when I’m first there in the morning she is meowing and darts out the door the first chance she gets. But today it seemed like she wanted to hit snooze on the alarm clock. She was curled up and seemed all sleepy. Until I let the goats out. She was sleeping on blanket on a shelf next to Mia and Mio’s door. When I let Mio out she went over to investigate the cat. For a second I almost thought she was going to charge the cat. Maybe it was my stern tone of reprimande that stopped her. Or maybe she recognised this cat wasn’t trouble since it must be sleeping there next to them every night. Who knows.
With the exits blocked by mud and horses I took them the long way around the stables and pen. Let the big girls graze for a while outside. I don’t know if there’s any real nourishment in the grass this time of year, but it’s something to do. Later we were all back in the pen, and then Ophelia came and let the horses out. Mia and Mio quickly getting out of the way when Mulle got close. They know not to mess with her.
12/12 2016

Here is our tired barn kitty. ‘Just five meow minutes, please’.

12/12 2016

I was just googling Chris Farley and I accidentally put in “Chris Fatley”. I feel so bad. Also I miss Chris Farley.
12/12 2016

Two bad pizzas in a row. I hope their regular baker is on vacation and will be back soon. Otherise I guess I’ll have to look for a new pizza place. Uuuuunbreeeeak my heeeaaaaaart
12/12 2016

The girls out grazing, what little there is to graze.

12/12 2016

Oh get off your high horse.
.. and get on this fancy unicorn that I created out of children’s laugther and gummy bears *twirls*
12/12 2016

We don’t need no water

12/12 2016

Me at the beginning of 2016: Thumbs up emoji.
Me at the end of 2016: All the other emojis arguing unintelligibly amongst themselves.
12/12 2016


12/12 2016

Turning off for today. Please everyone report to your stasis chambers. I’ll unfreeze you tomorrow so we can resume where we left off.
13/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Follow your nose and the rest will follow.
13/12 2016

Good goat times today. Fairly quiet day today. The goats were already out when I got there. Spent sweet time with them. Mia was wise to the banana I had in my pocket. Every time I tried sneaking over to A38 to give it to her, Mia came running over to intercept. It’s a game of cat and mouse. Or goat and banana. Hard to sneak food past a goat. The horses were all wearing fancy rain coats. Ophelia told me the other day that the coats were only to keep them dry, not for warmth. Now I’m going to grab me some elderberry soup, which is for keeping me warm.
13/12 2016

Horses in coats

13/12 2016

I always forget that John Cena isn’t Michael Cera.
13/12 2016

My therapist just gave me some great advice. “Stop coming in here, I’m not your therapist. This is my living room, I’m going to call the cops”.
Really puts things into perspective.
13/12 2016

Me at the beginning of 2016: Scott from Lost.
Me at the end of 2016: Scott with every major bone in his body broken.
13/12 2016

Just got some more great advice from my therapist: “If you keep calling this number I WILL report you to the police.SAY SOMETHING. WHO IS THIS??!?! *click*”.
13/12 2016


13/12 2016

I just got more excellent advice from my therapist: “Stop writing fake updates on Facebook about your therapist, insert coin player one”.
13/12 2016

Goodnight, Faceboxers. I am off to dreamwalk. Where the bombs don’t fall and the monsters can’t really hurt you. Wishing for actual safe places for those in need.

13/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day, guys.

14/12 2016

On the plus side: I had a wonderful dreamwalk, including my family taking a trip to a big hotel in New York.
On the meh side: I had a power outage. It only lasted 10 minutes, but still that’s 10 minutes of “OHMAGERD WHAT IF I CAN USE MY COMPUTER EVER AGAIN”.
On the minus side: The left arrow key on my keyboard has fallen off and I can’t get it properly attached. And because I’m visually impaired I can’t just buy any old cheap keyboard. So I’m probably going to have to buy an expensive replacement. Or get used to the left arrow key being really annoying. Why won’t that thing just click back on, I spent 30 minutes trying to get it to hook in, sigh.
On the soup side: I’m going to get myself some elderberry soup.
14/12 2016

Along the way.

14/12 2016


14/12 2016

I think I fixed my keyboard. I had to take the NumLock key and put it in the Left Arrow key slot. It looks stupid, but it seems to work. So that’ll save me a pretty penny.
This has been your 2:30 am keyboard update. I’ll be back at 3 am to let you know if there are any new developments.
15/12 2016

So what do cruel kids in school call someone with Geordi La Forge type Visors in the future, instead of Four Eyes? One Eye?
15/12 2016

Today will be a good day. As the world falls down.
15/12 2016

Good goat times today. Growlingly cold, though. A thick, heavy fog and frost everywhere. Like walking through a Dickensian christmas tale. And three layers wasn’t enough today. Add to that I come home to an apartment without heat and hot water for most of the day. Well isn’t that special. At least I warmed up a little with some goat cuddles and a nice little chat with Ophelia. And horses in coats, loudly chewing hay.
Just gotta make it to spring.
15/12 2016

Into the fog.

15/12 2016

You there, boy, what day is it?

15/12 2016

Brb, gonna go look for the Blair Witch.

15/12 2016

Is it socially acceptable to go to the mall and get a picture of santa holding your pizza on his knee?
15/12 2016

Off to dreamwalk into the fog of night. First a hot shower and then ritual burial under the wellness quilt.
15/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Hope you’re all well. And thank you to Cindy Porter for a lovely christmas card! Good way to start the day!
17/12 2016

Open to everything happy and sad, seeing the good when it’s all going bad, seeing the sun when I can’t really see, hoping the sun will at least look at me.
Focus on everything better today, all that I needed but never could say. Hold on to people, they’re slipping away. Hold on to this while it’s slipping away.
Hold on to people, they’re slipping away. Hold on to people, they’re slipping away.
.via Moby.
I hope the sun is at least looking at me up above.

16/12 2016

Answered my phone and heard a little girl voice saying “Daddy? Daddy can I go play with Rigmor?”.
Creepy, huh? Well, not really. It was a cute, little voice and I could hear children in the background, like a kindergarten or something similar. And I’ve had a call like that before. I’d figure either it’s kids making crank calls, or just a wrong number. Guess it was the last one. After I hung up, she called again. She was again asking for her dad and it was like she couldn’t hear my replies properly. She kept going “Dad?” and I kept going “No.” because I didn’t know what else to do since she couldn’t seem to hear me when I tried telling her she had the wrong number. After a couple of Nos she asked “Who is it then” and I said who I was and she said “Hold on, I think I have the wrong number” and hung up. Guess it could still be a prank, but it just sounded like she had the wrong number and couldn’t hear me, maybe because of all the other kids being loud in the background.
The good news is, I’m not going on Maury Povich. I’m pretty sure I am not the father.
16/12 2016

That thing when you wish you could fix the world but you can’t even fix yourself.
16/12 2016

Meanwhile, goatlog

16/12 2016

The twist is, Lasse was a real human all along.
16/12 2016

updated his profile picture.
The fashion king strutting his stuff. And that’s my annual selfie without goats out of the way.

16/12 2016

Remind me to make a slomo video of A38’s flapping tongue at some point. Too cute.
17/12 2016

As is customary, this is my nonsensical 3:28 am post, before I give in and take a nap.
*throws a smoke bomb and runs offstage*
17/12 2016

Today will be a good day, the rest will follow.
17/12 2016

Since Christmas is coming closer, I think today instead of writing new status updates I’ll just do a clip show with portions of some of my old, classic christmas posts. On a very special Facebox.
17/12 2016

Oh no, my time travel spell misfired. I’m back in 2016.
17/12 2016


17/12 2016

I’m tired and headachey so I’m going to bed at 8:30pm. If you kids are still on my lawn when I get off then I’m turning on the sprinklers. Don’t make me turn this flying car back to the 1950s. Bzzt.
17/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, guys.

18/12 2016

Facebook just asked me if I agreed that Facebook cares about its users. Mwahaha. Reminds me of that time my meth dealer asked me if I agreed that my meth dealer cared about me. Except Facebook wasn’t hitting me over the head with a monkey wrench.
18/12 2016

I’m busy convincing myself I’m going to be ill.
My dad was over earlier and he kinda collapsed in my apartment (he’s home now and doing okay). I am sure that he infected me (queue Walking Dead theme). Or that I was already sick last night when that headache and tiredness was growing. Or that my extraordinary mental powers are going to will me into being sick. Just because you’re a hypochondriac doesn’t mean the infection isn’t after you.
I kinda feel like I’m getting sick now, but I don’t know if it’s real or just the power of suggestion.
1 Like = 1 aspirin.
18/12 2016

Soup and snl. Sad! I mean.. good!
18/12 2016

On the road again

18/12 2016

Welcome to the fashion.

18/12 2016

Now watching: Rogue One. Let’s do this.
18/12 2016

(Don’t Go Back To) Alderaan.
18/12 2016

Ermagerd sterwers. Sorry, have to wipe off all the drool. I loved Rogue One! So much. It was everytihng I wanted it to be. Now, this is a preliminary assesment, because I watched a bad cam copy. Coupled with my eyesight, I am sure I missed a ton of stuff visually. I can’t wait for the DVD to come out so I can watch it again. Everything just seemed to fit perfectly. Fun and sad and spectacular. And so Star Wars. Ever since I saw the cover of my first Star Wars comic, I always loved the idea of stories set in that univers. Not the main saga, not the Skywalkers, not the Sith and Jedi. Just stories set on that background. I’d still like them to go further. Tell stories that aren’t connected to the main battle against the Empire. They ought to round up all the greatest sci-fi writerse of our time and get them to write episodes for a live action TV show set in the universe. Having all the recognisable things that we love, but just using it as a backdrop to geat, unique stories. Maybe some day.
Anyway. All the thumbs up for Rogue One. I’m sure there are nits that could be picked, and judging from the forums I read the Star Wars fandom can be one of the most divided I’ve seen. But I was thoroughly satisfied and entertained. And I really want a spinoff with K2SO and Mr Bones from the Aftermath novels. My two favourite SW bots (Sorry Lynne Howard, I know you’re partial to R2).
I’m really glad I read the prequel novel first too. It was nice having such a deep understanding of the Ersos and Krennic going in. Added a lot to especially the opening of the movie.
Anyway, now I can listen to all the podcasts, read the forums, the wiki, the novelisation. I’m still a happy, little boy when I get my Star Wars on. Escapism, it’s never been more needed.
I can’t believe they revealed that Jyn Erso was a time travelling force ghost twin of Rey’s, though. Crazy. Hashtag fake news.
Forest Whitaker, though. Am I right? He should be in everything.
18/12 2016

That’s all for the Facebook. Go go goat photos.

That’s all for this week, see you in the next one.

4 Responses to “Rogue Wonderful”

  1. Debster Says:

    Well, what do you know? I look just like tired barn kitty kat in the morning’s too! Maybe she needs her oolong tea for breakfast. That helps me wake up.

    It has been very cold here and we have some snow on the ground. Then it is supposed to warm up and rain on Christmas day. I never know how to dress for such wide temperature extremes.

    Our goatzies have been basking in the sunshine and drinking down buckets of warm water. Why drink from your heated water bucket when your humans will deliver warm water right to you! Silly goats.

  2. Debster Says:

    Well it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Are you celebrating at your parent’s house on Christmas eve like usual?

    We are having a Christmas eve brunch at my sister’s house. Waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, grapes, oranges, apples, and strawberries are on the menu. Then we will open presents and have angel food cake, with strawberries, amd whipped cream for dessert afterward.

    What are your having to eat for Christmas? Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. Debster Says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my dear danish goat boy! Looking forward to reading more great blogs and seeing wonderful pictures of all my Denmark goatzies and other animal friends.

  4. Plume Says:

    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, to you and Sam and the gang! Yes, I spent it with the family as is traditional. No visitors this year, but just the regular quiet time with mother’s good, old cooking. Just like I like it. Roast and ris-a-la-mande. My dad got the almond, but the kids got the prize anyway. All as it should be. I’ve been a bit sick all week though, so i’m not fully functional. But I’ll get there.

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