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Today will be a good day. Here’s Mads, Magnethe and Mathilde from 2005. Have a magic Monday, everyone.

28/5 2018

Good goat times today. The morning was a little cooler than we’ve been used to lately. It rained a little overnight. Some scattered drops during the day too, but very little. Thankfully more and more sunshine and alltogether I’d count it as another lovely summery day. Grazing with the goaties and then relaxing in the pen. Nothing too interesting happened today. A kindergarterner at the fence shouted to me “WHAT’S THE NAME OF THE ONE THAT’S EATING?!”. They were all four grazing. You gotta be more specific, kiddo!
Got some kinda bad news when I got home. I’ll write about that later. Don’t worry, everyone’s fine. It’s only going to affect one of my Facebook friends. Sigh.
28/5 2018

I don’t know what you two are up to, but you’re definitely up to something.

28/5 2018

Totes comfy, why do you ask?

28/5 2018

Okay, well the bad news I got today is that I’ll be having work done in my apartment on Wednesday. And that’s bad because A) I’m pretty sure it will be done by humans, who will need to come into my place and be around me. And 2) Wednesday is the day that Cindy Porter is supposed to visit the goats. She’s on a cruise, I gather. Just posted some nice pictures from Norway. What are the odds, they’ll be working in my apartment pretty much the exact hours she was supposed to be here. I know it sounds like a terrible excuse from a person who doesn’t want to see other humans. But I swear it’s true. What makes it even greater is that they’ll be cutting off my electricity for 8 hours. They’re coming between noon and 5.30 pm. But they’re cutting my power at 8 am. WELL THANKS A LOT. I guess I’ll have to listen to audiobooks, because my mp3 player is the only battery driven device I have. Anyway. Cindy just told me that she might not be able to make it anyway, since it’s a tight schedule. So maybe it wasn’t meant to be. I still feel bad about it, though. I hope maybe she’ll be able to go see the goats, even though it won’t be the same as seeing them with uncle blind tour guide. As tough as it is meeting people, it’s nice to meet fans of the goats. Certainly more fun than sitting in my apartment without power waiting for humans who aren’t fans of the goats to show up.
Oh well. So it goes.
28/5 2018

“Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!”
I’m not American. I can only hope some day there will be a Danish leader able to express such a deep respect and selfless love of those who have fallen in service of our tiny country. Cool!
28/5 2018

Goat cleanse
28/5 2018

Aw, look at that. Mia sitting with her little ‘ersatz’ babies around her. Grandma watching from the shadows. She likes to go all the way in and sit in the farthest corner. She is a quite cautious, old lady. Maybe she feels safer in there. Or maybe it’s cooler. Or the hay there is more comfortable. I do love the little ones sitting around Mia. I din’t get it on video, but today all three of them were eating from an apple at the same time (after I’d taken a few bites for myself first). The little ones were eating from the apple along with Mia, and she wasn’t making any moves to push them away. It was like three equals sharing a meal. Grandma is not that tolerant yet. She’s queen and she knows it, she does not want to share her food with little interlopers. But then Mia gets that treatment once in a while. Grandma’s still got a growl.
And now I’m super tired. I have no brain and I must dream.

28/5 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Yogi day.

29/5 2018

It’s blisteringly hot. It’s the kind of day where you just have to accept that Global Warming is real and you can’t wait for night when Global Cooling will be real, because you understand science.
29/5 2018

The Shining goats

29/5 2018

No wonder America lost all those children. Estimated death toll in Puerto Rico: 64. Actual death toll: 4645. The American government obviously isn’t very good at keeping track of people.
And hey, the Puerto Ricans were actual American citizens, right? So they actually mattered. Oh well. Next time bring them more paper towels I guess? Now let’s get back to golfing and cheese burgers.
29/5 2018

I just spent 30 seconds debating with myself wether ‘duckface’ was too offensive a word for Mia’s page. I decided it was. Ah, pg13 world problems.
29/5 2018

Someone must have dropped something good on the ground here, because both the goats and the feathery fowls were very interested in that spot. Which lead to some tense moments. I have had several of you comment about roosters being potential fierce or dangerous, I have never seen anything like that from any of our birds. This guy almost looked like he wanted to take on Mio for a second. He was kinda tripping around a bit with a sort of “I can take her, I can take her” approach. And then as giant grandma huffed at him he sort of tripped away with a “nope, maybe some other time” look.
It’s funny how the goats are sometimes spooked by the sounds of the chickens, especially if they’re out of sight. But face to face when going for the food, grandma is not scared one bit.

29/5 2018

I am here for any version of Africa, unironically and proudly. I will not be judged, not by you, not by and army of Terminators.

30/5 2018

Today will be a good day. I hope. T minus 30 minutes until my power gets cut. I should be back 8 hours later, assuming nothing goes wrong. But what could possiblie go wrong?
Happy hump day, everyone.

30/5 2018

I know I’ve only been gone 8 hours, and sometimes I literally sleep twice that, but…

30/5 2018

All done. As always worrying and waiting is the worst part. It’s never as bad as I fear, but tell that to my stupid brain.
I got some work done on the Simplify Plan. I’m finally ready to throw out one of my two desks. Dad is coming over tonight to help me get it out.
Also did some napping, some listening to Stephen King, some showering in the dark, and some more napping.
Outside, the sun. All the sun.
30/5 2018

That thing when you’ve been offline and you check the news and it says Kim Kardashian is going to visit the White House to discuss prison reform.
*wirecutters inching towards internet cable*
Today’s episode of Is It The Onion Or Not? is brought to you by poopity scoop, when the shit’s so thick you could stir it with a stick.
30/5 2018

It’s been the hottest month of May in Denmark since 1889. It’s also been the least amount of time I’ve worn pants during May since that one year when I got really into wearing kilts.
30/5 2018

I’m done for the day. Mentally quite wiped out. Time to go dream it away. See you on the otherside.
30/5 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

31/5 2018

Good goat times today. Last day of May, and it was another hot one. But quite windy too, which made it feel nice and comfortable. As I was taking the goats out, a 4th grade came piling in. Sheesh, human kids are loud! Lots of noise. Some of the kids were a little scared of the goats. Some of the kids were fascinated with the pooping habits of the goats. Poopity scoop. A couple of girls were stroking Mia’s back and singing to her. That was really sweet. I’m not sure if they were making up the song or if it’s something they got somewhere. It was a song about goats. And Mia stood politely and let then adore.
Had some fun with the (goat) kids too. I held out some raisins and got Milo and Sky to run towards me. Then do a raisin dance to get the raisins and then I’d run a few steps forward and the little ones took the cue and gallopped away. They are really fast when they get going! Little bottle rockets. I did that a couple of times. They’re su cute.
31/5 2018

The girls singing to Mia. Almost looks like they were giving her a backrub while singing to her.

31/5 2018

Silly goofs. I was sitting on the rocks, watching the goats outside. Then Mio walks up to the fence and starts staring at me. Mia notices and walks over next to her and they both stare at me. Meanwhile, 5 steps to the left the gate is wide open. They could just walk into the pen if they wanted something. Instead they just stood there and stared at me like the fact that I was inside the pen and they were outside the pen was a conundrum that stopped them dead in a track like if you’d asked a robot “what is love?”. I couldn’t help laughing at them.

31/5 2018

Smile, you’re on goated camera.

31/5 2018

Today will be a good day. Here are the Ping Pong twins from 2016.

1/6 2018

Hi, June. You have a lot to live up to. May was pretty hot. Now it’s actually summer, don’t let me down.
1/6 2018

If you can’t tell the difference between A Racist Joke and Not A Racist Joke then… well, I hope you’re not telling jokes in public.
1/6 2018

Do you ever feel like you’re trying to stop an avalanche with just the outstretched palm of your hand?
1/6 2018

I don’t know if you can tell by the Facebooksized photo, but I can see myself holding up the camera reflected in Sky’s eye. Neato.

1/6 2018

got a light?

1/6 2018

A Game Of Scrabble On the Orient Express?! Wow, they’re really watering down the franchise.
1/6 2018

Milo is a lovely boy. Can’t believe that beard on him. When I see him running around with that thing it makes me think of some teenager growing his first beard, wanting to appear to be a grownup. But you’re still a leetel boy, Milo!

1/6 2018

I had an interesting dream the other night. Kind of different from my usual dreams.
There was a spacecraft coming towards Earth. It was a small one. A single-man craft. Inside was a pregnant man. Now this wasn’t played for laughs. It wasn’t an Arnold Schwarzenegger kind of deal. He landed his spacecraft in Algeria, of all places. No one knew where he was from. If he was some kind of astronaut who had gotten lost and was returning. Or if he was a messenger. Sent from? Somewhere, someone. He spoke Arabic, and he had sort of an Arabian look. He was bearded. And had a big, pregnant belly with stretch marks. When they opened up the craft they asked him where he was from. And he leaned his head against the man who asked and said.. something like.. “don’t worry about your lesser gods”. Or.. bigger gods? I think it was something about gods. But I can’t remember for sure. And then he said a string of two letter words. I can’t remember those either. Like Fe Ne Ba Ma Vu. Or whatever. Like a pass phrase. Or the name of some alien. Or, I don’t know. Elemnts from the periodic table? I have no idea.
He died shortly after arriving on Earth. I do believe his child survived, but I never found out if it was a boy or a girl or something else. I never found out if he was human, if he was sent from aliens or god or gods or something else. Or if he had a message. Just that he brought us his child.
It was a pretty solemn and serious dream. It felt like it was an important, historical event that would bring humanity together and alter the future of our race. Nevermind if that happened in reality it would probably start a few wars and commercial exploitation.
Fascinating dream, though. Maybe you had to be there.
2/6 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Bruce and Clark from 2014.

2/6 2018


2/6 2018

I heard chirping in the goat house…
link: bird feeding video
2/6 2018

Just finished watching Solo. I enjoyed it. It was good fun. No one could ever live up to Harrison, but I still liked seeing Chewie and Han and Lando. If they don’t do more Lando content then they’re nuts, nuts I tell you. I want a Lando netflix series. Or something. I also have great love for Woody Harrelson. There were only two things I really disliked. How he got his name. That seemed a little dumb and unnecessary to me. And the surprise cameo at the end. I don’t think that fits so well into established canon, and felt a bit too gimmicky. Maybe the last game of Sabacc was a little rushed too, that event could have been held for a sequel movie. I think the Solo guy, whose name I will never be able to spell, is signed up for 3 movies? So hopefully there will be more Han/Chewie/Lando adventures. Now that we’ve covered the expected bases of Things That Need To Be In a Young Han Solo Movie, we can go on to fresh and fun adventures.
I watched a bad cam copy so I need to wait for it to come out on DVD before passing superfinal judgment. But good fun. That’s what I came away with. I enjoyed Rogue One too. Star Wars is one of the prime fictional escapegrounds of my life, I like seeing non-saga stories from that universe. I wouldn’t mind if they went further away from the saga. Tell stories that are set in the reocgnisable universe, but not dealing with the big characters or important things like the death star plans. Yup. But I guess Boba Fett and Kenobi are the next ones. I wonder what Rian’s trilogy will be about.
Anyway. That’s today’s Star Wars report. And now a word from our sponsors. Poopity Scoop, because the real world is full of shit.
2/6 2018

And for those of you who don’t like Star Wars, there’s goats.

2/6 2018

Out to space
2/6 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, guys.

3/6 2018

You know it’s a good exercise when the random playlist hits both Paranoid Android and The Aeroplane Flies High. While the sun baketh outside. Phew.
3/6 2018

The President “cannot have obstructed justice because he is America’s top law enforcement officer”
Well alright then. Welcome to the banana republic, please hand over all your passwords and enjoy your stay.

3/6 2018

Table for two please. With food for 6, thanks.

3/6 2018

You have to be careful when petting they dangerous grandma goat…

3/6 2018

Han Singleplayer.

3/6 2018


I don’t know how much grease was needed to get those two to fit in that space, but it was probably a lot.

3/6 2018

Beauty and the human

3/6 2018


End of Facebook. Go go goat photos.

That’s all for this week.

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