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Angels & Demons

Today will be a good day. Here’s a little wintery scene from 2014 with Herman to keep you cool.

9/7 2018

Good goat times today. Warm and sunny. But with a strong wind that made it feel cooler. Good grazing with the goats. I opened the gate to the horse pasture, since it’s empty now. Let the goaties run around there for a while. Barely any grass, but there was a good deal of dry, fallen leaves from the trees. They enjoyed those. And I’m pretty sure it was the first time the little ones have been out in the dark, enchanted forest in the back. Just as I was trying to get everyone out of the horse pastuer again, a group of kids arrived and suddenly there was much running around and glee. And of course questions about whether Mio is pregnant, and no really is she pregnant, and where are the horses. I get that question a lot when the horses are on vacation. Eventually the humans moved on and I got the goats out on greener pastures. And now here we are.
9/7 2018

Lovely day for it.

9/7 2018

Rough morning, though. Demon voice saying “nothing matters, not even the goats. Just go back to bed and sleep for a couple of days”. Had to drag myself out. Glad I did, of course. But feels like I’m in a funk. Futility is irresistible. Running out the clock, tick tock. Time to dream soon.
9/7 2018

Think goats

9/7 2018

Signing off for today. I’m going to need a long dreamwalk. May the goats be with you.

9/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Yogi Day, everyone.

109/7 2018

Wow, I am in awe of my brain. Well, the part that does the dream stuff. The rest maybe not so much. But I had another string of amazing dreams. Several false wakeups. When you wake up in the dream and you don’t realise you’re dreaming because everything is so real. So very real. I had fun and adventure, sweet animals, naked boobies, libraries, ghosts, old friends, a dystopian kind of place that I wish I had stayed in longer because it seemed really interesting. Travel. I ran in a rain forest, got out into open fields, into marshlands and then I was running on a frozen ocean, it was like I was running across the whole globe, and then up a hill and I rain into the air and I thought I was going to fly into space. But then gravity grabbed me and pulled me down hard and slammed me into the ground and I woke up, only to later realise I was still dreaming. I had soft half-dreams shifting in and out of waking and dreams and I had 100% solid dreams that were completely real to the senses. Like a holodeck.
It’s all started to fade now. My favourite part is when waking up and everything is still right there in your head, so vivid and real and you can almost rewind the dreams and stumble on things that had already slipped. “Oh that happened? Wow”. And then if you have the time to just stay in bed and wait to fall asleep again and it all blurs into one and you’re awake in the dreams and you’re sleeping in reality and it all blends into one and you feel like you’ve ascended to a higher state of being. Or something. Haha. It’s like a high. No wonder I’m addicted to it. It’s just fascinating how the dreams are more real than my reality. If I want to know if I have really woken up or I’m still dreaming I just have to look around. If all I see is gray and drab and blindness and fuzzy details I can’t make out. Then I’m awake. If everything is beautiful and I can see colours and details, then I’m dreaming.
How can my brain do this, but it can’t let me say hello to a fellow human without being scared to death?!
10/7 2018

Currently reading David Lynch’s Room To Dream. I tell you what, I could listen to David Lynch talk about his childhood all day and all night and then some more. Even trivial stuff sounds fascinating coming out of his mouth. Definitely one of the instances where I don’t feel bad for having to be stuck with audiobooks. Really good so far. Apart from the dog story. The dog story was the saddest thing since the Futurama episode, you know the one.
10/7 2018

Decades later, Radiohead still does it for me

11/7 2018


11/7 2018

Okay, but I just want to know if it’s medically advisable to put the jitterbug into your brain? It sounds kinda dicy, are you sure it’s safe?
11/7 2018

Keep ’em close

11/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day, everyone.

11/7 2018

This video got a pretty good response. I couldn’t help laughing at the end (and I still can’t, every time I watch it) when things get a little poopity scoopy. That look on Mia’s face. Well, when stuff goes in, stuff has to go out.
link: tomato and poop video
11/7 2018

Cherry tomato faces from maestro Milo.

11/7 2018

Dance like nobody is watching, because everyone unfollowed you over the constant goat posts.
11/7 2018

All I ever wanted, all I ever needed.

11/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Mads from 2005.

12/7 2018

Good goat times today. A Hot day. Hottest in a long while. But I like it Hoth. Took the goats out and we went into the space between the goat pen fence and the greens. Haven’t really been there before, so lots of fresh green stuff to pick at. We even went outside on the paved path for a little while. I don’t like taking them too far there, because people walk their dogs there a lot. But early in the morning there isn’t too much traffic. I was sitting watching the goats graze and a woman walked by on the path. She smiled at us and said “That’s true freedom!”. Amen to that. Maybe they oughta put the humans in the fences and let the goats stay out in the free.
Then the little pygmies had to be jerks and get all cute and run around and have fun. I got a good workout running after them in the blazing sun trying to film. Sky kept jumping up on the picnic table and skidding back and forth and then I’d pretend-run-away and she’d jump down and sprint ahead and then Milo would come sprinting after and they’d do those sideways leaps like they’re spinning up for EXTRA MAXIMUM SPEED. I don’t know where they get all that energy. Must be something in the leaves.
Then a big group of kids came by and they had much fun petting the goats and feeding them and asking lots of questions, including of course the pregnancy one. And what are their names and why do they have beards and can you ride them like horses and do they get any bigger and why won’t they eat these leaves and why are they butting heads and are they for sale since they’re tagged and on and on. I don’t know where human kids get the energy either, maybe they’d been eating the leaves too.
Great fun and beautiful day, though.
And then a zombie walk home in the heat. Straight to the fridge to sample every single bottle of cold liquid in there. Phew.
12/7 2018

Why did the goat cross the road?
Because the grass was greener on the other side, obviously.
Hold for laughter.
Hold for applause.
Take a bow.
Post on Facebook.

12/7 2018

I know it might look like I’m slacking off, but I took this picture in between being really busy doing hard work and doing super active stuff, I swear.

12/7 2018

I saw Twin Peaks trending on twitter and I thought OMGSEASON4 and then it turns out that it’s just because TP was snubbed by the Emmies. Pfft. Whatevs. You can stuff your Emmy where the sun don’t shine. The Black Lodge.
Still witing for the 27 minute sweeping scene special edition. Twin Peaks 4 ever.
12/7 2018

Hey kids, gimme that green.

12/7 2018

Still can’t believe I was kicked out of Foo Fighters for being too sexy.
Wait, what year is this?
12/7 2018

Hey, kids. We’re still hungry. Pro Tip: We’re always hungry.

12/7 2018

Shutting down reality for today. Hope you weren’t planning on using it. Maybe you should consider signing up for the Extended Corporate Version of reality, featuring flexible user hours and an inflated sense of self importance. Use the promo code SOYLENTCORPORATIONSAREPEOPLE for a special discount and a personalized thank you note from [insert name here].
I’m going to go dreamwalk. Hope it’ll be a good show.
And hope everyone out there is doing well, or as well as can be done.
12/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Have a Fuzzy Friday. Here’s the Fuzzprankster from 2016.

12/7 2018


12/7 2018

The world dipped its toe in dark quicksand and now it’s slowly being pulled down like a dinosaur in a tar pit
12/7 2018

No squealing, remember that it’s all in your head.
13/7 2018

Clash of the titans

13/7 2018

It’s 3:16 am do you know where your marbles are?
14/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Mathilde from 2005.

14/7 2018

Well, I got a new job as the ‘After’ model in a series of Don’t Try This At Home PSAs. Wish me luck.
14/7 2018

I wonder if they’re planning a coup against grandma?

14/7 2018

If it’s true that you only reap what you sow, then when are my gosh darned pizzas going to start coming up?
Also those magic beans I cashed my life savings to buy.
14/7 2018

Seed some good, let it grow
14/7 2018

Tuning out and walking from my machine. Into bed, for a long dreamwalk. Out of reality. I haven’t talked much about politics lately. I think it’s because I no longer have hope for the world. Used to be when I said that what I actually meant was that I had no hope for myself. Now I mean it literally. I mean, the world will keep going. As it does. But I don’t have hope for it to be good. Still, i’m glad I have my little bubble to hide in. And I hope you good people out in the real world will keep fighting the good fight and win against all odds and ride off into the sunset with the hopefuly music playing. You guys who are stuck in the real world will have to keep going too to keep up.
Anyway. The salmon of doubt assures me that everything will be fine upstream.
Maybe I should filter this post through the Make Sense Matrix… Nah, I’m sure it’s good.
14/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

15/7 2018

I’m going to go exercise. NO DONT TRY TO STOP ME. Don’t… anyone..?
15/7 2018

One from the exercise mix. And one of my alltime favourite songs. Where do we go from here the words are coming out all weird where are you now when i need you alone on an aeroplane falling asleep against the window paine my blood’ll thicken i need to wash myself again to hide all the dirt and pain cause i’d be scared that there’s nothing underneath who are my real friends have they all got the bends am i really sinking this low mmmmmmmmm
i wish it was the 60s i wish we could be happy i wish i wish i wish that something would happen aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa where do we go from here the planet is a gun boat in a sea of fear and where are you they brought in the cia the tanks and the whole marines to blow me away TO BLOW ME SKYYYYYYYYYYY HIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH

15/7 2018


15/7 2018

If imperfection is beauty then the world sure is a hauntingly beautiful place.
15/7 2018

MC Einar laying down those phat bleats. I mean.. squawks.

15/7 2018

“Teehee, we’ll beat you up if you don’t give us treats”.
You don’t know the constant fear I live in.

15/7 2018

If it’s hots I sits

15/7 2018

I forget which one is me

15/7 2018


That’s all for this week.

2 Responses to “Angels & Demons”

  1. Debster Says:

    I think you are the one on the left! Or maybe the one in the middle – oh, you goats all look alike!

    What a beautiful picture of Mads. He was such a sweetie, I miss him.

    Kip and Buckeye are growing up fast. I need to get some more pictures of them. They are so much fun and are really starting to like scratches.

  2. Plume Says:

    Kip and Buckeye, they sound like a cool detective duo from a comic book! I’m glad they’re starting to enjoy scratchies. i know human enjoy giving them out!

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