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High Summer High

That thing when you donate to a fundraiser and it gives an error so you press the button again and then immediately think “wait, maybe I shouldn’t have don…” and checking your inbox you see that yes, you donated twice.
But I mean, it’s for charity. So. It’s… cool.16/7 2018

I would say that Who Is America couldn’t possibly be real, but then I’d also say that a President accused of colluding with Russia would never meet privately with Putin in Helsinki while the DOJ are indicting russians left and right, plus also all the other stuff going on. Like all of it. All of it. I’m pretty sure 2018 is just Sacha Baron Cohen in disguise. We got Punk’d. You’re on candid camera. Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
16/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Magnethe from 2005.

16/7 2018

Good goat times today. Another scorcher. So hot. Good for grazing and lazing with goats. Well, lazing at least. Most of the grass is yellow and dying now. I haven’t been following the news closely but I think there’s a drought in Denmark and we aren’t allowed to water the lawns. Luckily there’s plenty of good greens on the trees and bushes. Took some work to get the goats out of the pen, though. Someone, probably Anne, had thrown some branches into the pen and they were all busy with that when I got there. It’s funny, you’d think the chance to get out and eat fresh stuff off the trees would excite them, but no. They’d rather keep eating what they had. I guess I can relate. I mean, I could go out and buy a pizza. But I’d rather stay home and have it delivered. So. Anyway, they forgave me for kicking them out of the pen once they got to the good greens and everyone was happy. Plenty of visitors, big and small too. Loud little ones. And another few rounds of the No Really Is She Pregnant game. So far no one has won it.
16/7 2018

Lovely day for it

16/7 2018

Just resting my eyes

16/7 2018

It’s so hot. That’s it. It’s Thong Time. This is your four minute warning, turn off the surveillance cameras.
16/7 2018

Wait, how far is Helsinki from Århus? Do I need to put up the garlics and holy water? It is almost in our house now. It is happening again. Send out the Fellowship Of The Owl Cave Ring. The Tulpas are convening. The Gatekeeper and the Keymaster are aligned. The Eye Of Sauron is upon us. The North is in great peril. My mithril blade is glowing. My spider sense is tingling. We are likely to be eaten by a grue. No fandom has enough metaphor to repel the Gamorrean Toddler-King.

Putin removes face mask and is Sacha Baron Cohen, Trump turns and faces camera with a bewildered look. Fade to black. LOST logo whooshes by.
16/7 2018

May the love of goats keep us safe

16/7 2018

Make The Island Great Again
link: We’re the good guys video
16/7 2018

political steam, no reason to read. You already know if you agree or not.

Historical times aren’t they. I think the seperating children thing will be a blight on America’s history. I mean, even if you think it’s a proper measure to take to fight illegal immigration.. you’d have to be some kind of monster to think it’s ok to seperate the children and then apparently not keeping records properly or whatever happened to prevent them being reunited? How does that even happen? You take kids away from their parents without making sure you can match them back together again? I don’t even know how that can happen. Imagine if an American citizen on vacation in Mexico or Canada or wherever commited a misdemeanor, or even was just falsely accused of one, and they had their kids taken away and then when it got cleared up and they go to get their kids they were told “Yeah, sorry. We don’t know where your kids are. Go home, we’ll mail them to you if they turn up”. It would be a war. And a President signing an executive order to stop it but then nothing really getting fixed. And a whole cottage industry of child internment camp, whatever you want to call them. How can anyone think that’s a good idea? That’s like for-profit prisons. That shit is not going to go anywhere good, for anyone else than the people making the money. It’s crazy.
And then this Helsinki meeting. And everything. EVERYTHING *flails arms*. I don’t know how it’s all going to turn out. But we’re living the future kids’ history books. Trump thinks the EU is a foe? . Praising Putin for being KGB.
And scotus. Anyone still think there’s no difference between trump and hillary? Tell that to everyone who’s going to get trampled by the supreme mech justices.
And so on and so forth. You get the picture.
Been a while since I let off some real steam. It’s just all crazy.
16/7 2018

Okay, I’m shutting down the machines for today. I’m sorry if I offended anyone with the political post. Or to phrase it more accurately, I’m not sorry if I offended anyone with the political post. When I clearly label something. With spoiler warning so you have to click it to read it. And I warn that it’s me letting off steam about politics. Then it’s your own fault. If you don’t agree with my political views then just skip those posts and scroll to the goat post. There is always another goat post nearby. I’m just a bloody, stinking, liberal, socialist, snowflake foreigner. And who cares if we all laugh and belittle America now? You got Russia and North Korea on your side. So you know you’re on the right side of history. Someday the lamestream fake news media (and everyone who isn’t in the thralls of a dictatorship) will wake up and see the truth. And then you’ll be laughing. All the way to the bank, which is all that will be left once the environment is destroyed.
Seriously, don’t take it seriously. Arguing politics on the internet is like a Trump family reunion. Everyone is a loser.
(feel free to unfriend me. Honestly, disregarding the politics.. if you think Donald Trump is not a bad person then either unfriend me or learn to skip my political posts because shit ain’t gonna change. You’re not going to melt my snowflake).

16/7 2018

Today will be a good day. All goats all the time, that’s for sure. Happy Yogi Day, everyone.

17/7 2018

Oh by the way, for those of you (all 2) who remember the time I was almost sued for running a Smashing Pumpkins live MP3 site.. the guy who ran the anti piracy group was recently sentenced for fraud along with his lawyer firm partners. They were skimming the top and putting money in their own pockets instead of giving it back to the artists they were representing.
Now of course, he’s a rich old white man. Even though this is Denmark, you still a free card if you’re a rich old white man. I think his jail time was waived due to.. his age. Or something. But I’m not going to lie. Finding out that him and his law firm were a bunch of crooks was a little bit satisfying.
You’re welcome… Traci and Katt?
17/7 2018

Gotta stay hydrated in this heat. We need a swimming pool.

17/7 2018


17/7 2018

Remind me to look at this picture when it’s November and everything is cold

17/7 2018

I’m sorry, I meant to say I WOULDN’T have sex with all the strippers after I did the cocaine.
17/7 2018

I can’t really fit them both in my lap anymore. Not for more than 30 seconds. So this is a “quick, take a photo before they get free” picture.

17/7 2018

True love waits. Do är drömmarna jag drömmer ibland.

17/7 2018

American Horror Story: Now. This. This Here That’s Actually Happening.
Bit long for a subtitle, but still. Gotta be better than American Horror Story: Roanoke.
17/7 2018

It’s all about the green

17/7 2018

Please enjoy this brief synopsis of my lecture on why the Commore 64 was and is the best computer of all time, thank you.

17/7 2018

Here is a deleted scene from the outtake reel for all the premium subscribers. I wanted to shoot some footage of me sitting with grandma. The moment I sat down Mia stepped on my hand. And apparently my groans of pains distrurbed grandma so she got up and walked away.
What I like about goats is that they are great at taking directions when working with superb directors such as myself.
link: Mia step on hand video
18/7 2018

Man. Robin Williams. You know?
18/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day, everyone.

18/7 2018

Meh. I got the thought of doing a “speak now or forever hold your peace” thing, but couldn’t find something that worked so made this 5 minute thing instead. To amuse myself and offend people.
Btw, it’s not meant to be homophobic. It’s meant to imply that Trump is in bed with Russia. Allegedly. For satirical purposes. Blessed be the union.
#GayWeddingcakes #NicerBoats

18/7 2018

I should probably stick to goats

18/7 2018

I think I may be getting a contact high from all the crazy on the internet.
18/7 2018


18/7 2018

I am officially tendering my resignation as a person being awake on this Wednesday. I feel like I have taken this position to its ultimate conclusion and it\s time to let someone else to take over for me.
I look forward to returning to a much saner world tomorrow. Make it so, make it so, make it so.
18/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Pong from 2016.

19/7 2018

Good goat times today. A warm day, but not quite as scorching as the ones we’ve had lately. Clouds and wind helped make it feel comfortable. I didn’t feel too comfortable anyway, though. Felt off this morning. Dizzy and out of it. My eyes even more sensitive to the light. That usually happens when I haven’t had enough sleep. So maybe that’s it. I’ve had some dizzy spells when standing up the last few days, though. I don’t know. I actually managed to cross the road at a red light today. Whoops. I don’t know why it didn’t register to me that it was red. I almost wanted to head back home, but I dragged myself all the way to the goats, knowing I’d be feeling better there. They calm and center me. And I can sit in the shade and watch them go at the greens. I did have to get up and run around a little with the pygmies. Because, well you gotta. I love seeing them speed off in the distance. They are so fast when they get going.
To complete the day I also managed to get pooped on. Surprisingly not by the little ones. I was sitting down, leaning over to let the little ones jump on my back. And then grandma decided to butt in. Well, she didn’t want to jump on my back. Thank the heavens above. But she did wedge herself in between me and the boards I was sitting against. And then suddenly I felt it on my arm.
Ewww. Haha. I prefer when I have to go awww, not ewww. Haha. Well goat berries aren’t the worst thing. I’m glad it wasn’t a horse or a cow that did it. But still not something I want to feel on my arm. Oh lord. So if you feel like the world is shitting on you, well I goat you beat this time.
19/7 2018

Just five more minutes, grandma. You kinda owe me. Poopity scoop.

19/7 2018

It is time for the ceremonial application of the iced creams, hallowed be their frosting.
19/7 2018

Milo and Sky were quite interested in the baby bunnies in this here cage. Maybe they want some petpets. Is neopets still a thing?

19/7 2018

It’s time for the ceremonial applicated of the Lasse to the bed
19/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

20/7 2018

Sometimes I feel like I’m an alien on a reconnaissance mission, but I forgot the key to the folder containing all the documents describing the civilizaton I am supposed to fit in with. I don’t know how to be a human and my brain is scared of the locals.
Also I slept a long time (with excellent dreams) but I still feel tired and I get dizzy when rising too fast. I may be coming down with some kind of human disease. I knew I should have boiled the iced creams before eating them. This planet is too close to the sun and apparently their only good pizza place is closed for vacation, something that was outlawed on my home planet many moons ago due to detrimental effects it had on the society
and so on. Please take everything I write with a grain of salt as my head seems to intent on escaping from my neck and everything is a little high
20/7 2018

These Special Edition changes have gone too far, Lucas.

20/7 2018


20/7 2018

Time to break out an emergency milkshake. Where’s my hammer?
20/7 2018

Hiding behind my goat today

20/7 2018

dreams dont fear the sleepr
20/7 2018

Gave myself a sad, looking at old videos to make fbf clips. Dear, old Bob. What happened to him was one of the worst things in my years of goating. I feel like I have a part of my heart that’s walled off and there’s a giant padlock on the metal door. The goats bring me so much joy, but sometimes tremendous pain too. I lock the pain in there because I can’t face it. Not the healthiest way of dealing with things. But when I peek inside I break down a little. I wish I could take some of the sand from my hourglass and put it in theirs.

20/7 2018

The sad memories are so strong that they can overpower everything if you let them. It’s like having a boxing match with a giant octopus.
Luckily new, happy memories are constantly being added to the internal hard drive of stored moments.

21/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Magnethe from 2006. Bob’s mother.

21/7 2018

What if the sun is just a complicated machine designed to dry everyone’s hats after it has rained? Did you ever think about that?
21/7 2018

Let it blossom let it grow. Let it go let it go let it go.

21/7 2018

Yoda-goat is tired

21/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, everyone.

22/7 2018

Time to go exercise. I’ve been slipping back into unhealthy living the last 3 weeks to am onth. I constantly go back and forth from zero motivation and only wanting to eat everything to … well the same thing but forcing myself to exercise and eat better instead of doing what I want.
And hey, my favourite pizza place opens again tomorrow. So.. I just need to drop about 20 pounds today, and then I can have pizza. Good plan.
22/7 2018

I don’t live a very balanced life, as the tightrope walker said to the tigers below.
22/7 2018


22/7 2018

Thank you very much to Pamela Smotherman for this lovely card! The photo turned out poorly, but it’s a lovely card witih some lovely words inside. Thank you !

22/7 2018

A meeting of the minds, somewhere other than our bodies
22/7 2018

all eyez on goatz

22/7 2018


4 Responses to “High Summer High”

  1. Hello! Says:

    I remember when you used to post smashing pumpkins live banter!
    You also posted a lot about how you are feeling. Now it looks like the blog is primarily about the playground. I miss learning more about what you are feeling and what’s going on in your life, not just what’s going on at the playground.

  2. Plume Says:

    Yeah, think are kind of different these days. I don’t blog anymore. This is just an archive of my Facebook posts. That’s just kinda how it’s gone. If you aren’t interested in goats, then I’m not a very interesting person these days.

  3. That sucks! Says:

    How come you stopped blogging? I am sorry to hear that!

  4. Plume Says:

    Well, that’s just how things went. Life went in another direction, I had less to write about. Started spending more time at the playground instead of sitting around with dark feelings. Good for me, but less interesting to read about.

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