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The Heat Waves

Today will be a good day. Here’s Bruce and Clark, and Mio, from 2014.

23/7 2018

Good goat times today. A cool and cloudy morning as I walked out. But the clouds soon disappeared and the day turned into another hot and sunny one. The goats were already out when I got to the playground. I realised that as I was walking along the fence of the horse pasture. I suddenly heard grandma Mio’s croaks from across the pasture. She spotted me coming. So I walked around the fence and around the building and got to the goat pen on the other side. By then Mia was up on the bench, practically trying to jump into the horse pasture, bleating after me. It’s nice to feel welcome.
And then I let them out and enjoyed the sun and green leaves. “It almost hard to believe we’re in Denmark” Finbarr said. This summer sure has been different from the last one. Almost constant sunshine. I approve.
After the bellies were filled with green we retired back to the goat pen for sweet relaxation. A grandmother with 4 grandchildren came by. I was sitting in the goat house with the goats, so I knew I had to get up and go over to the visitors. When people come to the fence they’d like to see the goats up close. But the goats will usually stick with me. So over to the fence I went, and the goats followed and everyone had a good time. I chatted a little with the grandmother as the kids fed the goats with fresh leaves. Guess the bellies weren’t completely full after all. Then the humans left to go see the baby bunnies. They came back a little later, and this time I didn’t need to be a pied piper of goats. Mia saw them coming and RAN over to the fence. Once they have identified you as carriers of food you are suddenly very good company in their book. More greens for the goats, and more fun for the kids.
Later on Anne was nice enough to come warn me. “I know you have some social anxiety so I just thought i’d let you know that there’s a huge group of school children coming by later”. Nice of her to let me know. It’s nice that there are people who understand me and my oddities. Anne has been pretty open with me about the fact she has some autism issues. On the spectrum? Maybe, I’m not sure exactly how to say it. But she has her own things, and we all have our things and being understood makes it all easier.
I made my escape before we were invaded by school kids. I was also pretty tired in the sunshine. Still feeling a little bit off, although I think it’s getting better. Oh and I got to say hi to Ophelia as she was arriving just before I left. It’s been a long time since I saw her last, so it was nice to get a quick hello. It’s nice being part of the place like that. Finbarr usually comes out and says hi too, he doesn’t deal much with the animals so he asks how they’re doing and he comments about Mia’s page too. I gave him one of our ‘business cards’ so he follows along there.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to fill my four stomachs.
23/7 2018

We encountered a very dangerous tiger today. Luckily the goats were there to protect me.
Some kind of carved figure. No idea why it was lying around outside the goat pen.

23/7 2018

23/7 2018

23/7 2018


23/7 2018

” Its goal is to “balance the interests of all parties involved in and affected by species and habitat listings—including species themselves, private citizens, industry, local governments, public infrastructure projects, nonprofit organizations and other entities.” ”
I sure am glad they included ‘species themselves’. Otherwise I might suggest they only care about industry, government, infrastructure, organizations and… ‘other entities’? There is no endangered wildlife, there is only Zuul.
Don’t worry. It’s only Fake News. Trump and his cohorts aren’t out to rape the world and burn it all down and maximise the profits. I am sure Trump will get around to posting an ALL CAPS warning to polluters not to ruin the environment any day now.
Fuck the world, it lets you do that when you’re a star.
We’re the good guys, Michael.
link: article
23/7 2018

Two years ago. I always block out the date. The nightmare morning.

23/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Yogi day, everyone.

24/7 2018

Visitors with food, the best kind.

24/7 2018

It must have been really really hard for Noah, though, turning away all those poor kittens after he’d accepted the first two. If there’s one thing I think of when hearing about Noah’s ark, it’s all those drowning kittens.
24/7 2018

The visitors got a little Tomato Time show

24/7 2018

Give us the greens, all the greens

24/7 2018

The world would be a really great place, if it wasn’t for all the people.
24/7 2018

A good time was had by all

24/7 2018


24/7 2018

“What You’re Seeing and What You’re Reading is Not What’s Happening!”
Said by:
A) David Lynch
B) Donald Trump
C) That magician down the street practicing his tricks.
24/7 2018

Which way do we go?

24/7 2018

The jester is sitting on the throne and we’re all his entertainment.
24/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day, everyone.

25/7 2018

Sky is queen of the picnic table. For some reason Milo has forgotten how to climb it. So when Sky jumps up on top of the table to get a treat, Milo runs underneath it and then pokes up like this. Of course he still gets a treat.

25/7 2018

Today has been cancelled due to excessive heat. It is too hot to be a human. I am now a potted plant, please water me accordingly.
25/7 2018

Putting on a 10 hour rain mix on the youtubes because I’m too fat to raindance. If it does start to rain, please don’t tell the goats it was my fault. When I tell them that the grass needs rain to grow they just come back with “BUT DOES IT HAVE TO BE ACID RAIN?!” and then garndma kicks me in the shins.
You don’t know what it’s like, man. You weren’t there.
25/7 2018

Looks like my brother is heading into some unexpected surgery soon. Still ongoing problems with infections because of the dialysis stuff. So, good thoughts for him please. He’s on vacation visiting family in another part of Denmark, so I’m not sure if they’re going to transfer him home first or when exactly they’ll do it.
25/7 2018

Thank you everyone, for the positive thoughts. I am heading to the bed place. I may say a lot of crazy things, but I’ll just outcrazy myself and say that just maybe love will make it okay.

25/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut and Popcorn from 2015.

26/7 2018

Good goat times today. After a rough morning. Wasn’t feeling great, emotionally or physically. And the weather forecast promising one of the hottest days of the year. I kinda just wanted to stay in an igloo. But I got myself dragged to the goats. Let them out to do their thing while I relaxed in the shade. They always center me when I am out of whack.
Lots of visitors today. The summer holiday and the great weather brings out lots of people. Most of them enjoyed the goats. There was one little girl who didn’t. She was with her mother and an older sister. But she’d cry every time the goats got near her. And then unfortunately the litttle pygmies decided to crash the family picnic as they were unpacking food on the picnic table. The little girl went completely hysterical and wouldn’t stop crying. Poor girl. Milo and Sky looked at me like “what’s the big deal, we were just checking if they brought food for us”. I hope the girl will get to keep visiting as she gets older so she can have some nicer experiences with the goats.
Everyone else was happy. There was a father with a boy and a girl. They spoke English with an Indian sort of accent. Like Apu. But they weren’t caucasian actors so it was ok. The boy was very loud, and I’m not sure if he couldn’t pronounce the G or not, but he kept calling the goats BOATS. And then when the little ones came pver he kept going BABY BOATS BABY BOATS BABY BOATS. Gotta love those baby boats. It’s pretty common that kids will call the goats other things, but usually it’s other animals. Like cows, cats, dogs or horses. I think it’s the first time anyone has called them maritime vessels. It’s also common that kids want the goats to adhere to stereotypical human family structure. Mia must be the daddy, Mio must be the mommy and then the little ones are their kids. So I often have to get into explainations about how Mio is grandma, but she’s actually Mia’s mother and the kids are a completely different breed. And also Mio isn’t pregnant, no really she isn’t. Lots pf questions today. And one father said as he and his kids left “Keep having a great day, it looks very hyggeligt in there”. Yes, lots of hygge in the goat pen.
I also managed to get Milo to stand on my back and then I got up to stand. I was still leaning over, I didn’t stand fully upright. But we’ll get there. I was going to keep practicing but then more humans arrived at the fence and we had to go and be social.
But holy bat-jugs, it’s hot in here, Alfred.
26/7 2018

Lovely day for it

26/7 2018

Just got an update on my brother. Surgery is done and he’s back home. Apparently the surgey wasn’t a big thing, so that’s good. But it would be nice if those infections would stop coming, and if he could get a new kidney soon. Hooves crossed. Thank you everyone for the good thoughts and support.
26/7 2018

Just resting my.. soul

26/7 2018

I’m not trying to be difficult, but HOW MANY comedians do I have to send out in cars to get coffee before one of them actually COMES BACK WITH MY COFFEE?!
26/7 2018

Sky tired. Also, Lasse tired.

26/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Have a Fuzzy Friday. Here’s young sir Fuzzlington with mother Mia in 2016.

27/7 2018

Here’s a little preview for the premium subscribers. Sky can be savage. Full video will be on Mia’s page eventually.
link: Sky butt Milo video
27/7 2018

If I were a magician or brilliant scientist I’d invent or conjure a machine that could turn love into actual healing power. So our animals could be kept healthy by our love.
I love knowing so many good, animal-loving people on the Facebox, but it sure makes you wish you could make everything okay for their animals too. It’s like we’re bound together by all the happy times, but even more so by the sad. There is no love without sadness.
27/7 2018

Good exercise in the 30+ degrees. I wish it was this hot all the time. As long as my space heater has the cooler function.

27/7 2018

High five. Don’t leave me hanging, brah

27/7 2018

*sticks head in freezer* call me if you need more science talk
27/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Here’s Mathilde from 2005.

28/7 2018

Ahh, cold shower. I can’t remember the last time I took a shower just for fun. Might have been years ago. I only do designated cleanliness showers. I wish I could go to sleep in a cold shower.
28/7 2018

Don’t fight your destiny. But if you do, bring a baseball bat and brass knuckles.
28/7 2018

Considering a lifestyle change to polargoats

28/7 2018

Progress report from next door. A road right through the building. That’ll be some view from the apartments on top. I wonder if they’ll get a glass place in their floor so they can see all the cars going by beneath?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the road to the other direction they are erecting a whole new block of buildings and they’re just about to start the “shimmer metal plates into the ground” part of the work.Which means a month of even more horrible noise. But the good news is that the government wants to tear down another bunch of apartment blocks in the neighbourhood. So once all the noise is done and the place is really shined up, they’ll probably tear my block down and I’ll have to move. Progress!
It really is like that one season of South Park. Wasn’t that a plotline? How they spruced up a neighbourhood and then all the regular people had to move because onle horrible rich people could afford to live there? Something like that?
I live in a neighbourhood that’s been known as one of the worst ghettos in Denmark. Now we’ve had a giant, expensive long-term plan to improve the neighbourhood to make it non-ghetto. And just as things are really progressing they want to completely change the plan and tear buildings down and force out all the ‘low-status’ people (ie especially immigrants and the uneducated and unemployed). What a great plan for integration of immigrants. Solve all the problems in their neighbourhoood and make everyone get along. And then force them out so they can, I don’t know go make another ghetto somewhere else? At least I can probably go live closer to the goats if I have to move.
Anyway, I could go on and on. But since everyone has probably stopped reading a few paragraphs ago let me just say HAIL LUCIFER, MAY THE DARK ONE DEVOUR US ALL. Always read the fine print.

28/7 2018

Okay, goats are more interesting than buildings and zoning laws.
Teefs and feetses.

28/7 2018

Shark week and blood moon colliding. I’m sure that’s not a sign of the times.
28/7 2018

It’s not a real heart

28/7 2018

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, everyones.

29/7 2018

Are you SURE that was the ice cream truck you heard?

29/7 2018


29/7 2018

Reach the sun

29/7 2018

I feel like a giant ocean liner on the sea. I know I have to change direction, but it feels like I keep being dragged in the wrong direction by inertia. At least there are no icebergs in this heat.
29/7 2018

This is one of Sky’s favourite spots. Hope she never outrgrows it.

29/7 2018

There’s a quack in everything, that’s how the ducks get in.
29/7 2018

Goat company

29/7 2018


That’s all for this week.

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