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Nuller Man

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

4/2 2019

I didn’t make it out of bed this morning. Sadness had me in its grip too tight. At least I managed a good exercise session when I did get out. I will have to go goating tomorrow, most definitely. I wish I could fast-foward to spring.
Oh by the way, last news about my brother is that he’s doing well. Still some seeping, but nothing they’re alarmed about. And the kidney is doing good. Hopefulyl we’ll be having that soup together soon.
4/2 2019

For a while the Danish Weather Institute have displayed a message on their site saying they were working on a new, updated design. Today that design launched. Would you like to guess what my feelings are?
I’ll give you a hint. I have previously complained about how everything gets worse. All websites and programs and operating systems and gadgets and everything. At some point they become pretty good. And then they keep changing and inevitably it gets worse. Less user friendly, less safe, less privacy less I Can Tell What That Is.
I hate change. And I hate modern webdesign. And I hate government institutions that spend fortunes on doing stupid things. Everytime a government system gets updated it leads to massive money costs and unfriendly user experiences and sometimes crippling their departments. I read something about a new IT System in the hospitals, yeah I’m sure that’ll go well.
Grumphley. Okay, done complaining. I’ll go back and see if I can figure out what the weather is going to be like tomorrow. See you in 5 hours.
4/2 2019

I need a little goat to cheer me up
link: baby goat chewing video
4/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Yogi Day everyone.

5/2 2019

Good goat times today. I needed that.
Lots of fun. It was a good day for having goats on my back. Milo eagerly did it a couple of times. He’s always happy to do that. Then I wanted to see if I could teach the newbies to do it. But Mia was standing right next to us, so that kinda got in the way. But then.. suddenly somethiing very heavy was pressing me down. Haha. Mia actually jumped up on my back. She was only up there for a second, but wow I did not expect that. We haven’t done that in years, not since those famous videos from the old playground of her standing on my back and eating the leaves from the tree above. She’s considerably heavier now. Couldn’t help laughing, though.
But that’s not all. A little later the little goat boy got up there too. For considerably longer. And I didn’t even have to teach him. Usually I use treats to lure them to do it and then they get the hang of it. But he was happy to just do it for the lols. What a cute, talented boy. I couldn’t even give him a raisin for it, because earlier in the day I suddenly saw my reasing bag being caried across the ground by the wind. Empty. I’m not sure what happened, but I bet Milo pulled it out of my pocket and ate all the raisins without me even noticing. Sheesh.
But the little boy DID get some raisins before that. Yes, he’s started on the treats. Just a little. They get so eager when they get their first taste of treats. And they don’t know the difference between a finger and a raisin at that point, so they get veerry nibbly.
Later still he fell asleep in my lap. Safely tucked into my arms. I love that about goat kids. They run around like silly geese and tire themselves out and then they have to take a nap. He’s such a darling. Not afraid of being picked up at all. I remember Milo and Sky when they were younger, they did like being held and sitting in my lap, but they also liked to play the ‘you can’t catch’ me game when you went to try to pick them up. This lil boy doesn’t even flinch. Dozing off in my lap. I wonder what he dreamt about. Probably raisins.
I did also get pooped on. Not while he was standing on my back haha. But at some point after he was sitting in my lap I found a single goat berry on my pant leg. I should have framed it and sent it to Keiko.
5/2 2019

Hello, is this the chiropractor emergency hotline? Yes, so funny story..

5/2 2019

Further nice stuff from today. I got to see Ophelia, for the first time in months I think. I’ve been getting used to going so early in the morning that often I don’t see any people really, other than visitors and the guy who let’s the animals out in the morning. So it was good to see her. And we may have a name for the baby boy. I don’t think it’s official, but Ophelia told me that some kids had been calling him Nuller, and that she thought it fit well. So that may end up being his name. I know it probably does not sound very good to English speaking folks? In Danish a ‘nullermand’ is sort of a piece of fuzzy lint in your pocket. I think. So a nuller could be a little fuzzy thing.
‘Nuller’ also literally means ‘zeroes’ but that’s not what we’d think of when it’s a name. We’ll see if it sticks. It’s time for them to have names already!
5/2 2019

Getting… sleepy….
Nighty night.

5/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

6/2 2019

I had an interesting dream last night. Well, interesting to me. Not so much to you guys. I was uconvering old memories. But they weren’t memories of my own life. I think they may have been memories of another dream. Or if you want to get mystical about it, from a past life. Or maybe just nonsense, who knows.
I Was talking to my parents and brother about our chilhdood growing up. And these memories kept coming back. But as I said, not memories from my actual life. But it felt so real, like things I had lived through. I wonder how many lives we live through in our dreams, or otherwise.
6/2 2019

I love my little Nuller man

6/2 2019

Everyone, please. I am NOT one of the masked singers. And even if I were, I’d be contractually obligated to not reveal it. So please stop asking.
7/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Bob from 2012.

7/2 2019


7/2 2019

A little bit of progress. The first weeks I had to go and put hay in 3-4 different places to make sure everyone could eat in relative peace. Now here they are all six of them eating in the goat house. Still split in a left and a right dining section. But it’s something.

7/2 2019

No, I don’t have an imaginary friend. I’m not some kind of loser.
anyway, I’m much too busy going on hot dates with imaginary women. Whomst are all way out of my league, but I don’t know what to tell you I guess I’m just on a lucky streak.
Wanna play scrabble?
7/2 2019

I’m done for today. Off to have fun in the imaginary world beyond the veils. To play dream scrabble with Ludo. Place your bets. See you tomorrow, if I find my way out of the labyrinth.

7/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Herman from 2014.

8/2 2019

I woke up feeling really depressed. Like, emo teen angst sadness. “I just want to fade away” *dramatic sigh*. Eventually I managed to drag myself out of bed. I turned on my phone. There was a message from my dad. “Hey, I wantto come over and drop off some soup, call me back”. It’s as if the soup gods knew I were in need of help.
So soon my fridge will be full of mama’s soup, and I’ll be eating soup all weekend. That certainly improves the outlook of things. Even my inner angsty emo teen loves soup.
8/2 2019

Look at new girl watching Milo. She’s probably never seen something like that before.

8/2 2019

Pretty sure if you poked my belly right now, soup would come flying out my ears and nose
9/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Clark and Bruce from 2014.

9/2 2019

My throat is hurting. You’d think it was a ploy to get soup, but I already have soup.
I’ve been sleeping with the heater on the same level during days and nights, the other night I figured I’d turn down the heater at night because you don’t need a really warm apartment when you’re asleep. Apparently you do. I woke up with a slightly sore throat. Now it’s just hurting. But at least I have soup. So i’ll have some more soup. I’m feeling fine apart from the throat, hopefully it won’t escalate into anything more.
I need to achieve hibernation until spring.
9/2 2019

Just so it’s not all whining, here is some exclusive behind-the-scenes action for the premium subscribers. Setting up the cam and getting ready to film high quality goat content.
link: goats be hind the scenes videos
9/2 2019

Quick status: My throat feels a little better. Hopefully that means it’s just a big nothingburger and it’s almost digested.
Had a quick look on twitter and remembered that everyone is the worst and world is not worth saving.
About to change my mind with soup and Rick & Morty.
I’ll report my findings poste haste.
9/2 2019

How many times can you eat soup in a day before you have a problem?
And by have a problem, I mean run out of soup. That’s the problem. The problem is you have no more soup. That’s what I meant in the first sentence when I talked about having a problem. Please refer to footnote 3-17 if you need further explanation.
9/2 2019

Stray thought, I miss comics. Good old fashioned printed ones. Do they even still make those? It’s probably all digital now. I can’t read them whether it’s paper or digital anymore. Not in an enjoyable way. But back in the day. I spent so much time in ‘bogshoppen’ looking at old, used comics. Buying them, bringing them home, bringing them back to swap for others. Gold age (I think it was) Superman. Or the bigger comic album. Lucky Luke and Asterix. The Marvel Star Wars comics. Flipping through pages. Calvin & Hobbes. I must stil have the huge complete box laying around somewhere. One of the few comic related things I kept after losing my eyesight. So many memories. I wonder what it’s like to grow up as a kid today. Lots and lots of things are better now. But I don’t envy them. Social media and phones everywhere and everything so rough and yeah, I don’t know if I’d survive as a kid today. And movies to day all suck. i’d take a bad movie from the 90s over anything in the cinemas today. And we did just fine with 1 national tv channel, and then we were spoiled when we got A SECOND channel. And then we got cable and I could suddenly watch The Simpsons and MTV. With teletext, that’s how I met my first girlfriend. Who was also my only girlfriend. And there was snow at christmas and you couldn’t talk on the phone while surfing the net because it was all one cable, which is a thing that connected devices back then doncha know. You get off my lawn, YOU GET OFF MY LAWN RIGHT NOW.
9/2 2019

Picked up a little Nuller at the goat market

9/2 2019

I’m heading to the bed.
Not sure how I’m feeling. Throat is better, but not back to normal. I was coughing for a while, but it seems to be gone. A little snotty, maybe? I feel like I could wake up tomorrow feeling completely fine. Or I could wake up sick. We’ll see I guess. Maybe I’ll wake up in a wig and a dress snuggled up to the fullsized academy award statue under the covers. Or in a biohazard suit snuggled up with a lifesized ET doll. You just don’t know.
Place your bets.
9/2 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

10/2 2019

How am I feeling? Not too bad, but not great. My throat was hurting last night, but it’s not bad right now. But not normal. I feel a bit woozy and weak. I think I probably have a mild cold. It so happens that I have people working in my apartment (sometime between 8am and 4pm yay) so I have to stay home anyway. A couple of days of relaxing and eating soup is just what the doctor ordered.
10/2 2019

Mia and the new lil not-mama. Starting to get along. Better to be goofy together than butting heads.

10/2 2019


10/2 2019

The human knows its place

10/2 2019

When you’re watching a youtube video and suddenly you notice the ceiling fan in the background…
10/2 2019

Lil guy trying out the bench

10/2 2019


That’s all for now.

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