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Cool For The Summer

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

1/7 2019


1/7 2019

Happy Canada Day to my Canadeean friends. <3!

1/7 2019

Here’s a little Sky. Gotta keep that premium content coming, don’t want to lose subscribers

1/7 2019

Maybe I should get a back tattoo..

2/7 2019

No, I’m not a sith. I’m a Dark Side Influencer.
2/7 2019

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi Day everyone.

2/7 2019

Good goat times today. Grey and windy morning. We went from 30C/86F on Sunday to about 15C/59F today. A few raindrops here and there. But we did get some sun too, and the sunny periods felt almost like summer. Almost.
Not feeling too great today. Tired and bloated and eyes shot. But I had to get the goats out in the greens. We went around for a while. Just grazing, not too much wackiness. Although you can’t tell a goat not to be wacky. I thought we’d get a lot of visitors because I’m pretty sure today is the first day of the summer holdiay in Denmark. But only a couple stopped by. Maybe it was the mediocre weather. Or maybe people have left on vacation. A pretty quiet day all in all.
2/7 2019

When you’re feeling crappy it helps to have a little Nuller

2/7 2019

Got a little Milo too

2/7 2019

I am shutting down for the day. Time to go dream of something more than this. Meanwhile, please accept these free tokens that can be used to go on all the rides in Lasseworld, the new amusement park where the dinosaurs definitely won’t break out and chase you down for food and the animated Lassetronicbots definitely won’t become selfaware and kill all humans. And don’t worry about those noises from the boarded up barn out by the corn field. Don’t even go there, that ride isn’t finished and if they smell your flesh they might, oh enjoy the free cotton candy that is made from acidic alien blood! Tell your friends! PS your car has been towed and you can collect your empty suitcases in the reception.
2/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone. This one’s more rump than hump, but it’s all good.

3/7 2019


3/7 2019

Nuller can be a bi t of a brat. Just a little. Here he’s leaning on Sassy to get to the treats.

3/7 2019

Too bad pictures aren’t working, I guess I’m not going to post this picture of Jessica Alba and Kristen Bell kissing me at the same time then but I mean it did happen and you can’t prove otherwise I’d post the pic but fb is glitching that’s the only reason why I’m not posting it but you know take my word for it
3/7 2019

I can’t believe I’m here at the Eiffel Tower. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all I was going to Paris, France, but I thought it was a nice surprise. You’ll have to imagine the great selfie of course, since Facebook is still glitching. But rest assured that the view is great from up on the top of the Eiffel Tower which is where I currently am at. Can’t believe they let me carry this bronze statue of Mia all the way up here, but she sure does look regal with me on top of the Eiffel Tower, I wish you could see!
3/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Herman from 2014.

4/7 2019

Good goat times today. Another cold, grey morning. With light rain. It did get better as the day went on, with a bit of sunshine now and then. But we’re far from the heatwave now. Maybe it was the wet weather that got the goats a little out of sorts. Or maybe it was noise coming from the residential block nearby. There seemed to be a lot of noise, loud music and commotion today from various places. You’d almost think we were celebrating 4th of July here too. Anyway, the goats were a little reluctant to leave the pen. But we did get out for a tour around the grounds and some greening. And then back to the pen to hang out in the goat house to stay dry as the light rain came back. A pretty relaxed day. But the company is great.
4/7 2019

Something caught Lily’s attention. Don’t let it distract you from the greens, girl.

4/7 2019

Watch out for the berries, Sky.

4/7 2019

Happy 4th of July to my American friends. I definitely have nothing to say about anything political so I’m just wishing you a happy day and not saying anything else about anything, also does anyone know where I can buy a cheap replacement tongue since I have almost bitten this one off.

4/7 2019

I am shutting it down for the day. Hope the Americanoes have a continued happy and safe day. Rest assured the rest of us are talking about you behind your backs. And to your faces, in the comment sections.
Let’s not forget that a thousand years from now the sentient beetles will be a gnawing on our cracked bones in the cemeteries, wondering what kind of odd creatures were and what kind of luggage we stored in our giant empty skulls and thanking their makers that the nuclear fires that destroyed us happened to mutate them into the ruling species of planet Trashbarg.
See you in the ascension, wingnuts.

4/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s the Ping Pong twins and grandma, from 2016.

4/7 2019

My favourite pizza place is closed for vacation. I hate when they do that.
4/7 2019

Sometimes when I post videos of Mia sitting in the shelter, people ask why there isn’t straw to sit on? I think they prefer sleeping on straw, but when they just sit down to relax during a hot day they often prefer sitting on hard surfaces. Like the platforms. This defies logic, though. Does it look comfortable to you? Usually Milo or Sky sit there, it’s a better fit for them. But Mia literally pushed Sky away so she could take this place. I guess Mia still thinks she’s a tiny little baby.

4/7 2019

Exclusive behind-the-scenes action for the premium subscribers. Cameraman Milo adjusting the camera setup to make sure our content is the best it can be.
link: Milo video
5/7 2019

Watchinh Michael Palin’s trip to North Korea. It’s fascinating. You know you’re not going to get the whole truth, but it still interesting getting a little glimpse of it. Wondering how such a place could even be. And then the fact that the current American leadership is aligning itself with places like that. But okay, truth is whatever you want it to be. Look up the clip comparing Fox News coverage of Obama dealing with North Korea compared to when Trump deals with North Korea. The truth is whatever we tell you it is.
You gotta wonder if it’s just human nature. Would every political leader seize that kind of totalitarian power if they could? A grander version of, what if you find a wallet on the ground? What percentage of humans would take the money before returning it, if returning it at all? If you knew you could get away with it, would you?
Are humans inherently good or evil?
Get your guesses in before the buzzer and I’ll reveal the answer in my next post.
6/7 2019

Wolf, Ram & Hart. And goat.

6/7 2019

today will be a good day. Here’s Magnethe and Mathilde from 2005.

6/7 2019

I wonder what it was like, the first time a flatlander saw the mountain
6/7 2019

Sky’s got a faceful of goat-spaghetti

6/7 2019

when the sun comes back, do you ask it where it went?
6/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

7/7 2019

Woke up feeling sad. Don’t know why. Depression I guess. I should have an emergency hotline to the pizza place. And a second one to wherever they are on vacation at.
7/7 2019

This is Milo and Sky’s “We’re afraid of Sassy, but we think uncle has treats” look.

7/7 2019

— with goats

7/7 2019

what if the best is yet to come?

7/7 2019

Nevermind walking around with a boombox on your shoulder, ima walk around with a bleatbox on mine

7/7 2019


That’s all for now.

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