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Sugar Sugar


8/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

8/7 2019

Good goat times today. I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning. Big yearly checkup. I’ll get the results in a few days, but the ekg heart monitor thing was fine. ‘Let’s see if your heart is beating’, as the doc said. Luckily it was.
And then on to the goats, the thing that keeps my heart beating Bit of a cold morning, but we got some good sunshine and I think we just reached the magic 20C/68F, It started raining just as I was leaving, but that was ok. I can take the rain better than the goats can…
I took them all down to the alt pen across the path. I tihnk that’s the first time the newbies have been in there. Lots and lots of fresh, untouched greens. Perfect. It was nice for me too, I could sit down and relax. Because there’s a fence around it I didn’t have to worry about keeping constant supervision on everyone. No way for them to go where they’re not allowed, no way for them to get split up, get lost, encounter dogs, or anything of that. Just greens as far as the eye can see. The only downside was that some guy with a leafblower, or something like that, was working outside the pen and making a lot of noise. But it wasn’t too bad. And the goats got a big fill of green for their tummies.
Then back to the regular pen to relax. Nice and quiet. I did have a little camera msihap. I set it up to record and then I went and sat on the bench, Mia came over and sat down next to me. She was resting her head on my chest, I was giving her kissies on the forehead, Milo was standing on the ground getting rubs between his horns. It was a perfect, sweet scene. Eventually I went to retrieve my camera. And found that the battery was dead and I hadn’t gotten any of the supersweet stuff on tape. D’oh. And then I had to get a new battery from my backpack. And the minute I go rummaging in my backpack all the goats come running, hoping for treats. So Mia got up and the sweet scene was over. I did try to recreate it, but this time instead of sitting down next to me, Mia just sneezed me in the face. Sheesh. Well, I hope I got that on film, at least that would be a funny clip.
And my heart is bleating.
8/7 2019

Goats in the alt pen. This part was a bit of an open area, and the grass not the greatest there. Horse territory. But the alt pen was full of trees and bushes with lots and lots of green leaves.

8/7 2019

Dat green tho

8/7 2019

Milo is lucky he’s so cute. Not only does viciously attack little children, and shamelessly try to pull the skirts of poor innocent womenfolk, but he also constantly tries to pick my pockets. It’s cute and funny, but it does also get a little tiresome sometimes when you’re sitting and wanting to relax and he’s constantly trying his luck. He got lucky today. When I was sitting with Mia on the bench. I always have a bag of pasta/peanuts and a bag of raisins in my pocket. He managed to pull the raisin bag out of my pocket. And then he wrestled it around in his vicious toothgrip, like a lion wrestling a gazelle in its jaws. By the time I got it back from him, half of the raisins were scattered on the ground. Quickly all the goatlions descended upon the raisinmeats. Bloodbath in the undergrowth.

8/7 2019

Unlike the vicious Milobeast, Lily here is a little sweetheart. She DID however almost knock me out today. I was packing my bag before leaving and I had put it on the roof of the shelter so I could pack it without any of the goats getting to it. Lily still tried, she jumped up with her front legs on me.. and got a good hit right in my family jewels with one hoof. Oof. My heart might be working okay, but maybe I should get the doc to check my lower bits.

8/7 2019

Another one from the alt pen. So much green, which way to go?
Well, I am now going to go off to bed. With my bleating hard and cracked jewels. I’ll have to get them re-appraised at the pawn sstore, they are no longer in mint condition. Anywhere, where was I? Oh yeah Denmark.

8/7 2019

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi Day everyone.

9/7 2019

Got my results back from the doctor. And it’s all looking good. I can’t remember if I mentioned it on here, but there was some concern because my blood sugar levels had been rising for a while. But they put me on some fancy new meds and they have done the trick. The levels are right where they’re supposed to be now. My blood pressure is better too. So that’s fine. I do still need to get more control of my diet, because honestly it’s not going that great. But at least the measurable values are good, so that’s something. And i’ll probably lose 10 pounds if my pizza place stays on vacation..
9/7 2019


9/7 2019

Look, it’s not that complicated. If staying means there’s double trouble then you leave. I don’t know why that’s such a hard decision. Trouble, or double trouble. How could you not figure that one out for yourself?!
9/7 2019

Oh yeah, I achieved lucidicity in my dreams last night. It’s been a while. I was taking part in some kind of pub challenge with my former boss and I guess the fact that I was talking in public made me realise it couldn’t be real. “IT’S A DREAM” i screamed and then I was in a bus and stuff. Didn’t last too long, but I love that feeling of knowing I’m in a dream. It’s much better than the feeling of knowing you’re in reality.
9/7 2019

Apparently this is Mia’s favourite place to sit now. Don’t ask me why. The goat wants what the goats wants.

10/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

10/7 2019


10/7 2019

In the garden of eden, baby

10/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s 3B from 2006.

11/7 2019


11/7 2019

Not feeling super great. I stayed in bed for like.. 28 hours. Or more. So many dreams, I love my dreams, I love that magic world. But then you have to get back to the real one… I guess staying in bed that long is the cause of my current headache. And the sadness? I don’t know. Feeling like a useless humanoid, broken mind in a broken body on a broken planet. But on the plus side, I invited pizza to my pity party, and the new footie season starts today. Keep that humanoid body going
11/7 2019

Goat thoughts

11/7 2019

A special preview of an upcoming video, exclusive first look for the premium subscribers.
This was pretty cute. Lily was the only goat at the fence when I arrived. Look at her turning her head back to the others and bleating at them like “Guys, he’s here!”
link: morning bleat video
11/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Popcorn from 2015.

12/7 2019

Good goat times today. Grey morning. Not superhot, but quite humid. An icky feeling, and I was still feeling icky already, hurting back, lurking depression. Blegh. I’m glad I managed to drag myself out though. It’s always good to spend time with the goaties. Although there was a litte incident there too. I decided to take them down to the alt pen again, since I wasn’t feeling so great. Just wanted to sit back and relax and let the goats get their greens. It started out just fine. Hanging out, getting greens. I wanted to get the goats to move further into the pen, so I walked ahead. And then I saw dog, a fairly big dog, walking along the fence outside the pen. It went around the corner. And then I heard the gates being pushed open. They closed but not locked, and closed in a way that if you push on them from the outside they’d open up. So I heard taht and then the goats came running to me. I went over to the gate, and it was open ajar. No sign of the dog though. I am not sure what happened. It looked like it was a dog running free. Maybe it pushed on the gate and startled itself by the noise and the gate swinging open? Or maybe there was someone with it who had it on a leash and pulled it away? Or did it go into the pen? But surely I would have seen it again or it would have barked at the goats or something.. I just don’t know. The goats were pretty spooked, though. And so was I. So we ran up to the regular goat pen and I got them all safely in there. Then I walked back down to the alt pen to check it out. I still couldn’t see any dog or anything. I closed the gate to that pen and went back. Still pretty rattled, so we spent the rest of the day in the pen there. And had lots of good time there. But I still can’t help but wonder what happened. Was it a dog? There’s a big park area beyond the pens, I have other times had enocunters with animals that I couldn’t identify. I don’t know if there might be wild animals there. But it did look like a dog. Was there someone with it? Was it going along the fence to get to the gate to get to the goats? What would have happened? Gurgh. I don’t like it. If we go back to the alt pen I’ll have to close the gate in a way so it can’t be pushed open from the outside. I mean, the horses are down there all the time (they’re on vacation right now), so its should be safe in there…I don’t know.
On a brighter note, we had some nice human visitors at the goat pen fence. A family from Norway I think. They called the goats “geiter”. Must have been Norwegian. They fed hay to the goats. And a couple of older ladies that I have met several times before. They usually come over to chat about the goats and pet them. It’s nice to have those kind of regular visitors that you get to know.
And then a hurty hurty walk home where I had to make several stops along the way to lean over to stretch out my back. And walking on zombie legs. Good thing it’s the weekend.
12/7 2019

Here we are in the alt pen. Looking out. It’s funny, if you close a gate then the goats just kinda wanna escape. Even if they’re locked in a pen full of great green stuff. They still go to the gate and stare at the outside world.

12/7 2019

Sassy and Nuller, back in the safety of our own pen. But you know, the grass is still greener on the other side
EDIT: Wait, that’s Lily, not Nuller. Lily and Sassy.
EDIT EDIT: Wait, that’s Nuller, not Sassy. Lily and Nuller. Jesus, go home eyes, you’re drunk.

12/7 2019

Well, it’s time to shut it down for the day. My eyes, mind, body and soul are a little frazzled. Frail and bedazzled. Gonna go sleep. Hopefully not for 28 hours, but for more than your average bear. Hold my beer, boo. Bottom’s up, break a leg. BINGO!
To play us out, here’s Disneyland After Dark with a good, old classic Danish hymn.

12/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s baby Peanut from 2015.

13/7 2019


13/7 2019

Hold my calls, please. I’m waiting to hear back from the Jerk Store, RE: Their current inventory.
13/7 2019

I love these two cuties, Milo and Sky.

13/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

14/7 2019

Maybe Trump thinks women are androids with touch-screen interfaces i don’t know, what wast he questio?
14/7 2019

Lily’s on the bench, Nuller’s in the branches.

14/7 2019

Foregroundmia backgroundsassy

14/7 2019

I’m trying to stay off the politics, but as the week draws to an end I feel like I just have to make it clear that I still think that Donald Trump is a sack of shit in a shirt and if you support him you’re a nazi, a literal nazi with swastika armband and eye patch and peg leg and parrot on your shoulder, wait that’s a pirate. But my point still stands. If you’re willing to empower someone like Trump to get your politics through, then how’s that different than Hitler? It’s not. It’s the same, ltierally exactly the same. You support putting kids in cages, don’t tell me you’re not a literal nazi. Nazi nazi nazi. *points finger* look it’s a nazi. 1000/24 nazi. Klop.
14/7 2019

o hai. is goat

14/7 2019


That’s all for now.

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