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Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Mondey everyone.

29/7 2019


29/7 2019

Hey kids, wanna incite a race war?!
29/7 2019

Somewhere in the green

29/7 2019

I had some good dreams last night. The best by far was a Palle dream. In this dream it was known that when he passed away it had been foretold that he would come back. And as I sat with his lifeless body it suddenly stirred and he came back to me and I hugged him tight and he was alive. It was beautiful and if I had the choice I’d still be in that dream.
Another dream was a lot more sinister. Full of dark, disturbing stuff. My key broke off in the lock and a woman was helping me get in but when we got inside she attacked me. And there were large, dark birds hurling themselve gainst my window, trying to get in. And outside, in the back yard of my childhood home, there were strange rocks arranged in a line leading up like a lader to my bedroom window. And I was saying how my mind was creating things that were attacking me. And it was all quite disturbing. But I liked it. It was interesting.
29/7 2019


30/7 2019

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi Day everyone.

30/7 2019

Good goat times today. It started out grey and cool with little raindroplets here and there. The forecast warned that we could be in for some heavy rain, but that didn’t come while I was out. Instead the sun came out and there was a heavy, humid heat. Got above 25C/77F, and it felt thick. Last heat for now. We’ll get back to the usual Danish summer struggling to get to 20/68. Although we’re only just heading into August, so I guess there’s still a chance we could get more heat later on in the summer. And that’s the weather, now over to Ollie with the sports.
Oh wait, the goats. Yes. Took them out and they enjoyed their greens. We had some nice socializing too. Nelly came out of the kindergarten fencing with a boy named Milan. And they had some fun with the goats. Nelly is hip to the fact that Milo is a bit of a wildcat. She made sure to protect Milan from the savage beast. But Nelly is cool, she doesn’t get initmidated or angry at the goats, she held Milo off and they were almost playing and she likes when the goats jump up against her to reach the leaves above. She’s fun.
And our two older lady friends came by again too. They are always very happy to see the goats and appreciate the playground and animals and my connection with the goats. And we all agreed that it was nice to meet and talk like this regularly like we do. Good people.
And then relaxing in the pen, as the sun baked us. It’s still vacation in Denmark, but I think most of the people who have traveled abroad are back now, so there were more kids coming by. There was a trio of boys who asked questions and petted the goats through the fence, before they went off to play on the swings. The boys, not the goats.
30/7 2019

Butt what?
The Nullerfunk seems to have lost a bit of his fluff. Maybe because he’s growing up, maybe because of the summer heat. I mean, he’s still got fluff. it just doesn’t seem as ridiculous as it used to be.

30/7 2019

I hear the thunder outside. Maybe that rain is going to hit after all.
30/7 2019

Got a little something on your face, Lily.

30/7 2019


30/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

31/7 2019


31/7 2019

The river doesn’t even know you’re drowning
31/7 2019

hang to dry from a string

31/7 2019

I’m a goat, how bout you?

31/7 2019

Oh for fucks sake. Not enough bleach to scrub the country afterwards. So much for winning those ‘happiest people’ polls. The worst thing is, no matter how many protests there will be, he’ll go home and say Denmark loves him and all the Fox news viewers will believe him because facts don’t matter anymore.
go to North Korea again instead, you sack of shit in a shirt.
Do you even diplomacy?!
link: Trump coming to Denmark article
31/7 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Magnethe from 2005.

1/8 2019


1/8 2019

Lily’s got a mouthful

2/8 2019

The mountain doesn’t even know that you’re climbing it
2/8 2019

Pop quiz. How many times have I been in a canoe on a river.
Too many times to count
Everyone who gets it right will spared in the apocalypse
2/8 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

2/8 2019

Thank you to everyone who participated in the pop quiz. The correct answer is…
*drum roll*
*more drum roll*
*even more drum roll so you have to click ‘read more’*
1-4 times in a canoe! Intro trip in Sweden first year of gymnasiet (high school ish). A couple of times out on a Swedish river. You wouldn’t catch me in a canoe today, but hey we all have a wild and crazy past.
Congratulations to the winners!
2/8 2019


2/8 2019


3/8 2019

Took a timeout in dreamland. Not the smartest decision, but I love the magic places it takes me. We can’t we have real magic in this world?
3/8 2019

Hello, ladies.

3/8 2019

Looks like real bad news from El Paso. I was looking on twitter and couldn’t figure out how bad it was. This is life now. Trying to figure out if it’s just a couple of people dead or if it’s a big one. Human life doesn’t hold much value anymore. It’s like a currency conversion. How much death before it’s even worth a headline? How many fatalities for it to trend on twitter? And then we wait to find out who did it, so we know what to talk about. Ban guns. Ban refugees. Build a wall. Thoughts and prayers. Good people on all sides, women and children first. And then we wait until the next one. The real world is a shithole.
3/8 2019

More young white male shooters. Keep building those walls. Cage yourself in with the lions. Feed the rat infestation. Dig your own shithole grave.
4/8 2019

Well that’s it. I’m done. I’m out. Gone golfing. See you tomorrow if I make it out of bed. Don’t hold your breath.
4/8 2019


That’s all for now.

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