Planting Sticks
WAIT. Hold the phone. There’s new Rick and Morty tonight? And The Mandalorian in a couple of days? And Mr Robot Tonight?
Okay. I guess I don’t need these cyanide pills right now. I’ll just… put them in the top shelf, next to the happy pills and goat berries.
And I’m going to bed now so I can get up tomorrow and watch Rick and fucking Morty and Mr Fucking Robot that’s fucking right I swear now because I almost felt alive for a second.
10/11 2019
Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.
11/11 2019
I can’t believe Rick And Morty is still great. They make everyone else look like … ants with.. fins instead of… bee… I don’t… RICK AND MROTY SEASON 4 BABY
11/11 2019
11/11 2019
It wasn’t in service to me, but thank you for your service to all the good people I see scrolling down the timelines.
I’ll try not to talk about bone spurs or sing Imagine.
11/11 2019
The Sassy one
11/11 2019
Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi Day everyone.
12/11 2019
Good goat times today. Cold and grey, mostly. Cold enough to start to bother me. I guess I can’t wear t-shirts under my coat anymore. Might have to start bringing gloves too. I hate my poor circulation.
But the goats were good. Out and about. Running interference to save kids from Milo. Succesfully! No casualties.
I got a great idea, if I may boldly say so myself. Some of you may have seen on videos that there’s this leftover bit of a tree sticking out of the ground that the goats love to ‘duel’ with, as I call it. Sharpen their horns on. It was a newly planted tree that was broken off at the stump. So there’s just this slender, young, tree stump sticking out of the ground. And I thought, the goats love it so much.. wouldn’t it be nice if they had that in their pen too? Unfortunately I don’t really have the means to plant a whole new tree and then break it. But we do have a pile of old branches… so I gathered a few branches and “planted” them in the ground. Pushing them down as hard as I could and then literally hammering them down deeper with a rock. It took literally 30 seconds after I was done with the scary hammering, then the goats got busy ‘duelling’ them. I think I planted 3 or 4. So now the goats can sharpen their horns whenever. they like Which should make Milo even more lethal, whoops. Haha. No. But they seem to really like doing it, so I’m glad they can do it every day now, whenever they like. I’m curious to see if they’ll manage to pull them out of the ground. I did hammer them in pretty good, but you never know. It was fun to see how they immediately figured ‘oh one of those things, I must get busy destroying it’. Anytime they get a branch between their horns, they love thrashing it around. It’s like if you stick a pizza in my mouth I just start chewing.
12/11 2019
Here’s Milo with one of the new toys. If you can call a stick in the ground a toy.
12/11 2019
The first episode of The Mandalorian is out. I am dying to watch it. But when I’ve been out goating, my eyes are always busted. Going to save it for tomorrow and make it Star Wars day.
Please be good please be good please be good please b
12/11 2019
Look, I planted a christmas tree!
A dead one, upside down…
It was hard getting it in the ground properly. And there’s lots of branches to pull on. So I’m curious to see if they’ll manage to pull it up. The only chance it has, is that I planted it in one of the muddiest mudpools. If it can survive the mudseason maybe it’ll be planted good for ever. Or until the next mud season..
To the left of it you can see another of the regular branches that I planted.
12/11 2019
Pop quiz:
Did Lasse hit his own finger while using a rock to hammer branches into the ground?
If you said no, hello my name is Lasse nice to meet you I look forward to you getting to know me.
.. nothing serious, don’t worry. Don’t even think I have a scratch.
(flashcut to tomorrow, help my finger fell off!)
12/11 2019
Of course you have to check out if it’s edible too.
12/11 2019
Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.
13/11 2019
13/11 2019
Aww yeah. Auntie speaks.
link: Kamel video
13/11 2019
Here’s another of the sticks I planted.
13/11 2019
Finally watched the first episode of The Mandalorian.
It looks and feels soo good. I’m a Star Wars fanboy, so you know you’re not going to get a negative review from me. I really enjoyed it. I’m not a Mandalore fetichist like some fans, and the bounty hunting underworld isn’t what I’m most interested in. But it’s still just really good. Funnier than I expected too. I just love the Star Wars universe. Just the scenes of the Mandalorian walking through the streets, talking to that Jabba Palace microphone thing. The creatures, the droids. The worlds. Carbonite. I just love that stuff. Really, what I just want is mundane stories set in the universe. What’s going on other than the Jedi Vs Sith, rebels vs empire stuff. This show isn’t quite that, but it has some glimpses of it. And I love that. If you told 13 year old me that he’d get this kind of quality of story and visual in the Star Wars universe, he’d be thrilled. I wish they’d just make anthology tv shows. What’s going on on Alderaan before it done blewed up. How’s the weather on Hoth? What happened to Jabba’s palace after he died (I realllly want that). What’s up with Bespin? What’s the life of a Tatooine moisture farmer like? And so on and s forth. Just tell great sci-fi/fantasy/comedy/realism stories with the saga iconography as the background tapestry.
So far so good. I love the IG droid, the way it moved. Totes neat. And Nolte was born to play an ugnaught. I have spoken!
PS the ending.. holy forking shirtballs. I did not see that coming a million parsecs away. I wonder where that’s going to go.
13/11 2019
I also watched the first episode of the impeachment. Great effects, they almost made Trump look human. I’m glad they updated the CGI effects from the first trailer, his hair looked horrible in that. The Russian droids were well done. A gritty look at the criminal underworld.
13/11 2019
Btw, now we know what a cross between Marvin the PAranoid Android and an IG bounty hunter droid would be.
“I’m going to self destruct” no no no
“ok we’re doomed, I’m going to self destruct” no we got this.
“I think I broke a finger, I’m going to initiate self destruct”.
Mwaha. I love those IG units.
13/11 2019
I’m sorry about the Star Wars posts. I don’t want you to think I’m a nerd, so here are some goat butts.
13/11 2019
In your face
14/11 2019
Today will be a good day. Here’s Bruce and Clark from 2014.
14/11 2019
Good goat times. Cold again. Below 5C/41F. That’s not good for me. Changing the t-shirt to a blouse under my coat wasn’t really enough. Maybe it’s time for the sweater to come out. You guys remember my sweater? The one my mother made meeleventeen billion years ago and I keep going back to even though it’s ragged and torn, because it’s still better than anything new? Anyway. It’s tricky, because when I’m moving around with the goats I can stay fairly warm. But then I go sit on the bench with Mia and I freeze to the bone. It’s pretty hard to find a way to be comfortable in all situations. I just hate the cold and dark. It gets to me on many levels.
But anyway. The goating as good. Had some sweet visitors, and once again Milo managed to not murder anyone. And the goats had only managed to pull out one of the sticks I ‘planted’ last time. Oh, and the christmas tree. But I expected that. I’m glad I got that idea, though. The goats enjoy trashing them about.
Other than that, pretty uneventful day. Just good goat loving.
14/11 2019
Where’s Waldo? And does he have our treats?
I feel like I’m a cartoon alcoholic and I have to rub my eyes to make sure I’m actually seeing all those goats.
14/11 2019
You know, it’s great that they mentioned Life Day on The Mandalorian, but that doesn’t mean the Holiday Speial is canon. They’ve brought back Thrawn too, it’s not like that meant the Thrawn trilogy was suddenly canon. You also have to consider, wait where are you going? Why are you all leaving?!
14/11 2019
Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Which is why you shouldn’t let people have easy access to guns.
Also there is no god and you put people in lifetime scotus positions without properly investigating allegations against them, happy Life Day.
14/11 2019
Goat is mortified that human keeps posting stuff on Facebook.
14/11 2019
Let’s leave it all and go insane. Do not resuscitate, do not electro-shock, do not pet the guide dogs, do not pet the tigers. Do not touch the open wire. Do not go in the ocean until you have digested the news. Do not pass go. Do not call and collect Do not be alarmed, we are forwarding your concerns to the approriate authorities, don’t sweat it. You are being watched. Watch what you say. Your call is very important to us. Please hold the line. Please hold. Please hold on. Hold on. Don’t let go. Pleased to meet ya. Press 1 to talk to a human. Press 2 to walk like an Egyptian. Press play on tape. Don’t push it, kid.You got another thing coming. Let’s take a chance, a littler omance, a little off the sides, a love letter to ghosts that linger. Up in the attic, hidden in the static, etchakestchy character assasination, face the nation, get off at the next station. Don’t be afraid of the dark. You are likely to be beaten by the gruesome. You are our last hope. Last in the long line of less than zero more than enough, you think you’re so tough why don’t you put your money where your mouth kiss. See you where the sun don’t shine, see you in the landslide, see you in the camp fire, see you on the dark side of the moon, see you soon, see you wouldn’t want to bee who you wanna be, say wahat you wanna say, can Lasse come out to play? Here’s Johnny, here’s to the flag, here’s to the commander in grief, two scoops poopity scoop pop goes the weasel, what do you want from me, where are we going, what’s the point, the sharp end of the sticks and stones may break my bones but all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can freeze your organs and clone your dna.
Okay, this had gone on far too long enough
14/11 2019
I’d like to apologise on behalf of Lasse’s brain. We’re going to have it looked at and maybe turn it off and on again, off and on again, off and on again, off and on again
14/11 2019
This is a goat. Any questions?
14/11 2019
Today will be a good day. Here’s Mathilde and Vanilje from 2006.
15/11 2019
15/11 2019
Time to watch The Good Place and The Mandalorian. You guys can keep the real world, I’ll be off in makebelieve.
15/11 2019
Singing bonethugsnharmony as she prepares to reboot humanity. Mwahaha. I love The Good Place so much. I remember when it first came on, I was debating whether I could bother watching it. But it had Kristen Bell. And you know me and Kristen Bell. So I thought, eh I’ll watch the first episode or whatever.
Now today it is my favourite humorous tv show of all time. It’s amazing and beautiful, crazily inventive and smart, super dumb and goofy. Heartwarming and provocative. Although I’m not sure I can share its hopeful attitude towards humanity. But hey, it’s fiction! If I can believe in wars in space, I can believe that humanity is basically good if given the chance. Apart from the people who don’t support gun control while their kids are being slaughtered in their schools #MassaceMitch
PS I’m also super happy that one of the Janices pronounced GIF the right way. Janices know everything, so this is conclusive evidence.
15/11 2019
Breaking news. Roger Stone found guilty. Another Trump man convicted. But yeah, the Mueller investigation was a waste of money and the impeachment stuff is a witch hunt.
I’ve done nothing wrong, now let me go change out of these bloodied clothes, said the axe wielding Republican.
15/11 2019
15/11 2019
Sandcrawler! Jawas!!!!! Utinni, utinni.
16/11 2019
Can’t wait to see the next version of A New Hope, in which Greedo grabs Han’s blaster and shoots himself in the head.
16/11 2019
PS, if I had the talent and could be bothered I would be making a Two Men And A Baby meme with the Mandalorian and the Ugnaught.
16/11 2019
Today will be a good day. Here’s Herman from 2014.
16/11 2019
I replanted the dead, upsidedown christmas tree. We’ll see if it sticks around this time!
16/11 2019
Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.
17/11 2019
Had a nice 21 hour nap. Off on adventures in the dreamworld. If it wasn’t for fiction and friends, I’d rather just stay in there. Reality bites.
17/11 2019
Three sweets
17/11 2019
Everything is dark. All you feel is water.
17/11 2019
Spot the human
17/11 2019
Looks like Mia’s winter coat is coming in. She seems to get darker when it gets cold. Almost like she’s getting grey hairs.
17/11 2019
That’s all for now.