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Happy Mio Monday everyone.

24/8 2020

had planned to go see goats today, but I am not feeling up for it. I am going to shut down the machine early. Take care, see you when tomorrow gets there.

24/8 2020

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY eveyone.
And good news. My mother is back home. Yes, I was surprised too. But I guess the treatment and adjustment in her meds must have worked, she sounded very well. I’m still worried and wish they could, you know, find out what’s actually going on and get it all fixed. But so far so good I guess.

25/8 2020

So, that was great news about mom. Dad isn’t doign so great, though. Seems like things haven’t really improved for him. So unless things start working he’ll probably have to go back for more examinations to find out what’s causing all the pain and tirednes.s
And me? I am still feeling the dizziness. Mostly when I’m lying down. If I roller over, or sit up or stand up then the world starts spinning. Once I’m up, or sitting n my chair like now, I’m feeling pretty okay. Had a pretty bad headache last night but I think that was just because I spent 20ish hours in bed with sadness and worry. Seems to be gone now. The headache, not the sadness and worry.
I’m sure I’m fine.
But while, i’m complaining… I can already feel it getting colder. I’m so sensitive to the cold. I have a much easier time cooling down in the heat than warming up in the cold. And the thought that now we’re heading into 8 months of it just getting colder and darker, that affects my mood negatively quite a lot.
As does also the fact that the new Facebook design is coming. I was switched to it when I came on today, but I was able to go back to classic for now. With the message that classic is going away soon. It’s going to make my facbook experience a lot harder, and it affects my mood negatively.
Also my memory is getting worse. Not like, forgetting stuff, but more like.. not being able to connect information. I was thinking of the tv show Buffy while I was lying in bed last night, and I couldn’t remember who played Willow. I could remember her character’s name. I could picture her face in my mind. And I knew I knew her name. But I couldn’t connect the name and the face. I’m experiencing this sometimes. It’s like running your head against a wall. You know that you know, but it’s like there’s a barrier between the information. It took me about ten minutes to come up with her name. Alyson Hannigan. I’m a fan. i loved Willow.
I don’t know. I can’t help thinking it’s just a matter of time before I either go blind or get dementia.
Dad’s memory isn’t great either. Not uncommon that he’ll tell me stuff that he’s already told me. His brother suffers from dementia, like in the serious way. It probably runs in the family Is there a test for early dementia? If there is I ought to take it. I don’t even know if there’s anything you can do.
So yeah, everyone’s getting sick and it’s getting cold and dark and everythings getting worse and I’m losing my self and my mind and the world is a cesspool. Sigh.
But hey, it is what it is. Hopefully I can see the goats soon. I need some goat therapy. One day at a time, I suppose.
You get a cookie if you read all that, and hopefully you learned your lesson for next time. Don’t listen to the crazy old Dane.
25/8 2020

Been listening to the new Bright Eyes record. Quite like it. My favourite song is this one.
Life’s a lonely love affair
Kaleidoscope beyond compare
It vanishes into thin air
So suddenly

25/8 2020

Alright, alright. Goat content. Second date.

25/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone, with bonus Peanut.

26/8 2020

Good goat times today. I made it out to get my goat therapy, and I managed to stay on my feet despite the spinning world. A grey morning, but we got some sun later on. The temperatures have dropped a tad, but when the sun was out it was quite lovely.
Lots of fun with the goaties. Some silly running around, a little headbutting (maybe I should stop doing that, it could be the cause of my dizziness), lots of sweet lounging around. Scartchies and cuddles and treats. Some nice visitors too, although the goats weren’t feeling too social so I had to coax them over to the fence and throw some treats on the ground to get them close enough for the kids to pet them. That’s how you get me to socialize too, throw some pizza at me.
Good to get out. And I met my mom downstairs when I got home! Haha. She was dropping off some medication that they’d been nice enough to pick up for me at the pharmacy. We walked past each other in the hallway downstairs and didn’t recognise each other. I don’t think she realised it was me until she saw me opening my mailbox. Mine has a different colour than all the other ones, so it stands out. Anyway, nice to see her and say hi. Must be doing ok then!
26/8 2020

Goat butts working on the green pile.

26/8 2020

I gotta find a way to crack that coconut open. First to get the hat off though.

26/8 2020

No more family health updates for today, but in other medical news it seems like the covid count is dropping again in Denmark. And dropping considerably in my region which had been the one doing the worst when the curve started going up again. So that’s good. People are taking it seriously and it seems to be working.
Which is just a backdoor way for me to mention that thing about 57% of Republicans finding the covid death toll in America acceptable. I gotta say I was pretty shocked about that. You’re supposed to be the greatest country in the world and you’re just going to accept that you’re doing so poorly? That’s crazy. It’s one thing to be the laughing stock of the civilized world, it’s another to just bend over and let it kill you. But I guess that’s the prize you pay for being in a cult. Acceptable losses as long as it’s not you.
Well, i’ll spare you the rest of the long rant about Trump and the washing away of traditional Republican values that I cooked up in my head while taking a shower after my goat trip. I’m pretty sure you can guess how it vented anyway.
Tra la la. Flatten the cuve, that way you might not get grabbed by the molester in chief.
26/8 2020

It’s always a race to see if the camera timer trigger will go off before you lose a finger or two.

26/8 2020

I goatchu Sassy.

26/8 2020

Even if he hadn’t killed anyone, the image of a 17 year old walking around with a firearm is just shocking to me. In Denmark every single gun related crime is headline news and something out of the ordinary.
Like I’ve mentioned to a couple of people, when I was a schoolkid, around 14-15 years old, in our classroom someone cut out a fake nude picture of Shannen Doherty from a magazine and hung it on the wall. And no one gave a shit. In America, you get a glimpse of a nipple at a super bowl concert and half the country freaks out. It’s such a weird difference, that you’re more threatened by a nipple than a gun. Your kids are going to survive seeing a nipple, not so much a rifle.
Maybe if they found a way to perform abortions with a gun you’d be cool with it.
27/8 2020

Let your silence do the talking

27/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Mads from 2007.

27/8 2020

What an asshole.

27/8 2020

Eye on Milo.

27/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Magnethe from 2005.

28/8 2020


28/8 2020

Agh, I’m hideous. Don’t look at me! Hiss!
Sigh. I chipped a bit of tooth the other day. I don’t have cameltoe, but I do have Kamel teeth. A crooked line of teef. I definitely have a large dental bill in my future at some point. But, as should be clear, I just don’t care about my appearance. As long as the goats don’t reject me I’ll be okay. Sooner or later I’ll become a hermit, like Luke on Ach-To.

28/8 2020

I look a lot better with goats. Here’s Lily and Lasse.

28/8 2020

Damn papparazzos! NO MORE FILMING!
link: Mia kick camera video
28/8 2020

I’d like to propose a scenario.
In this scenario, I am Ted the lawyer. JD and Turk are the year 2020.
I wish I could deal with 2020 the way Ted deals with this legal situation.
PS rip ted, you were the best. I love you man.

29/8 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Fuzzy from 2016.

29/8 2020

Sky is a rockstar. Or tired.

29/8 2020

A lot of my friends on here are strongly anti police. Some are very pro police. I beleive a few are even in law enforcement.
I’m sort of in the middle. Growing up priviliged white kid in a priviliged nordic country, my view of the police is generally positive. I believe in law and order, I believe the police is necessary, I believe the vast majority of police officers are good people.
That being said, god damn there’s disgusting stuff going on in America and it’s hard to believe such awful things are being done by people who are supposed to be on the right side of the law. I can understand the distrust and objections, especially if you are a minority or you deal closely with it or see it close to home. It’s so awful.
I don’t know how to find unity in such a mess. Where do you even begin to fix it? It’s like trying to stop the tropical storms and hurricanes. What do you do? Stand up and punch the wind?
I don’t know man I don’t know. And you got people in power just verifiably lying their asses off. You got a governing party that has managed to make their voters scared of people from other religions and races even though most of the bad terrorist attacks are done by white males. You got people thinking that covid is just the flu, even though we’re now seeing that even younger people who get it and live still get later onset damages. I read that Boris Johnson is planning to retire because of follow-on problems from it. Okay, getting close to 200,000 deaths is acceptable, how many peoples lives ruined by followon problems is acceptable then?
You got people thinking thinking the eastern european nudie model married the rich old white american businessman for love? Sheesh. HOw many of his wives did he cheat on? Don’t tell me you’d tell your son that he’s allowed to grab women by the pussy. Don’t tell me you’d tell your daughter she should let powerful man grab her pussy. Everything is fucked up and the shit goblins are laughing all the way to the bank.
I’m not going to spell check or fact check this, I’m just a dumb white kid from the happiest country in the world, and even I despair.
I ought to quit facebook before I get forced on the new layout. This place is death.
But I gotta keep Mia’s page going. Spread some happiness haha *throws confetti*
29/8 2020

And with that being said, I am going to bed early to dream about big white puffy clouds, wait that’s Mia.

29/8 2020

Today will be a good day Happy Funday everyone.

30/8 2020

Thanks everyone for your comments on the polcie status, I whether you’re ferrit or aginnit, I appreciate the civil discourse. Thanks you all for listening to me even when I talk shirt, for bringing me up when I’m down, and for watering my lawn when I’m out of town.
I don’t know what the answer is, but I guess we just keep pushing the button every 108 minutes.

30/8 2020

I can’t wait for 5G to take over our minds and control us so we don’t have to think for ourselves anymore
WAKE UP (wake up) WAKE UP (wake up)
Id rather be anywhere doing anything

30/8 2020

Alright, alright. Goat content. Play the hits!
By the way, happy birthday Ann Manning if you see this. Thanks for all your thoughtful comments.

30/8 2020

I should watch Lost again. I’ve watched it all the way like 10 times, but it’s been years now. Other than Twin Peaks, no other show has had that much of an impact on me. I miss it. The time. I watched the first episode on my old computer in our old house, my parents on the other side of the sheet we’d hung up to seperate the computer corner from the rest of the living room. Everything is different now. Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Sometimes I wish I could go back.
Sometimes I wish I could go forwards.
*countdown reset sound*

30/8 2020


30/8 2020

I caught me a Nuller.

30/8 2020


That’s all for now.

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