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Vaxx Museum

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

5/7 2021

Good goat times today. Hot and humid. But at least I made it home before the rain started coming down. Literally, opening my windows 2 minutes after getting inside and I heard the rain start falling.
But dry with the goats. Good weather to sit around and do nothing. Although I did do some weed whacking. Probably not smart with my sternum thing. Oh well. I’ve told you about the brændenælder right? The weeds that burn your skin. I wanted to get rid of some of them. I found a stick that was good for it, split into two at the end. I could twist the weeds around with it and pull them out. And of course Milo was an excellent help, by following me around and trying to duel his horns on the stick. Good job, team. My arms are probably going to be sore tomorrow. The painkillers helped a bit with the sternum, though. So I could walk around without too much pain.
The newbs had a big row. Nuller was challenging Sassy, and she was laying down the law with some heavy headbutting. And then Lily tried to come in to protect her boy, not that she was that great at it. She was sort of third weel in that fight. When they were done Nuller came over to me, panting from the exertion in the humid heat. Settle down kids!
5/7 2021

Sassy’s laying down the law. I imagine at some point Nuller is going to oust her and take the crown, but not today kid.

5/7 2021

Just a staring contest, definitely not a distraction while Milo picks your pocket.

5/7 2021

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.

6/7 2021


6/7 2021

Uh oh, Milo spotted the camera.
The best way to get him away from the camera is to pat my treat pocket. Treats will lure him away. The downside to that is, if everoyne else realises there may be treats given out then they storm over and then it’s just a big mess of hungry goats.
6/7 2021

In this photo Sky is a visual representation of my entire Facebox friendlist tomorrow hen I won’t shut up about the England-Denmark semifinal in the euros. Brace yourself.

6/7 2021

I can show teef too

6/7 2021

Hope you’re having a good Teefsday.

6/7 2021

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

7/7 2021

Good goat times today. A little shorter than usual, the reasons for which I’ll go into later.
A hot day. One that pretty quickly turned into “okay let’s just sit around and do nothing”. Like the best summerdays.
Funniest moment was when Mia was sitting in the shetler, up against the right wall and the barrier as she likes. And Nuller and Sassy were sitting in the left of the shelter. Everything was peaceful for a bit. Then Mia slowly got up and took a few steps over to Sassy and started pushing her. Sassy got the point and got up and ran out of the shelter. Nuller was still sitting there, looking upat Mia like “So can’t I still stay here or…?”. Then Mia took a step towards him and he was like “welp guess not, seeya!” and he got up and ran out. And then Mia stepped back to her spot and sat back down and resumed chewing her cud like nothing had happened. And now of course there was opened up space for Milo and Sky to come in and sit with her in the shelter, which they did. They wouldn’t have gone in there with Sassy sitting there. But there’s no doubt who’s in charge. It’s good to be queen.
7/7 2021

Who’s got two thumbs and got jabbed with a needle today?
This guy!
Yes, I got my first shot of the vaccine today.
Long overdue. I was invited to get it like 2-3 weeks ago I think. But the website where you had to register was not working properly. I couldn’t log in. Only later, through random reddit post, did I find out that apparently you had to have previously logged in on a completely different website (one where you got corona test results) otherwise you could not log in on the vaccine site.
I have to say, I think it’s astonishing that in a global pandemic where the government is urging the population to get vaccinated as quickly as possible, the forknuts can’t design a website that works. I’m sure it works on mobile…
Anyway. Because of everything that’s been going on, I just did not have the surplus to start trying to figure out why I couldn’t log in and get a date for a vaccinatino. So I pushed it off. In the end, that may actually have been for the better. If I’d booked a time on that dumb site I probably would have had to go downtown to the facilities there. Somewhere unfamiliar and not nearby. Instead. Yesterday I got a text message from the housing org (yes, the one that’s going to forcibly rehome me potentially) saying that you’d be able to get the vaccine in our neighbourhood today and tomorrow. So I literally only had a two minute walk to the place where I got the vaccine. That was pretty handy.
I live in one of the neighbourhoods where there has been high infection rates, and low vaccination rates. It’s a place with a lot of immigrants and refugees and low-status individuals, like myself, who for various reasons might be less likely to get the vaccine. So they set up a station in the neighbourhood to help more people get it done. Pretty good, I think.
My dad came over and helped me get there and find my way. The staff was super helpful and nice, they probably would have helped me fine if I was on my own, but I feel more secure with my dad there to help me find my way around. And he’s always, always, so happy to come and help. He also kind of pushed a little for me to get ahead in the waiting line because I’m handicapped. My dad and mom both got that done for them when they got theirs done. So I got through it all a little quicker. And as I said, everyone was super helpful and nice. Really, the worst part was sitting and waiting for 15 minutes afterwards to make sure there was no allergic reaction. Sitting there for 15 minutes in a romm with other people, truly I have felt suffering upon my soul! Somehow I got through.
Thank you dad and thank you all the doctors and nurses and volunteers and everyone. Not I just need another prick in a month’s time. Ahem.
Went to see the goats afterwards. I felt fine when I was there, but when it was time to go home I started feeling really tired. Like, so tired I started wondering if I could make it to the bus. I don’t know if that was a reaction from the vaccine, I know it can hit different people in different ways. Although as far as I can read, it’s usually worse after the second jab. But maybe it was psychosomatic. Or maybe it was the sternum thing combined with the fairly hot humid weather, and maybe also the stress of having been out among humanpeople in an unfamiliar situation. I don’t have a lot of capacity to deal with stuff.
When I got home I sat down for five minutes and gathered some strength. Then I went shopping. That went ok, I was already feeling better. Although still more tired than I’d usual be, I think. But right now, sitting at the computer, I’m feeling fine.
And I bought Star Wars icy creams. Hey, I was out around humans and I got stuck with a needle and I walked in the sun. I deserve Star Wars icy creams.
Hope you’re all doing well out there, corona wise and other wise. I recommend getting the vaccination if you can. I can’t wait till I get the second shot and I can finally start licking people again! Form a line! You too, ladies.
If you read all this, I’m so sorry. There’s no vaccination against the ramblings of a mad goatman.
7/7 2021

Mia and Sassy, while Sassy was still allowed in the shelter.

7/7 2021

I told you, I don’t want to talk about sports! You Americans need to stop being so obsessed with soccer!!!
Sigh. Ok. End of the road for Denmark. We took England all the way to extra time. Lost to a penalty. Had a man injured when we were out of substitutions. England had the home advantage, Denmark had to travel from Azerbaiforkingjan. It was stacked against us. But England was best, no doubt.
Our team has done us proud. After a horrible scary start. A semi-final is a rare thing for a tiny country like us. England is one of the biggest teams. Denmark is one of the biggest of the small teams. And that’s how the news goes.
It’s only footballsoccersports. Life goes on, for Eriksen thankfully.
7/7 2021

Today will be a good day. Here’s Vanilje from 2007.

8/7 2021

My arm is pretty sore, but my sternum seems better, so that’s nice.
Also I’m really looking forward to Denmark’s seminfinal against England in the soccersports. I’m not sure when it’s going to be played, for some reason I seem to have forgotten everything in my head about that game so I can only assume it must be coming up real soon.
8/7 2021

Look, Milo pooped a Sky!

8/7 2021

The evolution of tiredness, starring Sassy.

8/7 2021

Today will be a good day. Here’s Popcorn from 2015.

9/7 2021

I am up to Space Oddity in my Bowie journey. So far this is my favourite song.

9/7 2021

A little Lily.

9/7 2021

Today will be a good day. Here’s Finn and Jacob from 2009.

10/7 2021

Had some great dreams last night. Dreams in dreams. I woke up marvelling at how vivid my dream had been, not realising that I was still dreaming. The best part was that Palle lived in a secret attic above me, with one of those fold-down ladders. So I got to hug Palle. That’s always the best part of dreaming, when you get to spend time with those you miss..
in other news. looks like I’ll have to dig up the new smartphone and see if I can get the fb app to work. See if I can confirm my location. I don’t know, I’m tired of all this. Maybe I’ll stop using the page and use a group instead, even though it will be worse. Or maybe I’ll just stop goatposting alltogether, and if you believe that I haven an eiffel towers to sell you.
I still also can’t type comments on here, the cursor jumps around and it gets all garbled. I have to go type a comment in a text editor and copy it into facebook instead, which makes it really hard to socialize on here, which I’m already bad at. Sigh.
10/7 2021

Don’t forget, we are temporary. We are farts fleeting in the wind. Toot toot and you’re gone. Maybe the smell will linger for a while, but sooner or later someone will scatch’n’sniff you away.
What I’m trying to say is, enjoy the moment while it’s here. And use air freshener.
10/7 2021

Sky and the butt

10/7 2021


10/7 2021

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

11/7 2021

Triple goof score, with Nuller and Lily.

11/7 2021


That’s all for now.

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