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A History Of Goats

Happy Mio Monday everyone. i hope it will be a good one.

3/10 2022

Good goat times today. Double goat duty today. Maybe for the last time.
Quite the contrast.
It was great at the new place. First time there after we brought the bench. So good. So much fun. We got some nice sun. It was fairly cold and windy, but it was still great to sit on the bench in the sun with the goats. I’m really happy we got the bench now.
We didsome fun running around too and there were humankids visiting in the goat pen. One boy pointed at Milo’s rear and going “he’s making kaka!”. Oh yes he was.
It was all really lovely. Then off to the old place. And three lovely goats there too. But a lot sadder. I spent some quality time with them, and said some goodbyes. I am not sure when the move will be. Jeanette told me that Merete, who will be one of the new owners, was going to be calling Lars to arrange it today. So I’m assuming it’s going to happen very soon, could be later today, could be one of the next days. But I’m assuming this was probably my last time going to the old place. Unless they call me and ask if I can help with the moving, but i’m not really expecting that. I’ll do it if they want of course. But we’ll see.
Jeanette said that once they are moved and settled in, she’d try and arrange it so she can take me out there to see their new home. So I ought to get to see them at least one more time… although there’s no guarantee. And I am not going to be able to visit regularly. Maybe once in a rare while, but it’s not something I can count on. It’s a private family residence and I can’t really get there by myself.
For now I just hope it will go smoothly. Still got that paranoid fear of things going wrong at the last minute. Just need it to get done so I don’t have to worry about dire consequences…
I didn’t see the horses. I thought they were supposed to arrive on Friday. They could have been in a place I didn’t see. Or maybe their arrival has been postponed until the goats go. I don’t know. I was kind of hoping to be able to hurl insults at them for ruining my life.
Haha, nah just kidding. It’s not the horses fault of course.
A day of joy and sorrow. I will try to focus mostly on the happy things. It breaks my forkn heart to have to face not seeing snl anymore. They are so sweet and lovely and funny. I’ll try to bury the pain for now, just gotta make sure they’re okay first and foremost. Everything else comes second.
3/10 2022

Three loves, the heart is full of.

3/10 2022

Happy to still have a happy place

3/10 2022

btw if you miss this video on Mia’s page, here it is on my page. Sky is just too funny, running up that goat hill and the ramp.
3/10 2022

Jeanette and Mia saying hi to a visitor.

3/10 2022

More little visitors.

3/10 2022

HappY Yogi daY everyone. I hope it will be a good one.

4/10 2022

Here’s some video from the (possibly last) visit to the old playground. It is so strange to think that I’m not going to be going there anymore. It’s been 6ish years since we moved Mia and Mio from the old old playground to this place. Hanging out with Yogi and the horses. And now that chapter is over.
It’s too bad it’s a sad occasion, because there’s a lot of good stuff in the video. Sweet moments and funny moments. I am going to miss that place, but much more I’m going to miss those 3 wonderful goat friends. Hopefully it’s not the last time I see them, but it’s not going to be the same again. Maybe I should have let Nuller just take my hat and run off with it..
well, as long as they get happy lives. Hopefully it will all be done as soon as possible.
4/10 2022

Happy Hump Day everyone. I hope it will be a good one.

5/10 2022

I’m going to write a post about old goats. And their names, specifically.
Why, well because I feel like it.
I was thinking about the sadness I’m feeling about having to say goodbye to Sassy, Lily and Nuller. And about all the sadness I carry for all the other goats I’ve had to say goodbye to over the years. They say that time heals. And I find myself thinking, it shouldn’t! …but it does. For me at least. It has gotten easier to look back. I still have some tremendous sadness in me, but it’s like it’s buried. I can see beyond it. I can look at photos of Palle and I can smile and feel the happiness and love. If I wanted to I could easily dig down and feel the sadness. It is not gone. But it doesn’t help to wallow in it constantlt. I would rather think of all the happines he, and the others, have brought me. I would rather smile. And there are so many many more happy memories than sad.
So, I was thinking about all that and I was thinking of all the goats I’ve known. And for some reason I started thinking about their names.
I think it was brought on by Yogi. Did you know that Yogi’s real name was A38? I know some of you know, but newer friends might not. The story goes, when she was young she got sick and they had to feed her A38 to help her tummy. A38 is a sort of probiotic milky product. It’s kind of like yogurt. And I believe it was Cyd who came up with the idea of nicknaming her Yogi as short of yogurt, since “A38” sounds more like a droid designation from Star Wars than a real name, at least to English speaking folks. So that became her name for us on here.
Did you know that Mia’s real name is Omar? Her full name is Mia Omar. When she was born they held a raffle at the old old playground to let someone name her. And a kid named Omar won the raffle and named her… Omar. Talk about self indulgent! Haha. But back then we were not as progressive as we are now and gender conformity was a thing and so it wasn’t thought right that a girl goat should be named Omar. So she was named Mia Omar. AnD I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call her anything but Mia. But it’s a funny story at least.
How about Mio? The funny thing about Mio’s name is that Mio is actually a boy’s name. So no gender conformity there. In Scandinavia there’s very famous children’s book called Mio Min Mio, I believe it’s called Mio, My Son in English. By Astrid Lindgren. I think I loved it when I was younger, but I barely remember it now. Anyway, I don’t really know why Mio got her name. I don’t know if that was her name before she came to live with us or if she got that name at the playground. But of course Mio and Mia went well together.
Kamel, well there’s no funny story there I think. It’s Danish for camel, as you might have guess. She did have quite the hump, just in the rump not in the middle..
Palle. I don’t know where that came from exactly. The most famous Palle I can think of is the book Palle Alene I verden. Palle Alone In The World. Which was another children’s book, and a movie was made of it too. About a boy who found himself compltely alone in the world. Last Man On Earth type of thing. But i don’t know if that was where Palle got his name from.
Some names came from.. me. Like Herman. I named Herman. I always thought Herman was a cool and funny name for a buck. I originally got it from the character Herman Toothrot from the Monkey Island computer games, although Herman wasn’t exactly named after him. Just where I got the name. I always though it was funny for a buck because in danish “hr” is the equivalent of “mr”. So it sounded like Hr Man. Mr Man. Quite fitting for a manly buck, don’t you think?
I didn’t always get to name goats. I remember when Bob was born I pitched the name Tyson. Because it sounded cool. But the kids at the playground named him Bob. And being he was such a fluffy tubby sweetheart, Tyson may not have fit him so well after all.
I named Bruce and Clark. You may be able to guess where I got those names, if you like superheroes anyway. I thought those were cool names for a dynamic duo.
I named the Ping Pong twins too. I thought that was funny for a couple of twins that looked so alike. Ping and Pong. And I think I must have named Fuzzy too? Barely remember. But that doesn’t sound like a name that the kids at the playground would pick. Sounds like something from Facebook. Maybe on you out there came up with it? Or maybe it was just because he was a little fuzzy cutie and the name stuck. I know we came up with lots of elaborate furthering of his nickname. Lord Fuzzleroy of fuzzington. Mr Fuzzelbart the fuzzlewand. Things of that ilk.
Sometimes it would happen that the staff at the playground would read what I was writing on facebook and just go with it. That’s how Medium and Large got their name. If you are longtimers you might remember they were triplets, and of three sizes. I just called them Tiny, Medium and Large because they didn’t have names and I had to call them something when I wrote about them. Unfortunately Tiny passed away before too long, he was just too tiny in the end. And Medium outgrew Large, which made their names seem a little silly. And to be honest, I never meant for those names to stick and I thought we could have done better. But a goat by any other name..
How about Peanut and Popcorn? I barely remember where those names came from now. I can’t remember if Cyd had anything to do with naming Peanut or if it just feels like that because you know, Cyd and Peanut… And I think I named Popcorn just because it seemed like a funny name and went well with his half-brother’s name.
I have told the story of 3B’s name before. It’s short for Bette Ski’s Bette Ski’s Bette Ski. And Bette is sort of shorthand slang for ‘little’ and ski is short for skid which means.. ‘sh*t’. Basically Kurt, who was the original leader of the playground back in the day, had a buck called Little sht and he got a son called Little Sht’s Little Sht and he got a son, 3B, called little Sht’s Little Sht’s Little Sht. Three generaitons of little sh
Yeah. And there have been names like Vanilje (Vanilla) and Lakrids (Liquorice) and Choko, boviously dericed from fur colours.
I am not sure where Magnethe got her name. I know she was named Magnet but then they realised she was a girl and it became Magnethe. Maybe because she was so popular and attracted visitors. She was the first goat kid I ever knew.
Mads and Mathilde were there when I started visiting goats, and those are some fairly odd-fashioned traditional names, often used for goats or other animals too.
Are there any other prominent goats I’m missing out on? My memory isn’t so great, there may be some I have missed. Mia’s dad was Preben. I am not sure if he was named after Preben Elkjær but he is one of our most famous soccerballers. There was a buck called Thor, an obvious name for a strong buck.
Incidentally, even though I am not strictly speaking a goat (them’s fighting words, don’t ever say that to me!) I do believe I was named after the Swedish singer Lasse Berghagen, at least in part. My parents are fans of his.
So there you got. Feel free to ask questions if you have any, but I hope that was a little fun. Like I said, I have tremendous sadness in me, too many goats that I have had to say goodbte to, some left home, some lived long and died as we all must and some had catastropic traumatic ends. I am thankful that I got to spend time with them all and we can only hope that the good times outweight the bad. I don’t know where my life would have been without goats, but I don’t think it would have been a good place. Without them I probably would not have known any of you reading this now. I would not give up all the happy memories to get rid of the bad. But it is not easy when you’re in the middle of having to let go…
5/10 2022

After all those past goats, here is a goatlog with current goats.

5/10 2022

And a goat butt parade while we’re at it. It’s a little sad we’ll never have parades of more than 3 butts anymore, but 3 butts are still a parade, right?

5/10 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here is 3B from 2006. He sure was a cute little sh

6/10 2022

Good goat times today. And good news about snl. I think. I hope. I called Lars today , after I got home from mms. And after about 5 minutes of staring at the phone, trying to gather up courage. He didn’t have time to talk, I could hear kids in the background. But he told me that he’d found something for the goats and they would be picked up tomorrow. And he’d call me when he got home to tell me more. So, later today I should know more details.
I just got this paranoid feeling that he’s sending them to slaughter and he didn’t want to say that in front of the kids there and that’s why he wanted to call later.. but that’s just me being silly and paranoid, right? Right. Can’t help worrying, till the very end.
Hopefully it’s Jeanette’s neighbours that will be picking them up tomorrow. I really hope so. I talked to Jeanette today and she said she hadn’t wanted to be pushy about it, so she hadn’t asked her neighbours if there were any news. But she texted them to ask. She hadn’t gotten a reply by the time I went home, but she said she’d let me know if she found out anything new. So i’ll just be sitting here waiting for a text from Jeanette or a call for Lars. And hoping it’s good news.
But in any case, I guess Sassy, Lily and Nuller are leaving tomorrow. I am not sure if they’ll want me to be there. I guess I’ll see what Lars says. I don’t want to complicate things with the new owners, and I wouldn’t be able to go along for the journey since I wouldn’t have a ride home. Malene and the people at the new playground really were great when we moved Mia, Milo and Sky , and she drove me home after it and all. I can’t expect that from private people, presumeably, who don’t know me and don’t expect anything but some sweet goats. And I really don’t want to be pushy or complicate things, I just need snl to get to a safe home and then that’s that. I have sort of said my goodbyes. I am okay with not being there. But i will want to help if I can of course. We will see what it do. i hope it’s Jeanette’s people and I hope she can take me there to see snl when they have settled in. Hooves crossed.
The goating with mms was good, kids at the fence to pet them (although they were distracted by a dead hedgehog that Jeanette showed them, so they got a little educating on life and death and that sort of thing). Cold wind and sunny.
Ergh I’m just nervous.
6/10 2022

Think happy thoughts. Sweet visitors and sweet goats.

6/10 2022

Okay, 8:55 pm. I couldn’t wait any longer. I don’t know if Lars forgot he said he’d call me or what, but I decided to call him. Even though I’m not sure it’s socially acceptable to call people that late… but I mean, i was waiting for him to call as promised so..
But at any rate. The good news is that it IS Jeanette’s neighbours who are getting Sassy, Lily and Nuller. Now that I think about it I am not completely sure Jeanette said they were her neighbours exactly, they may be friends or so, but anyway, doesn’t matter right now. The important thing is that the goats are going there. And they’re going to take care of the move, Lars said they have it covered. So I’m going to back off and wait for Jeanette to hopefully arrange for me to go see them there. I can’t be completely sure that I can do that. Again, it IS a private family, I can’t have expectations of anything. But Jeanette said she’d try to arrange it so she could take me out there and see where they’ll be living.
So. That is a relief. I am really tired. And worn down and exhausted. I’ll be heading to be soon and probably be sleeping for a long time. And I’ll probably be seeing JEanette on Monday then and hopefully she can tell me the move and everything went well. Hooves crossed.
6/10 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s Mr Man, Herman from 2014.

7/10 2022

No new goat news. When I talked to Lars yesterday he said he didn’t know when Sassy, Lily and Nuller would be picked up. But it’s 4 pm now, I have to assume they have been moved. He said they had the move covered, so I felt like I better let them do it by themselves. And I needed to sleep. I slept for some 15 hours probably. But hopefully snl are in their new home now. Hopefully it all went well. Hopefully no problems. Jeanette might be able to tell me more on Monday, but it doesn’t sound like she’s necessarily in touch with the friends/neighbours on a daily basis, if they live out in the country it might not be somethingw here you just poke your head over the fence everyday. So might take a few days before we know more. But as long as the move has gone through and gone well, that’s all we can ask.
Attached to this post is a video from 2016. When Mia and Mio moved from the old old playground to the old playground. The first meeting with Yogi. it’s kind of crazy to think that presumably I will never be going back to that place. Nothing for me there anymore. It’s a little sad after all those years. But so it goes. We had some great times there. And some sad. Back then when we first got there it was so .. empty. No goat house, no shelter, just one rock I think. Mostly just open grass. The neat thing was that there was a passageway to the horse field. The goats could go into the horse field, but the horses couldn’t go into the goat pen. I always though that was cool and it was nice to be able to go back and forth and hang out where we wanted. Yeah that was when you could have BOTH horses and goats… But yeah I was sad when they closed that passageway. But then they did start adding things to the goat pen so there was more to do in there. And it was a good pen. And some big loves in Mio and Yogi. They never bonded completely as a group, but I was happy when they managed to hang out together. And Yogi sure got a lot of companionship, and treats, from the silly human that moved with. I think she had a good last few years. The story goes that she outlived all their other goats there and was by all accounts and a really old goat. I’m thankful for the time we got with her. What a darling.
7/10 2022

A fresh new goatlog

7/10 2022

It’s important to have good friends to lean on.

7/10 2022

wtf. call the cops, we’ve had a break-in.

7/10 2022

Yes, I’m happy we got the tub back. Although it IS a little crowded.

7/10 2022

Happy Caturday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

8/10 2022

Oh, hay.

8/10 2022

Happy Funday everyone. I hope it will be a good one.

9/10 2022


9/10 2022

We didn’t just get the bench and the tub from the old place, we also got this smaller trough. Mostly something I can move around and put my camera on sometimes, but Milo found another use for it too.

9/10 2022

Hi Sky!

9/10 2022

Looks like Mia was cast in a gritty prison drama.

9/10 2022


That’s all for now.

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