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Happy Mio Monday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

12/12 2022

Good goat times today. Another brrr’er. It was down around -5C/23F in the morning. White stuff at the side of the road, I wasn’t sure if it was snow or frost at first. But it was snow. In the goat pen there was more of it, although not enough to completely cover everything. But in places there was a fair bit. Thankfully Jeanette had managed to get the door open, so I was greeted at the fence by the goats. They’d rather walk in snow than in mud. And Mia was walking better. Her hind leg still seemed a little stiff, but better than last I saw her. Jeanette is planning to get the vet to look at her. I hope the vet can trim her hooves too.
Mia needed to be able to move today She had to be able to get away from Sky. Whomst was in heat it seems. Is it just me or does that happen a lot when it’s really cold? Haha. She was doing little grunty noises and following Mia around, sniffing at her rear. And they did the dance around, Mia pushing her out of the way. Circling around each other. And Milo wanting to get in on it but lacking the equipment and instincts to really know what to do so he just headbuttet Sky a bit. And me on the sidelines trying not to laugh because it’s such a ridiculous circus. Oh boy.
Part of me wishes we could get a boyfriend for Sky. How cute would it be to see ‘the baby’ having little babies of her own? I’m glad they don’t breed the goats, but boy I miss having goat babies around. It’s been like what 5 years since Nuller was a baby? Speaking of things I miss.. sigh.
But yeah, it was a good time. I managed to pet the redshirts today too. I don’t know if it was the cold, but they seemed more cuddly than usual. I mean they are always friendly, and usually following us around. But they usually get out of the way if you reach for them or walk right up to them. But today it happened several times that they came right up to me and didn’t really shy away at first when I gave them some strokes on their backs. Cute!
I also did a little photoshoot with Mia, which amused Jeanette. But you’ll have to wait ooh about 12 days to see the results of that. That’s a hint.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to wrap myself in pizza dough and go take a nap in the oven.
12/12 2022

It’s beginning to look a lot like mittens.

12/12 2022

Snow butt parade.

12/12 2022

A couple of things, non goat related, from today.
First, I managed to stand up for myself in the supermarket. They have a promotion where if you spend a certain amount then you get a gift certificate that you can use if you spend a certain amount the next week. So I wanted to use that today when shopping, but then the cashier said “Too late, I can’t take that now because I’ve pushed the ‘total’ button, you sohuld have given it o me before I rang it all up. You’ll have to use it next time you shop”. Ehm, I’ve used these gift certificates before without any problems, no one ever said anything abouth aving to give it before all my goods were rung up. And the thing is, i have two certificates from my two shopping trips last week, I typically go shopping twice a week. I can’t just come in and keep shopping for that amount you have to hit for the certificate to be useable. I have to use the two certificates I have on the two shopping trips I plan to do this week. So I coplained and the casher started punching keys, I guess he ‘undid’ my total and redid or whatever. It took a minute, I’m sure the people behind me in the queue weren’t too happy. But I got my discount and saved some money. Normally that’s the kind of thing where i’d rather just lose money instead of having to deal with a social interaction with humans. So I’m pleased i managed to do it.
Second thing was when I got home, and less pleasant. I was taking over my overcoat and sweater. I was out in my hallway. It’s a tiny hallway, if I stand in the middle I can basically reach out and touch all four walls, it’s that small. But there’s no light. Well, there is one, but it’s so weak that it doesn’t help me so I never turn it on. I just use the light coming through the door from the living room or the bathroom. But I had those almost closed at this point and I managed to get myself turned around while pulling my sweater over my head. And I reached my hands out to push open the door to the living room. And it didn’t budge. And I pushed again. Nothing. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t open the door, then I realised I was pushing the wall, not the door. Now given how small the room is, I should just basically have followed the wall around with my hand until I found the door. But for some reason I didn’t, i almost panicked and got really disoriented and I couldn’t understand why i couldn’t find the door. For a second I got these impulses like “wher am I?”. “Have I been beamed up by aliens and transported to some other room?”. “Is this a trap?”. It was weird. Not complete panic, but just weird. I managed to focus on the light coming from the bathroom door ajar and I got myself turned and opened the door into the living room and then I was fine. Weird feeling. I don’t think it was a brain fog moment, I think it was a “I’m blind and disoriented” feeling. You know how you have some things just.. on autopilot? There are some things that are just hardwired into you because you’ve done them a million times and then if you change one thing by mistake then you’re just thrown out of the loop and the whole thing malfunctions. That’s what it felt like. And then worsened because of my blindness in the dark. For some reason I got this memory of the old board game where you have the grid with the moving floor tiles and you push the tiles and the walls in the maze changes. You know that? I felt like someone had changed the walls in my hallway and I was stuck.
Anyway, I’m fine and all, it was just a weird moment.
So that was a bit of storytime.
12/12 2022

Rest in peaec Angelo Badalamenti. I can’t even put into words properly ow much the Twin Peaks soundtrack means to me. It is such a huge part of the whole experience, an experience that has meant a lot to me. You just have to play the first few seconds of the theme and you know, you just know. It’s so distinct and recognisable and such a big part of the show. In dreams and nightmares that music has played and I hope there is music in the air where he is now. Other than maybe John Williams’ Star Wars soundtrack I can’t think of anything that has meant as much to me. It melts my heart every time I put it on. A true genius, Very sad,

As I said when Al Strobel passed recently, I have been thinking of doing a rewatch of the entire Twin Peaks continuum, the original series, the movies, the deleted scenes, the return. Maybe it is time. It scares me a little because nothing gives me nightmares like BoB. But i love that show so much and I want to experience it again. There’s nothing like Lynch’s dream visions. And nothing like that music. I can’t explain it, it just part of my soul. You know I love to dream, you know I dream more than I live.
13/12 2022

I love this video of Angelo Badalamenti talking about creating the Twin Peaks music. I can just imagine him and Lynch making magic.

13/12 2022

HappY Yogi daY everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

13/12 2022

No means no, says Mia to Sky.

13/12 2022

Happy Hump Day everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

14/12 2022

I’m always a little behind with these. This is from the last time we had a snowday. And on this day Sky was also showing heat signs Haha, maybe snow just gets her going. I don’t know.

14/12 2022

I know I shouldn’t tempt fate, but I must say, there seems to be less fireworks than usual. It’s halfway through December, normally I feel like we’d be hearing fireworks daily by now. There are some occasional blasts, but those seem like bigger singulary ones. I don’t really hear people going around throwing firecrackers and setting off bottle rockets and whatnot. I’d pay good money for it to stay like this. I’m sure before too long it will start up. I wish fireworks could be ontainted to special occasions, not the month befoer and after special occasions. But hey, so far so alright this season. Maybe it’s the pandemic or the supply difficulaties to ‘blame’. Maybe the war fairly close to home is dampening the desire for explosions. Maybe I should get a white stick.
14/12 2022

Milo, trying to keep his beard out of the snow.

14/12 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here is Mathilde from 2005.

15/12 2022

Good goat times today. Another brrr’er. Down to -5C/23F. But beautiful. More snow one the ground, and walking to the playground with a nice sunrise. Lots of sunshine today. Freezing and pretty.
The goats were scouting for me in their hallway as usual, but the lock on the fence gate was still locked, which it isn’t usually. I managed to get it open with some pulling and wiggly. Sounds like my love life, badumtish. Jeanette hadn’t been able to get that lock up in the morning, but she’d taken an alternate route and gotten the goats out, so that’s all good. Mia was stiff limbed again. After the usual morning treats she actually went inside and sat down in the hay in their bedroom. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her do that before. But then she let out a big yawn, so I think that was more a ‘it’s too early and too cold’ thing than anything else.
Jeanette told me she’d sent a text to Lars (at the old playground) asking for info on their hoof trimmer and vet. And hadn’t received a reply back yet. So that’s kinda crummy. We need to get those hooves trimmed and maybe Mia’s legs looked at. Sigh. Let’s hope it gets done soon.
With more snow, the goat hill was quite slippery. Mia and Sky didn’t even want to try to walk down it for a long time. I managed to get Milo down and then he zoomed back up the hill to the girls. And then came back to me for treats and then ran up the hill. A couple of times back and forth like that. Loved seeing him run in the snow. Sky usually likes to do that run too, but not in the snow I guess.
Jeanette was making some salad for the bunnies and brought over some carrots and some cabbage thing for the goats. They aren’t crazy about carrots, but they took some of it all. And I told Jeanette about Milo’s ‘bandit’ nickname, when he was jumping up with his front legs on her trying to get more and then headbutting the carrots when she offered them to him.’ I can see why!” she responded.
More to say, but that’s enough typing for now. I’ll give you a break nd get me a snack.
15/12 2022

Hit snooze.

15/12 2022

Well, there was a little bit of a sad occasion today. Today was Malene’s last day.
When I was saying goodbye to Jeanette as I was leaving, she said maybe I should just say bye to Malene. I hadn’t known today was her last day. But I’m glad I got to talk to her on my way out. Just a little chat I thanked her for all she’s done for me and the goats, and I thanked her from the Facebook peoples too, I know some of you asked me to do that. I told her it has meant a lot to me, that she agreed to take Mia and the littles, and that she’s been a good advocate for the animals. I told her I apreciated. And as always she was very appreciative of what I’m doing too. “youm ake us look good” she said. Haha. I guess she’s been looking at Mia’s page and liked what she’s seen. So that’s nice. I hope she will have a good time in her new job. “Maybe we’ll see each other again” I said, and she said “of course we wil!”. She is really nice. I hope things won’t get worse now that’s she’s gone. I’m glad Jeanette is still there, I wish she was there more than 3 days a week but I don’t think that’s something she wants.
But in any case, thanks to Malene for listening to me when I asked them to take Mia. I don’t even want to think about how things would have gone if she’d stuck to the plan of taking only the young goats. Thank goodness she listened.
Goatspeed, Malene.
15/12 2022

Nice to see the sun coming up.

15/12 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s Bob from 2013.

16/12 2022

Forecast for tonight: -10C/14F.
Booking my tickets for Oceanic flight 815 to Hawaii.
16/12 2022

Here’s Jeanette feeding carrot and salad to the goat gang yesterday. I am glad she will still be with us.

16/12 2022

Happy Caturday everyone. I hope it’s a good one. Here’s Nala.

17/12 2022

While looking for another old video I came across this old thing. Little baby Magnethe in 2005. The first baby goat I ever met. Had no idea her mother Mathilde was pregnant, one day I just got there and met this little darling. And I was sold for life.
Magnethe was the big herd queen until she passed and her bloodline ended, at least at our place. That was when Mio took over and her family line became the dominant one, which I guess it still is with Mia being her girl.

17/12 2022

This year Santa got lazy and let an AI decide who’s naughy and nice. Much easier than keeping a list. Cross your fingers and hope there won’t be coal in your stockings, or worse!
17/12 2022

Wintery goats.

17/12 2022

Happy Funday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

18/12 2022


18/12 2022

Might as well face it you’re addicted to goat faces.

18/12 2022


That’s all for now.

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