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New Guinea

I read on wikipedia that Harrison Ford was originally offered the role of Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop. And now I just can’t stop trying to imagine Harrison Ford doing Eddie Murphy’s Axel F grin.
Anyway, excited for Indiana Jones 5!
5/12 2022

Happy Mio Monday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

5/12 2022

Good goat times today. Freezing morning. Harsh wind. Warmed up a little later on, with some light rain. Brr. A day for staying in, with the goats. We did take one trip outside. Got some fallen leaves. Stood on a rock. But then back inside where it’s warm(ish) and dry. And it’s only just the beginning of December. I wish it could be spring soon. So do the goats. Not sure how the feathers feel about the weather. What’s feather weather?
5/12 2022

Not going out.

5/12 2022

If you’re going to be outside on a day like this, you’re gonna need a rock.

5/12 2022

Well, Mia had a bit of a rough day today. It started in the morning when she didn’t want to come out to the fence to greet me. Getting a little too muddy when there’s rain. Can’t blame her for that. Later on she started doing some of those little whiny whinnies she does when there’s something bothering her, only there was no one bothering her. I actually started worrying if something was wrong with her. But her appetite was fine, great in fact, and she was happy enough when I distracted her. I think it was just the cold and grey and wet that was getting her a little down. We’ll have to keep an eye on her to make sure she’s fine. And then when it was time for me to go, I had to chase her around for a bit. I still have to put them inside when I leave or she’ll jump the fence to follow me. It hasn’t been a problem for a long time, but today she was wise to the deal and ran out when i wanted to put her in. I had Milo and Sky inside their house so I closed the door on them. Which left them bleating and jumping up against the door while I was chasing Mia around. It would have been more fun if I didn’t feel bad for Mia, she wasn’t having a good time. She’s smart enough to know when I’m trying to lure her with treats too. Normally she’ll come running for treats any chance she gets. But if I’m trying to get her to go someplace she doesn’t want to go, well then she can resist the treats alright. I did manage to get her inside finally. But yeah, she didn’t have the best of days, poor girl. I really wish we could get the fencing thing done and the ramps up to the platforms too. I haven’t seen Jesper Handyman since that first time they did the platforms. I guess he’s just busy at the other location. But it’s been months now, i wish we could at least get something put on the fences to stop Mia jumping them when I leave. And some sunshine wouldn’t hurt.

5/12 2022

Mia feeling blue wasn’t the only bad part of today. I got some bad news. Malene will be stopping at the playground. I think at the end of the year. That’s really sad, and a little worrisome. Jeanette told me about it today. She was sad and concerned too. Malene has been the leader at the playground and she’s been a great advocate for the animals, very determined to have good conditions for them etc and as you’ll remember she was the one who listened to me when I convinced them to take Mia even though they had only wanted young goats. So it’s really too bad. Apparently it’s because of budget cuts. They want to axe one leader from the two local playgrounds, instead of one leader at each place they want one to be leader of both. And since Malene is the least experienced of the two leaders she was expecting she’d get demoted and she didn’t want that so she found a job elsewhere (local psychiatry I believe). Can’t blame her, but it sucks. The worry is wether the new leader will be caring as much about the animals and their well being. Theoretically a worst case scenario would be that the decide to get rid of the goats. But I am sure that won’t happen. It cannot. It better not. Apparently the guy who had originally initiated them getting more animals is still the head of the whole thing, and as Jeanette said when you’ve made a commitment to get animals you can’t just discard them. So. We’ll just have to see what happens next year. Hopefully the new leader will be a good one who will do their best to keep things goign well for the animals. Jeanette will still be there 3 days a week, and we know she cares. It’s just rotten. Malene has been so nice. I haven’t seen her outside a whole lot, but it’s always nice when we do. And nice to feel someone who cares about the animals is in charge. I am worried if that might change now.
Many, 2022 just can’t stop sucking huh? Especially the last half. It’s just been one long nosedive into the muck. For the world and for me and my family. Has anything good even happened? Jeanette coming into our lives is the only really good thing I can think of. And I guess you can count it as good that I didn’t lose Mia, Milo and Sky and that their new home in many ways has been better. But that also meant losing Sassy, Lily and Nulle rand who knows what will happen there now. I’m really sick of everything. Honestly it’s a a struggle to get out of bed these days. Even seeing the goats is something I have to force myself to do sometimes, not because I don’t want to, but because I just feel incapable of doing anything. I just want to bury myself in a hole.
NOT TO BE OVERLY DRAMATIC OR ANYTHING. I am thankful for the goats and for Jeanette and for my fb fambly that listens and cares. don’t know what i’d do without you.
It’s gonna be fun when i write my end-of-the-year post to sum up the year, huh? Christmas is coming up and I hate to even think it, but who knows if it’ll be the last one with one with dad, hopefully it won’t but you know.
Ugh. Anyway. The future is unclear and it is hard to remain optimistic. On a large and small scale. Guess we just gotta take it one step at a time, and hope we aren’t walking over the edge of Mount Doom.
5/12 2022

HappY Yogi daY everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

6/12 2022

A bit of Sky.

6/12 2022

Happy Hump day everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

7/12 2022

Huh. I think I just.. blacked out. Or.. fell asleep, but it feels like a blackout. I suddenly. woke up? Regained consciousness? I don’t even know. I remember this happening before, not sure if it was once or twice. But it’s such a weird feeling. Like coming to and not really knowing what I was doing. What day it is, what I was planning. Having to retrace my steps. Looking at my files I could see I visited the goat on Monday. I slept through most of Tuesday, got up today. What did I do? I posted the hump day photo a couple of hours ago. I was planning to order pizza, I put my diet fanta bottle in the freezer. I guess I fell asleep in my comfy chair… I feel so disorientated. Well, after putting the pieces of the puzzle somewhat back together I’m starting to get a grip on what’s going on. I put in the order for the pizza, so that should be here in 45 minutes to an hour. Just have to.. get back into the routine of things. I was editing goat video. I have to run each clip through the editor twice. and I can see I had done one clip and ran it through the editor once. So I guess I fell asleep after that. It feels like brain fog.. or dementia. It’s such a weird feeling, not really knowing what time it is or whate you were doing. Having to piece everything back together again. Ugh. And it’s too cold. Well hopefully I’m ok now. Hopefully I can enjoy the pizza when I get it. Good thing i didn’t manage to order the pizza BEFORE I fell asleep or passed out or whatever. That would have been awkward, they would have probably woken me up with the doorbell and I would have been all confused. Anyway. Sorry for rambling. I guess I’m ok. Just gotta gather myself. Weird.
7/12 2022

feeling better now, enjoyed pizza

7/12 2022

now watching Moonage Daydream. Perfect timing for my Bowie journey.
7/12 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s Fuzzy from 2016.

x8/12 2022

Good goat times today. Cold cold cold, though. Below freezing. For a second I thought it had snowed, but everything was just white with frost. Brrr. When I got to the goats I found that they were still locked up inside. That surprised me. Thursday is one of Jeanette’s 3 working days, and she always has them out before I get there. So I got a little worried. Went up to the goat house. Had to jiggle the key in the lock for a minute before it would open. Frozen I guess. Got inside. And thankfully everyone was there and fine. A couple of minutes later Jeanette appeared and the first thing she said as she approached was “How did you get it opened?!”. Apparently it had been frozen so shut that she couldn’t get it open, she’d used a lighter and other stuf to try and thaw it. Maybe she’d losened it up for me or maybe it was just some key jiggling that was needed. But anyway, jeanette served them their breakfast and it was good.
Mia was not doing her little sad whinnies. But I did unfortunately notice that she was limping a bit. I only noticed it when we went outside and walked in the frost. I don’t know if maybe the hard frozen ground was to blame. Or maybe the cold in general got her limbs stiff. I think it was her left back leg. I told Jeanette about it so they can keep an eye on it and get it checked if it persists. I asked her what their plans for hoof trimming was. They haven’t had their hooves trimmed since the move, so it’s really overdue. Jeanette wasn’t quite suire if they would get a vet to do it or someone from the old playground. I really hope they get the vet to do it, I wasn’t always happy with the quality of the hoof trimming at the old place. But in any case it needs to be done very soon, and could also be reason for the limping. Other than that she was fine and happy with good appetite and smooches and all. Nothing but worries those goats. Sheesh. Too bad we’re stuck with them eh?
Yeah yeah. Hooves crossed all is or will be fine.
It wasn’t just goat times today, but I’ll tell you about that with some photo later.
8/12 2022

Look at this little thing. I can’t remember if I mentioned it on Monday, but Jeanette had to leave early because she was going to pick up some guinea pigs for the playground. And today she asked me if I wanted to meet them. We went inside the house next to the pens. I have walked by it plenty of times, I thought that house was like a shed or something, but today I got inside for the first time and it’s a proper room or two with heating and stuff. Very nice. Anyway, I sat down on a blanket and Jeanette handed me this little thing. And then I sat and petted him for a while and talked to Jeanette. Quite lovely. It sat pretty much completely still in my hands the whole time. I’m sure visiting kids will love spending time with the guineas.

8/12 2022

Brrr, frosty.

8/12 2022

A little bit of guinea film. Nothing interesting, I just wanted to get a tiny bit of footage for memory’s sake. This was after I sat with the furball in my hands for quite a while, talking to Jeanette.
8/12 2022

Sky is still acing the hoofshaking. Not pictured: Millo complaining about the locked door.

8/12 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s Vanilje from 20007.

9/12 2022

I feel like this is what I look like when I wake up in the morning.

9/12 2022

Why the long shadow?

9/12 2022

What does a yellow light mean?
9/12 2022

Okay, we do get sunshine. But it’s not helping much. The forecast for the foreseeable future is mostly below freezing. Not my time.

9/12 2022

Happy Caturday everyone. Here is Nala.

10/12 2022

Sorry, Milo. The bench is occupied.

10/12 2022

Happy Funday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

11/12 2022

Can Steve Martin & Martin Short host snl every week? This is the first episode this season that I have really enjoyed. I should probably get to watching Only Murders In The Building, sounds like they’re doing good stuff on that show.
11/12 2022


11/12 2022

Playing Morrissey concerts loudly on youtube to drown out the neighbours drilling, ready Fawlty Towers subreddit, everyday is like sunday
11/12 2022

Are you looking at my butt? asks Milo.

11/12 2022


That’s all for now.

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