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One Chants Out

Happy Mio Monday everyone. I hope it will be a good one.

28/11 2022

Good goat times today. Back where I belong, feels much better. Cold, windy and a slight drizzle, though. But thankfully we have crazy goats who are actually willing to go out in rain, as long as it’s not too bad. So we spent some time sitting inside and some time walking outside. And the feathery fowls followed us around. I don’t know if they like being around me or the goats, but whenever we went outside they started following us and then when we went back in, well so did they. Henrietta and the redshirts, a cluckalong band of merry feathery followers. Cute! We also had a visit from a man with a dog. He was very friendly, but of course the goats spent the entire time sending the death stare at the dog. We need to have one of those droid detectors they have in the cantina on Tatooine, only it should detect dogs. We don’t serve your kind here!
28/11 2022

The furs and the feathers.

28/11 2022

Well, my dad got the results back from his tests. And the diagnosis is, as we feared and assumed, he has alzeimer’s. So, that is devastating, but not really new. We knew this is where it was gonig and we know where it is going. It is just a matter of time. I told you before that he’d said he expected not to live longer than a year. When we just talked now he said he expected it to be no more than 3 years. He said he wants to visit Finland (we have family there) and he wants to go in the spring because he’s not sure he’ll be able to make it in fall. The question is of course not just how long he will live, but in what condition he’ll be. He said that he’ll be getting some meds that can potentially extend his life. But the question is of course how desireably that will be. We will just have to see how it all goes. I don’t really know how to process or face it, but it’s not like you have a choice.
He seems fairly at peace with it all. When he was younger he worked as.. a nurse, I guess. Something in the health business. I don’t even remember exactly what he did, I remember it vaguely from my childhood, I remember he changed profession and became a teacher. I remember worrying about or family finances because of the change. But that was when I was a kid. Anyway, he has experienced being around sick people and dying people. I feel like he worries more about me, and probably Peter, than about himself.
Yeah it’s pretty rotten.
28/11 2022

Thank you everyone for all the comments and support and your own stories. I am not feeling super talkative right now, but I am okay. Just want to try to enjoy somewhat normalcy while we have it. One day a day. I appreciate the support system I have here, you’re all great.
29/11 2022

HappY Yogi daY everyone. I hope it’s a good one. Again, thank you everyone for all the love.

29/11 2022

In other news, my upstairs neighbours have been having work done for a couple of weeks now it feels like. They start at 6.45 am and it sounds like they are moving furniture around with intermittent sawing and drilling and stuff. Not constant noise, but constant threat of noise, liud and banging and I’m not going crazy. I’m not going crazy. I’m not going crazy.
It’s like the tapdancing elephants in the bowling alley, only starting early in the morninga nd going on and off all day. Great great I’m not going crazy.
Everything’s fine.
29/11 2022

I just want to scream at the ceiling,, SHUT UP. SHUT UP. SHUUUT UUUP. Ugh. I overheard the upsairs neighbor telling someone that she was moving out, so it’s some kind of moving out cleaning, maybe renovation of the flat. She said her lease, or whatever it ‘s called, was terminated on December 1st. So i’m really hoping tomorrow is the last day of this. It’s driving up the walls. Now with my luck someone will move in with a drumset and clogs. And I still have to worry about my own apartment which I’m due to be thrown out of in the next year or two, but I can’t even think about that now. Can’t deal. I just want to go to bed. So I can lie in bed and listen to the forking workers instead of dreaming. Sigh. I can’t stand the world right now.
29/11 2022

Let’s have some happy goat thoughts instead. Here is a little slomo clip of Mia running. I love those bouncing ears. There will be a longer running video up on Mia’s page later on today. I am going to bed soon. I think the workers have stopped for today, or maybe they’re just on lunch break. But i need to dream it all away.
29/11 2022

I just knocked my computer on the floor. It looks like everything is still working.God what a nightmare it would have been if it had broken.. Ugh. I’m going to bed. I hope it’ll still work in the morning. I’ve had it with everything
29/11 2022

Happy Hump Day everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

30/11 2022


30/11 2022

Well, that was Denmark’s thid and final game at the World Cup. We lost 0-1 to Australia and go out bottom of the group. An embarrassing World Cup is over for us. The only upside is now I don’t have to pay attention to this shirtshow anymore. It does make it a little easier to bear that the whole tournament is such a horrible display of corruption and fascism. It’s not a normal wc and I’m happy to be done with it. For a team some people saw as a dark horse in the tournament we performed pitifully and I could go over all the excuses, but thankfully I know most of you don’t care about the ballsports so I don’t have to. Congratulations to my Australian friends, I hope you will do well as it goes on. And congratulations to FIFA for managing to ruin the sport, may you be forced to watch American baseball in the afterlife.
30/11 2022

Hi Sky!

30/11 2022

i’m a hit man
and a rap man
some people even think I’m tougher than batman

30/11 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s Popcorn from 2015.

1/12 2022

Good goat times today. I almost didn’t make it out. I was feeling so depressed that I told myself, I’m not going out. i’m going to bed for two days. But you know how you can kind of trick your brain? I kept thinking “I’m not going”. “I’m not going”. “I’m not going”. And then at the last second I thought “HAHA I’M GOING” and then I went before my brain had a chaince to come up with a counterpoint. Yeah, I outsmarted myself!
And of course, it’s always good to be with the goats. In fact, it is the best place. Even on a cold day like today. Barely above freezing. Wet ground. I thought I may have seen a couple of snowflakes falling, although it may have been my brain trying to get back at me. But just good to be with the goats agan. And the cluckerjocks. And Jeanette. And we had visitors, for the first time in a couple of weeks I think. Nice to have kids drop by again. They went into the goat pen in pairs and got to have some upclose time with the goats. We had a couple of little butt inspectors too! Bending down and looking up at the the rears. One of them even managed to annoy Mia. I’m not sure what they were doing, they were looking at her back and reached out, not sure what they were trying to touch. Her teatrs or her butt or something, but Mia swung her head around and said nuh uh. She didn’t hit them or anything, but it was a very clear ‘back off’ message. I can’t remember seeing her do that before, at least not as an adult after taking oer grandma’s goat ambassador position. She’ll let the poke and prod her hears and eyes and nose, but not the butt I guess!
Another little girl was staring intently at the goat butts and their adult went ‘Eugenia, what are you looking for?”. And little Eugenia smiled a cheeky smile, trying to look innocent, and said “nooothing”. Oh yeah, we know what you were looking for, kid! Always fun with kids and goats.
1/12 2022

A couple of butt inspectors caught in the act.

1/12 2022

Here’s a slightly more wholesome picture of today’s visitors with the goats.

1/12 2022

Btw, if you think having an American president in his 80s is a problem then I’m sure you also support term limits for there supreme court, right? Because you can’t let old people have power, so.
1/12 2022

And now for something completely different. More kids and goats.

1/12 2022

Here is a little goat butt parade. But it is also to illustrate a change. Can you tell what is different?
There used to be a wheelbarrow there. Jeanette had the good idea to move it into the room on the right, that’s the room where some boyscouts are storing some stuff. And I guess there was room for a wheelbarrow. Which frees some space in the ‘hallway’ here in the goat house. Which is nice, because this is where the goats usually hang out when it’s bad weather outside. When i get there in the morning they’ll be standing there scouting out. The door on the left is closed here for the picture, but usually that’s open and the goats can go in there if they want their hay or straw or food or water. That’s where they sleep at night. But other than breakfast I think they are usually out in this space during the day, if they are not outside. So that’s good. More space for goats.

1/12 2022

I hope tody will be a good day. Here’s Mads from 2005.

1/12 2022

Looks like Milo is a little butt inspector too.
Alternative title: “Dang, the service here is terrible. I’ve been waiting for the omelette I ordered for hours!”.

1/12 2022

Some of you are probably asking yourselves “Is Lasse a good cook?”
And let me tell you. I just managed to throw boiling water on myself while making mashed potatoes from powder.
So. Masterchef right here.
*Angry Gordon Ramsay shouting*
1/12 2022

Hey, Henrietta Solo s climbing the mountain! And because I’m so witty, I turned to the goats asn asked “why don’t you guys climb the mountain? Are you chicken?” and then I laughed and lauged. And then Mia headbutted me. Almost true story”

1/12 2022

For the premium subscribers, here is a little Behind The Scenes video of me trying to see if Sky remembers the hoofshake trick. This was when we were just starting out teaching her, so she was a little confused. You can hear a lot of her bleating like “What’s going on, I don’t get it, can I just have a treat”. But she’s gotten so good at it, you can see the continuation on Mia’s page in a couple of hours and see how well she’s doing it. And Mia is a pro of course. And Milo, well we love Milo.
1/12 2022

Happy Caturday everyone. Hope it’s a good one. Here’s Nala.

3/12 2022


3/12 2022

Happy Funday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

4/12 2022


4/12 2022

Rest in peace Al Strobel. Another one of the Twin Peaks family gone. He played the one armed man. An intgral part of the mystery and feel of Twin Peaks and related media. He was brilliant in that role and by all accounts a lovely, kind person. I hope he’s in the white lodge now.
4/12 2022

For the premium subscribers, one for the blooper reel. Sky decided it was time to stop filming.
4/12 2022

Sky’s got a posse. Maybe she’s happy she finally has friends that are smaller than her.

4/12 2022

Look at Milo, trying to squeeze in on me and Mia hugging.

4/12 2022


That’s all for now.

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