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Happy Mio Monday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

21/11 2022

Oh s’no!

21/11 2022

Good goat times today. And if you saw the photo I posted.. yes, we have the snow.
Tell me climate change isn’t real again. After the warmest October and first weeks of November now we got freezing temps and snow. We don’t get a lot of snow in Denmark these years, usually I don’t expect any till January or February.
Thankfully I had checked the forecast and I came prepared. A t-shirt, a blouse, a sweater and a winter coat. A skull cap under my cap. And gloves. All in all, it wasn’t too bad. There was very little wind which made it all quite nice actually. Even got some sunshine in periods. So I won’t complain.
The goats on the other hand… haha. Well, they did come out to the fence to say hello. To Jeanette’s surprise. “Oh, now they come out”. Yes, rain or shine. Goats need their treats. And we got out in the pen and walked around. The goats snacked on some of the willow branches that are still lying around. I dusted some of the snow off them to help. And they picked fallen leaves around the edges of the pen where the snow hadn’t completely taken hold. It’s a fairly light amount, I don’t think it will last too long. Although we may get more which would.. prolong it. Naturally.
It wasn’t all cold today. There was also heat. I think Sky was in heat. Or maybe Mia was and Sky was reacting to it. Or both of them. In any case, all of a sudden Sky started grunting like a buck in heat and started following Mia around, sniffing her read and even trying to mount her, which looked pretty damn ridikidonk. Like an ant trying to mate with an elephant. Sheesh. And Mia was not happy of course. She did her little whining whinnies and there was some headbutting and pushing around. Meanwhile Milo mostly stayed out of it with a look like “Women, what can you do”. Just stay out of their way, buddy!
But yeah, it was quite nice really. My bad blood circulation makes it hard to be out in the cold. But I still love the look of snow. It’s nice to have a snow day now and then.
21/11 2022

Here’s Jeanette giving some cuddles to Milo. He’s taken a shine to her, at least he really likes when she gives him cudles. He’s a lil attention seeker. If I’m standing around not paying attention to him he’ll often come over and start nibbling on my clothes or rubbing his horns against my hands or pants or something.
I had another nice little talk with Jeanette too, she was asking how I was coping with the cold and heating bills and it got on to Ukraine and how priviliged we are in Denmark and stuff. She’s a good egg, that one.

21/11 2022

Speaking of how priviliged we are in Denmark, I need to do a little First World Problem rant.
My local supermarket is redecorating. Re-arranging. It’s been going on for more than a week, and it’s a complete mess. Today a shopping trip that would normally take me 25 minutes took an hour. Just wandering around, trying to find stuff.
There are empty shelves and things laying around in the aisles and boxes and it’s all just… a mess. The sugarfree ½L orange sodas were up on a shelf so high that I could only reach with the tips of my fingers. I had to ask a worker to get a pack down for me. And then later I had to ask a worker to help me find the Pepsi Maxes and the Faxe Frees. Turns out, there were NONE out in the shop. I’m pretty sure Pepsi Max is the most popular soda in Denmark. Thankfully the guy I asked, after looking around fora bit and not findding them, offered to go out back and see. And then he came back with the 3 Pepsi and 2 Faxes I needed. There was other stuff I had to just give up because I was stressed and tired and I did not feel up to doing a third round of’try to find a worker and ask for help finding X and Y’. Gosh.
I know they are having a hard time attracting shoppers in that mall, but pissing off all your costumers and making total mess for weeks can’t possibly help. I’m starting to wonder if I should go downstairs to the discount grocery store in the mall instead of this supermarket.
The great thing is once they are finally done I’ll get to spend the next few weeks wandering around trying to learn the new layout, trying to find all the things I usually buy. I’m so reliant on knowing where stuff is, it takes me ages to find things if I don’t know where they are. And now I’ll know where NOTHING is. With my blindness it’s extremely hard to find stuff and with my phobia it’s extremely hard to ask for help. So that’s fun.
I know many people have much worse problems. It’s just not helping with my feelings of stress and depression. I can’t stand change. And there has been way too much of it the last few months..
I need to hibernate.
21/11 2022

On a brighter note, the abominable snow Sky!

21/11 2022

Goat butt snow parade.

21/11 2022

HappY Yogi daY everyone. Hope it’s a good one.

22/11 2022

Well that was Denmark’s first game of the World Cup. 0-0 against Tunisia. Disappointing result, we never really found our stride. Now awaits France and Australia. We need to do better if we’re going to qualify from the group. But I don’t have much passion for it. This World Cup is a shirtshow of corruption and bigotry. I would have preferred we hadn’t bowed to Fifa. Take whatever punishment they’d give us for protesting. But whatever.
22/11 2022

Here’s an outtake of me trying to look surprised at the snow yesterday. As you can tell, I have a big career ahead of me in acting.

22/11 2022

And here is Mia actually climbing the new goat mountain. Well, she got about a quarter way up. But hey, it’s a start! Not sure why the snow made her try it for the first time.

22/11 2022

For the premium subscribers, here is a preview of an upcoming video on Mia’s page. The heat is on. I dare you not to laught at Sky making those buck sounds. Cracks me up. Not sure Mia is happy about it though.
22/11 2022

Happy Hump Day everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

23/11 2022


23/11 2022

Oh I forgot something that happened on our snowday. I managed to teach Sky how to shake hoof! Well, we’ll see if she retains the ability. But she did fairly well. She does it the Sassy way. Which means she needs to see me holding the treat up over her head before she’ll do it. With Mia I just have to reach out my hand to her and she’ll shake. But Sassy, and Sky, won’t just give it away for free. Gotta see the money up front! Haha. i hope she’ll keep doing it, it’s always fun to have some tricks to show off.

23/11 2022

Did you know I have a pond in my back yard?

23/11 2022

I’m surprised Milo wasn’t scared of my gloves. Maybe it’s because they are really thin, knitted ones. I’m pretty sure he’s been scared of my larger gloves in the past.

23/11 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s Magnethe from 2007.

24/11 2022

Good goat times today. The temps were up a smidgen, from freezing to 5C/41F. Makes a big difference. Slight drizzle on my walk to the goats, but it stayed mostly dry when I got there. Grey and dark day though.
But we had a lot of fun. I was wondering if Sky would remember the hoofshake trick. And… she did! A little prompting and she went right back to it. And in fact she learned and improved! She started doing it without me holding out a treat as incentive. Just a hand out and she’d shake it and I’d give her a treat. She’s not quite as good as Mia, but it’s close. Sometimes she gets a little eager, searching the hand I hold out for a treat or jumping up with both hooves on me instead of shaking. But most of the time she does it perfectly. What a talented girl she is. Now we just need to get Milo going too! But I don’t want to force it. He’s not showing signs of getting it and I don’t want to stress him. If it happens it happens.
Hoofshaking was not the only fun we had. We also did some fun running. Not up the new mountain, but up the goat hill and the haystack and back and forth. First I had all three goats going. But after the first lap Mia jumped up on the bench and then remained there looking at us like ‘I know what you’re doing, I’m too old for this shhhh’. Milo went for a fe laps but eventually dropped out a bit. But Sky kept racing back and forth. She’s so fast! And so cute. She really seems to enjoy having that space and hill to run. She was going so fast she started panting and I had to make her relax or she might have had a heart attack or something. She’s a real athlete!
24/11 2022

The goat crew, awaiting further treats.

24/11 2022

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who partakes. I am thankful for your friendship. I’m not gonna lie, my mental state isn’t the greatest. With everything going on in the world, and in recent goat news and my family, I’m just trying to hang in there. And I’m thankful I have this space with you all lovely people, a space where I can rant and ramble and goatpost and get validation and support and love. I don’t know what I’d do without you all. Thank you.
24/11 2022

I hope today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

25/11 2022


25/11 2022

Here’s Milo taking positon on his New Rock. It’s a good outpost. He stood there for quite a while, chewing his cud and looking out past the fence at the world beyond.

25/11 2022

I had some close encounters with the feathers yesterday. I was sitting in the goat lobby and a couple of times the redshirts came up real close to me. It almost seemed like they wanted to talk. They settled for pecking on my shoes, though. If you try to touch them they will scoot away. I wonder if it would hurt to get your hand pecked? I guess so.
Anyway, I talked to Jeanette about the concerns some of you have expressed RE: the chickens pooping in the goat house. She was surprised by it, because apparently they don’t poop a lot. Not even in their own enclosure. Jeanette said they mostly seem to poop at night when they’re in their own house. So I don’t know. She even went and got a flashlight and looked around in the goat house, and didn’t seem to find much featherpoop. Maybe Danish hens just don’t poop a lot? Maybe they are shy poopers? Anyway, I have raised the concern and Jeanette will keep an eye on it, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem. Maybe it’s because the feathers aren’t in the goat house that much. They are usually in there in the morning when I get there, but I guess that’s just cos they like to go there when they get let out too. As the day goes on they get out and walk around outside. Or maybe they just don’t poop at all, maybe they are anti-Keikos!

26/11 2022

And now for something completely different. It’s

26/11 2022

Happy Caturday everyone. Hope it’s a good one. Here is Nala.

26/11 2022

Speaking of the feathers, here is Henrieta Solo. Sometimes she wanders around on her own, sometimes she hangs with the redshirt crew.

26/11 2022

Well, that was Denmark’s second game at the world cup. We lost 1-2 to France. Completely deservedly. France just better. It’s clear our team is lackin fitness. Too many old players, too many players coming back from injury. We lost one of our most important midfielders to injury in the first game, he had to go home. We’re just a tiny country, we don’t have enough goo players. Unlike France that has a parade of star players. So, France wins the group. They have 6 points after the first two games. Australia has 3 points. Denmark and Tunisia have 1 point each. If we beat Australia in the last game we could still qualify for the next round. Depending on Tunisia’s result against France. We’ll have to see on Wednesday. I wouldn’t mind too much if we went out, then I can stop paying attention to this corruptshirtshow. But hey, I’m still gonna hope, it’s the hope that kills you.
And to make up for this boring footballsport talk, here’s a goat butt parade.

26/11 2022

Happy Funday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

27/11 2022

A double butt salute. it’s not quite a parade, but stll cute.

27/11 2022

Haven’t had the best of days. Been sitting in my chair feeling depressed all day. Listening to Bowie and reading reddit, when I haven’t just been sitting with my head in my hands feeling sorry for myself. And eating eating eating too much. And feeling cold. I wish I could hibernate. I need goat time.
27/11 2022


That’s all for now.

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