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Ups And Or Downs

Happy Mio Monday everyone. i hope it’s a good one.

27/2 2023

Good goat times today. Absoutely beautiful day with lots of sunshine. Freezing in the morning, but it warmed up well. So nice to get all that sun. Made the goats want to be outside in the pen. In fact when I got there in the morning I couldn’t see them, normally they’re standing in their doorway scouting out. I figured they were probably inside eating breakfast, but when I called out for them I got bleats back from beyond the goat mountain. They’d gone out early. Later on we went around in the pen and they snacked on the greens that are starting to sprout through the fences. And all three of them sat down together in the grass and enjoyed the sunshine. Lovely. Jeanette came over to me with her hands cupped and asked if I could guess what she had. I couldn’t tell what it was when she opened her hands, but then she told me it was a butterfly. And it opened its wings and I could tell that it was a butterfly. Surely that is a sign of spring!
More to tell but I need some food. We got a goat first today, I’ll show you in picture form.
27/2 2023

Look at that beautiful blue sky. So nice to see it again. Spring is in the air.
I am glad I made it out today. I almost didn’t. I was sleeping in my bed and set the alarm for 7 am. But I wasn’t having a good night. My shoulder pain was acting up and I couldn’t get comfortable. At some point in the middle of the night, as the hours had ticked onwards, I realised.. I was not going to be able to get up at 7 am. So I turned my alarm off. Thought I would just sleep as long as I could on and off, and would have to make it up to the goats another day. But then I drifted out of a dream later and the clock said 6:50 and somehow I managed to drag myslf out of bed. And had a jolly good time with the goats in the sun. I did have one mishap though. I fell. The goats were getting all giddy and worked up and so was I and we ran back and I forgot hat I can’t see the ground in front of me when I’m looking straight ahead. And I forgot about the little pile of old hay next to the ench. And I tripped over it and fell down. Ouch. I don’t think I made any of my injuries worse. But I have to be more careful. That was dumb of me. All I need is to mess up my body more again eh. Sheesh. My back had been doing fairly well today, tense but not too much pain. Until I left the goats and went shopping and it started getting worse. Not sure if the fall had anything to do with that, I think just being out and upright for hours took its toll. I do feel like there’s been some progress in the right direction, so hopefully it will keep getting better. Goats and sunshine doesn’t hurt!

27/2 2023

Look, we got goats on the mountain! For the first time ever. The goats were all so giddy in the sunshine that I’d climb up on the mountain and see if they’d join me, and they did! It’s Mia and Sky in the photo, but Milo went up too. They did some exploring, Mia was digging in the dirt, Sky did a funny pirouette on the mountain top. So nice to finally get some use out of that mountain! Jeanette is still planning to sow grass on it.
Later on I was sitting with Milo and Sky in the goathouse and Mia wandering off by herself down in the pen, out of sight. Jeanette came over to the fence and looked and said “Did she go up there all by herself?”. I leaned over and yes there was Mia back on top of the mountain. Hope they’ll feel comfortable climbing it now, that could make for some fun runnings.

27/2 2023

Three little goats relaxing in the sunshine. It’s nice to see them wanting to go into the pen again, instead of me having to lure them down there.

27/2 2023

PSA: I cannot open my messenger here on Facebook. If you have ever talked to me on messenger you might know that I can take days to reply. But right now I actuallyu have a good excuse. I can see that a couple of people have sent messages, but I just can’t open them and read them. So. If you have anything important to tell me, leave a comment on one of my posts. Or message Mia’s page, I can read messages on there, just not on my personal profile.
Now, let’s all just hope that my upstairs neighbours don’t want to use their powersaw for hours again tomorrow like they did today. Ugh.
Actually, I don’t think I have upstairs neighbours right now. Like a month ago I overheard a lady upstairs saying she was moving out. I think all the noise coming from up there now is the housing org renovating the aprtment. Fun times. Fun loud times.
There’s also a lot of noise coming through the ventilation system. People talking. Some old guy harking and coughing. Sometimes there’s violin music for hours. And there are still the elephany children doing bowling tournaments and tapdancing now and then.
Oh boy. Anyway, that’s for listening. Time for bed soon.
27/2 2023

HappY Yogi daY everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

28/2 2023

Did stretches. Did an hour on the exercise bike. Picked up a package. Told a phone seller to stop calling me. Productive day.
28/2 2023

Milo and the butterfly.

28/2 2023

Bought some creme that’s supposed to help with back pains. I figured it wouldn’t do any good, but I was getting some other stuff and it wasn’t too expensive so I thought eh why not. I just put it on. I can smell the menthol. My back feels like it smoked a menthol cigarette. If you want to kiss my back I guarantee it has fresh breath right now. Eucalyptus too maybe. Kind of tingling feeling. Not entirely unpleasant, although I don’t think it’ll do much against the pain. I’ll report back if there are any significant developments, I just thought the idea of my back smoking menthol cigarettes was amusing.
28/2 2023

Jeanette brought some carrots for the goats. Normally they aren’t too fond of carrots, but she had cut them in smaller pieces and they quite enjoyed that. Most people just come to the fence with big whole carrots and the goat usually just headbutt them. The carrots, not the people.

28/2 2023

Happy Hump Day everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

1/3 2023

One from today’s exercise mix. Managed to keep my active streak going.
Had a little crisis yesterday, when I was going to bed. In pain, ended up sitting in the shower for 45 minutes and crying and just wanting to eat cake and for the pain to go away. It’s hard to tell if I’m really improving much. I do feel an improvement, but then I stand up and do stuff and then I’m in pain. Is the improvement real or is it just that I feel ok when I sit still and don’t do anything? I don’t know. I feel better being more active but I’m still in pain every day. There is still a tug of war between feeling hopefuly optimistic and feeling hopeless depressed. I don’t know. Got physical therapy in a couple of days. Got a heat pack to try and a tens device to try. I think maybe next week, unless there’s significant improvement, I may go back to my own doctor. I haven’t really had my back examined at all, because focus was on my shoulder and arm after I fell. Maybe I need some kind of actual examination or scan. Maybe I can beg for stronger painkillers. Maybe the queen of Spain likes her tomatoes diced not sliced, what am I the oracle of answers? It’s March now, I got 15 days to get pain free before my birthday. A lobotomy is high on my wishlist.

1/3 2023

Well. I can no longer see comments on my posts. I just says the number of comments and I have to actually click on the number to open up the post to see the comments. This is going to make it a lot harder for me to easily see if my posts have new comments that I haven’t seen already. And unfortunately my notifications have been inconsistent for years, it happens on a daily basis that I get comments that I don’t get notified of.
So. This means I will probably be missing more comments. Sorry about that. I still can’t open my messages. Facebook just seems to be getting worse and worse. If it wasn’t for Mia’s page and all you good people I’d be leaving it behind. What a mess. What is the point of not at least showing the newest comment under the post. Ugh.
At least this distracted me from the constant pain for a minute, whoo.
1/3 2023

I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Goat Air.
Using the chair that Jeanette got me.

1/3 2023


2/3 2023

Good goat times today. Somehow managed to drag myself out of bed at 7 am again. I guess it’s good that I’m keeping a fairly normal sleeping schedule, going to bed at night and getting up in the morning. But boy. I prefer staying up all night. I prefer sleeping for 20 hours and being up for the next 24. That’s more my style. But my back needs better rest.
Another lovely sunny day. Frost on the ground, but quitely lovely. The forecast says we’re in for some bitter cold ahead though. Spring will be on pause.
No Jeanette today. She usually works on Thursdays. I hope everything’s ok. I worry about the goats’ care when she’s not there.
But it was nice to be out in the sun with them. We had some sweet visitors at the fence. Buta lso some not so sweet. We were out in the pen and suddenly the goats took flight. A couple of dogs came running in the sports field next to the pen. I’m not gonna lie, it looked a little scary as two big dogs ran along the fence, looking like they were trying to find a way through. Luckily that mesh fence is sky high and I guess with no gaps because the dogs didn’t come through. I couldn’t see any people with them, but I guess there must have been. I’m not sure if they would have been able to get past the wooden fence around the goat pen, but thankfully they didn’t come over here. Maybe their owners got them under control or maybe there’s just no passage from the sports field. The goats took position outside their house and stared intently for a long time. And poor Mia seemed really scared. She was actually shaking, her head shivering. I can’t remember ever seeing her like that before. Poor girl. Understandably a bit on edge after that.
2/3 2023

Oh. I got a message from one of the playground workes to Mia’s page. Turns out I guess she wasn’t shivering because of being scared of the dogs. She has apparently been sick. Diarrhea. The vet has been to see her and taken stool samples. And given her a vaccination too, not sure for what. Parasites or? Well, in any case. I did notice this morning that she wasn’t completely herself. She didn’t come running to me immediately when she saw me. And after the dog encounter she didn’t want tomatoes, and just generally shied a bit away from me a few times when I wanted to pet her. She did eat and I think she pooped normally while I was there. Hopefully she will be okay. I am glad they got the vet out to see her, that’s something I have worried about. I know Jeanette would have done that, but I’m glad the other girls have the sense to call the vet too. And to contact me.
More stuff to worry about eh! I have physical therapy tomorrow, I probably won’t be able to see tge goats until Monday. Hopefully everything will be ok. She seemed a bit off, but not so bad that it occured to me she could be sick.
2/3 2023

Think goat thoughts.

2/3 2023

I hope today will be a good one. Here’s Tulle from 2005.

3/3 2023

Physical therapy done for today. It got more physical this time. I got acupuncture on the back again, but also I guess it was a massage? Last time he felt my lower back for 30 seconds to feel how tense I was. Today it went on for quite a bit longer, I felt like he worked my back and spine quite well. Felt good. And he gave me an exercise to do at home. He was also going to give me a tens treatment, I guess that’s what they called shockwave therapy earlier, or maybe that’s another thnig. Hmm. Well, slight mishap. He put the electroes on my back and then.. realised there was no power in it! Oops. Someone had used it and not recharged it. I don’t know if he was covering for himself, but heads will roll, he said. Oh dear. Well, I actually just got myself a tens device, so if I can figure out how to use it then I can give myself some of that treatment at home to further easy the tension in my back. Let’s hope.
I did feel better today after the session. The best I’ve felt in a long time. Not back to normal of course, but less pain and tension, walking. I have already started feeling the tension creeping back in. But hey. Let’s hope for progress. With the exercise and the tens device maybe I can get better. Right now the hopeful side is winning the tug of war with the hopeless side, so let’s hope for hope.
I think this calls for pizza. *calls for pizza*.
3/3 2023

Milo and the camera, a romance in multiple parts.

3/3 2023

Happy Caturday everyone. Here’s Nala.

4/3 2023

A lil Sky buddy.
I think I will be going to bed fairly early today. I miss having a long sleep with far dreams. If not the weekend then when. My back feels better than it has in weeks, although it’s not back to normal by any means and who knows how bad it will get when I get up and really active again. But hopefully I’m on the right track. I need to unpack my TENS device and try it out. I get a little intimidated with new things like that, I usually leave them lying around for days, postponing looking at them. I don’t enjoy having to get my magnifier out to try and decipher manual with tiny letters. But I hope I will get something out of it.

4/3 2023

Happy Funday everyone. I hope it’s a good one.

5/3 2023


One from today’s exercise mix.
Made it almost 1½ hours on the bike. Found a position that really taxed and made my pulse rocket. Good stuff.
My back isn’t doing so great, though. Feeling tense again. But as always it’s hard to say if there’s real progress or not. Had a very nice long sleep in bed, 13is hours, felt great but probably wasn’t the best for my back. I’ll try not to do that again.
Yesterday before going to be I unpacked my TENS device. Can I just say, blue and white is not good contrast. Black and white is excellent contrast. I don’t know why a medical device would use blue text on white. But anyway. I afeared the worst, and upon unpacking the manual my fears were confirmed. They do not care about legibility. The text in instructions was so tiny that I think even normal sighted people would have problems. With my powerful magnifying glass I still had a hard tim reading just bits of it. Sigh.
But the one good thing about the manual was that it actually said the product name on the front. The product name was not listed on the packaging nor on the amazon product page. The package just aid the manufacturer and a long title like “TENS electir relief therapy 3in1 blabla device”. On the manual front it actually said what it’s actually called. And putting that in google helped me find something that seems to be a relevant instruction pdf. And a pdf I can magnify and change contrast colours in which means hopefully I can read it. The device is actually very simple, but still I want to be careful. It is a device that sends electrical current into your body and it has various modes not just for relaxing muscles but also for training them and a ‘fitness’ mode and I think it has 16 levels of current strength. I don’t want to electrocture myself by accident.
Anyway, here’s hoping it will go ok. Winter has made a return to Denmark, so I think it’s time for soup.
5/3 2023

Hopefully everything is okay.

5/3 2023


That’s all for today.

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