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Closing Time

A little face to goatface with Sky.

29/5 2023

Good goat times with the littles today. A gorgeous sunny day. If it weren’t for the figurative looming dark clouds then it would have been a perfect goat day. It is hard to enjoy it really. But it’s also impossible not to enjoy it. Lounging about in the warm sunshine. The littles had a good goof session on the mountain. Jeanette told me that she’d planted grass and flowers on it so we should try to stay off it. But how do you keep goats off a mountain? You don’t. And they are just so much fun when they start chasing each other around jumping on it. I’m going to miss that so much…
Other than that, a lot of relaxing in the sun of course. We had visitors at the fence. Kids that got to feed carrots to the goats and laugh at them pooping. And a man came to visit Milo. I was sitting in the goat house entrance with them when he came up to the fence and called for Milo. To be honest I am not sure if I have seen him before, with my faceblindness I just don’t know. Maybe it was the guy who patted my shoulder when Mia passed? Or maybe someone else entirely. Anyway, I got up and walked down to the fence and Milo and Sky followed me down. And the man reached in and petted Milo. He told me he didn’t understand why people were scared of Milo. He said that whenever he came by he’d call for Milo and Milo would come and get petted. Aw. Milo has a friend. I guess he must know what’s going on since we talked about how Milo didn’t deserve his bad reputation.
Later on Jesper the handyman came by too. He’s been working at other playground and has had extensive sick leave. So it’s the first time I’ve seen him since.. well, sometime last winter. He’s going to be doing some projects for us now. Jeanette was showing him some stuff and they were discussing what to do, and Milo walked up to him and started rubbing his horns on his legs. That’s just how Milo does when he wants attention. He does it to me and Jeanette too. Jesper reached down and scratched his head for a bit and everything was fine. I wonder if that’s how things started with the people who are scared of him, if he rubbed his horns on them and they freaked out and then Milo sensed he could dominate them or something. I don’t know. It’s too late to worry about now unfortunately. Once people are scared it’s hard to change. If they don’t want change.
Jeanette told me that she had thought she had found a home for Milo. I forget who it was, someone in her family-in-law. Someone who had one goats and some donkeys and maybe other animals. And she’s said she could take Milo. But then I guess she changed her mind, or maybe someone else had interjected or something, I forgot the details. But apparently that goat had been a single goat for so long that they thought he wouldn’t be able to get along with Milo. Which seems crazy to me, because they’re supposed to be in pairs or more, they’re not suppose to be single goats. I guess the goat is fine because it has other animals for company, I just don’t see why it wouldn’t be able to be with Milo. But oh well. We still have some other things to look at. But there isn’t a huge amount of time now. A couple of weeks probably. I just can’t stand the thought of him ending up being put down because humans are dumb.
But we’ll do our best for him.
30/5 2023

The kids feeding Milo. Although one of the kids is more interested in the camera I think.

30/5 2023

Squawk. Here’s Henrietta Solo. I got a little worried this morning when I didn’t see her with the redshirts, but she’s still here and still fine after the dog scare.

30/5 2023

Well. this shtty year just keeps shtting. I just found out that the local supermarket where I do all my shopping is closing by the end of August. This is going to have a huge negative impact on my life. It’s in the shopping center around the corner. The stores in there have been closing one by one because of low business and the center itself was recently bought and will probably end up being bulldozed, it’s not really a surprise that the supermarket couldn’t keep going. But man it sucks. There’s a discount grocery store in the lower part of the center, I guess I will have to do my shopping there. But it’s small and cramped, it’s a longer walk, i won’t be able to get a lot of the stuff i’m used to and it’s triggering my anxiety with too many people in too little space. Fux. The supermarket is a 5 minute walk away, I can go there on my way home from the goats and do my shopping. I can’t have a car and taking public transportation to other places would be a nightmare with you social phobia. Not to mention the time and physical exertion. I know I might look like I’m not in the worst shape if you look at a 2 minute video. But being outside and relaxing with goats is enough to leave me completely pooped for the rest of the day, physically and mentally I get completely drained very quickly. It’s going to really suck not having that supermarket.
I feel like the universe is trying to etll me something. Like, you don’t belong in this world. Woe is me. I know I know, many people have it much worse. But like Kevin Smith said in his recent video, your trauma is your trauma, you don’t feel your trauma less because others have worse trauma. And I have other stuff I don’t write about here too.
Anyway, I need to buy that island and take the goats there and live off potatoes I grow myself, or something.
30/5 2023

What if Al Pacino was an alpaca tho?
30/5 2023

This is a photo of goats.

31/5 2023

Good times with the littles today. Another beautiful, warm sunny day. Jeanette is off on vacation, so we won’t tell her about Milo and Sky trampling all over the flowerbed, I mean mountain. Didn’t see anyone there today which is a little sad, but at least I got the goats out in the morning. Went and got them some branches with fresh greens too. If it wasn’t for all the bad stuff going on I would have tried to find out if I could take the goats out of the pen and walk around in the hood for a bit, but that’s not in the cards right now. Remember at the old playground when i’d walk around in the free with a big gang of goats on the loose? That was a time that was…
Mentally I am not doing so well right now. But hey thanks everyone for the support, and the suggestions on the supermarket thread. I’ll have to start looking at alternatives sometime soon. News is spreading in the neighbourhood of course. I stopped by after the goat trip and there was an old man at the information/service desk complaining about it. “It’s really mean of you to do that” he said and the poor girl had to tell him that it’s not really her decision. A little over her paygrade. Another bad thing abut it is that there’s a postal kiosk connected to the supermarket, and I heard the girl tell the old man that it is closing too, all the stuff connected to the supermarket, which also has a bakery. So that really sucks too because that postal kiosk is the nearest post office to me, when I get packages in the regular mail that’s where I have to pick them up if I’m not home for delivery. Who knows where i’ll have to go now, somewhere downtown maybe. Ugh. I hope the little GLS pickup location next to the shopping center won’t close too…
Well anyway. At least the sun is shining and it’s June, so we got that going for us.
1/6 2023

Sky took a seat on the mountain. Nice view if you can get it.

1/6 2023

Great. Facebook updated Mia’s page from creator studio to the business meta whatever suite. And of course it’s slower, buggier, worse functionalty, less accessibility. Way harder to use. Good thing I don’t really care about it anymore. I mean, I care about posting sweet goat stuff to people, but I don’t care about all the stuff with growing the page and managing stuff. Just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how to post a video properly, it takes several extra steps and is just a mess. Can’t see my schedules posts properly. It would have been a huge bother back when I tried to update 4-5-6 times a day and scheduling posts for when I wasn’t at the pc. But now that I post 1 or max 2 times a day it doesn’t matter so much I guess.
Sorry for the constant moaning and complaining. I just hate how everything gets worse. Consider yourself lucky if you’re smartphone-abled, because the whole web is being designed for mobile these days. I miss static html pages. Fck web 2.0
Maybe I should just make a geocities goat page.
1/6 2023

Think goat thoughts.

1/6 2023

A little bit of Henrietta Solo video, she’s still doing okay.
2/6 2023

Sky is doing her best to make sure the grass and flowers that Jeanette planted will come to fruition. Or ..something.
2/6 2023

It’s 11:52 pm and music blaring out through the hood.
In the ghettoooo
It’s okay, I can say it. My neighbourhood is literally on the literal ghetto list, fun fact.
Anyway, I’m watching South Park in my boxers, drinking pepsi max. You can take the Lasse out of the ghetto but, actually you can’t. I’m fused to my chair.
Happy weekend everybody.
2/6 2023

The loud music in the ghetto has been replaced with someone in a nighbouring apartment hammering, sawing, nailing, whatever. Much worse, much more intrusive. Playing the new Foo Fighters record loudly to get back at them.
Also accidentally deleted about 500gb of data. Most of it I’ll be able to restore from backup, but not all. Oh and the other day I dropped my magnified glass on the ground and it shattered in pieces. I have another one, but it’s not as good. Two steps back, one step forward. Light the fuse and run for you life. CLIFF!
3/6 2023

My dinner today: Potatoes, buttered bread, tomatoes, cucumber.
Don’t worry, I’ll probably have iced creams for dessert.
Adulting doesn’t have to be hard, you just have to learn not to care about yourself! Hooray, who wants to eat!
Seriously though, I am happy that I can get good tomatoes and cucumber again. One of the best things about summer.
3/6 2023

Might have to recharge the goat batteries as well.

3/6 2023

Don’t look behind the curtain. It’s where the wizard keeps his baggage.
4/6 2023

a goatlog

4/6 2023

The boys. I hope next week will bring some kind of good news, as good as they can be. Hopefully with Jeanette back from vacation we will find something that works.
I’m trying not to think too much about things. We are running low on time and I am feeling broken. But trying to get some good time with him.

4/6 2023


That’s all for now.

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