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Good goat times today. Another day with a little rain and a litlte sunshine. And some cool rolling thunder.
First day of Jeanette’s vacation. Sob. Well, there was a new guy and he seemed very nice. He was going around to the animals and talking on the phone, I think someone was instructing him in how to do things. And then he came up to the goats and said hi to me. It was his first day doing this. I didn’t get his name, but he seemed very nice. He stopped to pet the kids and asked if they weren’t just the sweetest. And when Sky decided to stand in his way in the doorway he seemed patient, and knew her name. So that’s good. I had given them breakfast and their hayholder was full so all he had to do was get some fresh water for them. It’s just good that there’s someone there, even if it’s not as involved as Jeanette. She always spends more time outside, with the animals and me. But hey, three weeks. We can get through that!
We also had some nice visitors at the fence. A couple of ladies with a couple of kids. They came over sort of timidly and asked if it was okay that they were there or if they were trespassing. Haha. I told them it was just fine. They were from a school that has just opened in the neighbourhood, so they were out checking things out I guess. I picked up Luna and carried her to the fence so they could see her upclose. The kids were a little unsure about it, but the two ladies were very friendly. Suitably impressed when I shook hoof with Sky. So maybe we’ll be seeing more people from that school at some point.
And other than that, I spent a lot of time with goats crawling around on me and just generally having fun. Not too bad.
17/7 2023

Well would you look at this! Not a great photo, but Sky actually walked over and sat down right next to Bella! I was a little shocked haha. Normally she’s pretty adamant that Bella is bad news and should not be allowed. I guess they are getting along better and better, when there’s not competition for food. But I ws still surprised to see this. Progress!

17/7 2023

Bella hamming it up for the camera.

17/7 2023

Good goat times today. Stayed almost dry and we got some sunshine too. Still far from the hot summer weather we had last month. But the company is great. I love my three little ladies. Such sweethearts and goofballs. Nothing better than spending time with them.
One small mishap today. I accidentally locked Luna in the storage room! Oh no! I felt so bad afterwards. It was only for like 5-6-7 minutes.. but still, so guilty! I was looking for my tripod, which I had forgotten to pack down and put away when I left yesterday. I checked the storage room, but it wasn’t there. You know how goats are, if you open a door or gate they have investigate. And their food barrel is in there. I guess she slipped in and by me without me noticing, I only noticed Bella and got her out as I left. Then I closed the door. I don’t know why Luna didn’t complain when we left her all alone in there. Her bleats are so tiny, maybe I just couldn’t hear her through the door. And the rest of us immediately went down to the bench. And I was watching Bella go at the greens and then it occured to me, wait didn’t there used to be two kids?! Haha. I thought Luna had just stayed up in the goat house and was preocupied there. it’s not completely unheard of for one to stay behind. But after a couple of minutes I thought, why isn’t she coming down? So I went up to look and I couldn’t see her anyway. Funny how the mind immediately goes to the worst places. She isn’t here, she isn’t coming running, is she lying dead somewhere?! But then I opened the storage room door and there she was. Not saying a peep. Just walked out and seemed totally happy. But you better believe she got some treats to make up for that. Poor girl.
Later found my tripod outside, broken and with a piece missing. Oh well. It was an ancient and super cheap crummy tripod. That’s why I don’t mind leaving it at the playground, if it gets broken or stolen no biggie. I got a couple of spares.
Funny that Luna didn’t bleat when she got left behind. But they aren’t actually that vocal most of the time. Their bleats are tiny baby bleats of course, but they don’t talk that much in general. There was that second day after their arrival when they bleated a lot. But other than that they are mostly quiet. Sky is pretty quiet now too after she’s got her new company. She mostly bleats when she rubs on that branch or when I’m leaving. But she does talk more than the babies.
The babies usually bleat a little when they see Jeanette. And today they were bleating too when they saw New Guy, who had a friend walking around with him as he did the choes. And both Bella and Luna ran down to the fence when he came in, so that was sweet to see. They seem to like him. He probably doesn’t lock any of them in the dark storage room… Oof!
18/7 2023

Digging in. I brought this plastic box from home so we could have 3 boxes/containers for the goats to eat from. I noticed the big tub wasnt so great for them, they always ended up jumping into it and the chickens jumped into it and the food always ended up left and dirty. With these smaller containers it works better. And with 3 of them each goat can have one for themself.. at least until Sky decides that what the others hare having might be better than what she’s having. Sooner or later a game of musical food ensues.

18/7 2023

18/7 2023

Oh! I guess Sky felt the need to show that she can keep up with the yungins. She can still get up the less steep platform.

18/7 2023

Got several weird Facebook bugs going on right now. I can’t see number of likes on comments and replies. I can tell from googling that I’m not the only one with this issue. Hopefully it’s a temporary glitch. It’s pretty dumb not being able to see if anyone or how many or who has liked a comment.
And then there’s a weird glitch on some comment threads where it seems like the page is divided into columns and stuff is repeating and out of whack and I can’t even explain it but it makes it hard to see some replies.
And then recently every time I go look at my feed I have to scroll past 2-3 ‘suggested for you’ things that are completely unrelated to me and my friends and it makes me want to not even bother trying to keep up with the feed.
And then there’s all the annoyances of the new pages experience on Mia’s page, making several things more cumbersome.
It’s like a death race between twitter, reddit and facebook to see who can completely ruin their own platform first. Ugh.
But at least I can whine about it, so that’s good. Always nice to have a chance to B & M.
May goat berries fertilize your sleeping bags, fb engineers.
18/7 2023

Out in the greenscape.

18/7 2023

No further questions.

18/7 2023


19/7 2023

Sky on the lookout. I have noticed since she has become top goat, she is doing that more often. She will hear or see something and she’ll run out on the goat hill and keep watch. Maybe I’m just imagining it, but I do think she’s taking her responsibility as leader of the flock quite seriously.

19/7 2023

Good goat times today. The rain/shine/cool days continue. Nice when the sun is out, though. And nice when the goats are out. Everyone seems to be doing well, despite Jeanette not being there. The New Guy seems very nice, even though I only see him for about 10 minutes outside.
Nice visitors again today. Some ladies and some kids. They came over to the fence and a lady said “I don’t know which one it is.. but I know there is one called Luna”. Yes, word is getting around. Luna is a doll. I had a feeling when we were driving the kids to our place and she was sitting in my lap. And then I got to name her. I felt that she was something special. Of course Bella is wonderful too and you know Sky is my princess. But Luna is just that perfect kid age. Impossible not to love. I never get tired of her crawling around on me, pawing my pockets, thrusting her little horns against my side, desperately trying to get some treats. And I’ll lift her up and it’s like wrestling a bag of.. kittens. or something. So much fun.
I pointed out Luna to the visitors, and then picked her up and went over to the fence so they could meet her up close. They inquired about the other names too. It’s a sweet little goat crew, and popular with visitors.
And me. Popular with me.
20/7 2023

Gotta love the Luna.

20/7 2023

Well look at that. Again. Sky came over and sat down next to Bella. A little more distance this time. And it might just be because Sky generally likes to sit there on the ground against the edge of the floor of the goat house. But hey. Not chasing Bella away. Encouraging. The more I have thought about it, the more I think Sky probably won’t take an adoptive mother role, since at least Bella and Maybe Luna will be as big or bigger as her, but if Sky can be the flock leader and they can all get along, in between fighting over the food, that would be really good. I just like seeing them sit together.

20/7 2023

Meanwhile, I think I’m being stalked by a Thai woman.
20/7 2023

Gotta love Bella too.

20/7 2023

High on life, and goat berries.

20/7 2023


21/7 2023

Love times three.

21/7 2023

It’s the croni WHAT cles of narnia

21/7 2023

Breaking news: I had pizza today.
More at eleven. Leftovers, I mean.
21/7 2023

Luna seems to like to roll over on her side sometimes when she’s sitting in the sun. Always amuses me and also makes me want to reach out and rub her belly.
21/7 2023

Fun fact, Judgment Day in Danish is ‘Dommedag’ which kinda sounds dirty.

21/7 2023

Watch out for these two goofballs. They’ll steal your heart if you let your guard down.

21/7 2023

… blockers.
Speaking of blocking, I had to block the entire country of Thailand from Mia’s page because the amount of weird comments from lady Thai profiles was just getting out of hand. They were completely nonsensical too, although a lot of them seemed to be about love and wanting me and stuff I don’t even know. I don’t know if the auto translation doesn’t deal well with Thai language or if the comments just aren’t meant to make sense. I used to get those kind of comments from one particular person some months ago. Eventually she went away. Now it’s a ton of different profiles. I don’t know if it’s the same lady, using multiple profiles. Or a bunch of people. Or all bots. But no matter how many of them I block new ones keep coming. So now I’ve had to block all of Thailand. I don’t think we have too many followers from there, I hope I am not bothering real actual followers. I’ll try to keep it blocked fo a couple of days and then unblock and see if it helps. I just can’t manage comments when I get so many weird ones clogging up the feed constantly.
Anyway, if you have read all this.. would one or two of you try going to Mia’s page and see if it’s still working for you? That country blocking was a little confusing, I hope I haven’t messed anything up. If you could go and leave a comment on the newest post or something, i’d appreciate it.

22/7 2023

Hey, I didn’t know Superorganism released a new album last year! Listening to it now. I dig them, they got a fun swagger. And Blur released a new recod too, whodathunk. Although it sounds more like a Damon Albarn record than a Blur record. But then it’s been so long since Blur released anything that maybe it’s just the natural progression. I absolutely love Damon anyway. Like I always say, Noel and Liam’s Oasis were super cool in their first years, but Damon and Blur evolved way more interestingly. With Gorillaz and his solo stuff.
The last couple of months I have been listening mostly to Frank Turner live shows. That’s my syltetøj. But now it’s time for some Superorganism and Blur.
And that’s today’s music report. Sponsored by Napster and mp3-sourced bootlegs. Use coupon code BlockRockingBleats to get fitty cent off.
22/7 2023

And for those of you who like sports. There’s goatlog.

22/7 2023

Was having some cuddle time with Bella but then Luna decided that it was inappropriate and ruined the filming.
Haha honestly I am not sure if it’s too weird like that, but she jumped up like that on my legs and hey I’m just a weirdo who likes to hug goats.
And for some reason I also am amused by my camera fail videos always ended with an exasperated sigh. Homer’s got a ‘annoyed grunt’. I got a ‘exasperated sigh’.
22/7 2023

Luna, preparing to ascend Mount Human.

23/7 2023


22/7 2023


That’s all for now.

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