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Good goat times today. Rainy day. “Did you bring a rain coat this time?” Jeanette asked. I did, I did. Fool me 3 times shame on you, fool mre four time can’t get foole again. As the saying goes. It was dry on my walk there, but the rain coat came in handy on the walk home. And most of the day was spent in the goat house. Sky was a little upset when suddenly someone was out walking their dog nearby. The barking dog was followed by rolling thunder and heavy rain. Ick.
But it’s always nice to sit with the goats. I had some sweet lap time with Bella. She got tired again. She’s a more calm lapgoat than Luna. Luna is a little bundle of energy and won’t always settle down to just relax. She’d rather climb around and bounce about. Once Bella gets in my lap she’s more calm. She seems a little more skittish than Luna though. Sometimes when I come towards her she will run away from me. I hope no one has been after her. Maybe her nature is just a little more reserved. But she does love the cuddling and petting and the treats, oh my. She just seems a little unsure of your intentions, before she realises she’s getting feelgood scritches or yummy treats. But when she’s in my lap she seems to feel very comfortable and safe. As you could see in the picture yesterday when she was practically dozing off with her head in my armpit. Today she was sitting in my lap and we were listening to the rain and she turned her head backwards and rested it on my chest and again seemed to almost doze off. Some twitching eyelids, maybe she was having a dream nap. It’s nice to be able to provide a safe space for relaxation.
Oh and she did get some troublemaking in too today, Bella. I set up my tripod to film and she decided to walk under it, between the tripod legs. And yes of course it went tiiimber. Makes me miss Milo and his constant messing with my camera. I hope he’s doing okay. Sigh.
Well, it’s soup weather. I don’t need to check out the window, it’s always soup weather. Time to get some soup on.
10/7 2023

Sweet, tired Bella girl.

10/7 2023

Yay! Luna remembered the hoofshake. I think it must be a new record for the fastest kid to learn the trick. Good job.

10/7 2023

Good goat times today. The weather is still a little on the cool side, but at least it stayed dry other than a light 5 minute shower.
Seems we have had a mishap in the goat pen. Luna has apparently hurt one of her legs. If Jeanette hadn’t told me I don’t think i would have noticed. She’s lively and happy, bouncing around and putting weight on it and seeming pretty normal. Sometimes maybe lifting it a little. We’re keeping an eye on it, but I think she’ll be just fine. It’s her left front leg, which is the one she shakes hoof with. That didn’t stop her from doing it again today, she still wants those treats.
We had several groups of visitors too. Some kids at the fence, but Jeanette wasn’t there so they made do with petting the goats over the fence. I suppose I could let them in just fine, but they didn’t ask if they could come in so I left it at that. There was a sweet boy name Arthur. I think he was developmentally challenged. He was excited to see the goats. His lady caretaker kept singing songs to him and he’d sing back but not with real words, just with sounds and noices. But he was keeping along with the rhythms and verses, so it was clear he knew the songs. I hope he got a good experience saying hi to the goats. They loved the name Luna when I told them.
11/7 2023

🎵I wrap my hand in plastic to try to look through it maybelline eyes and girl as boy moves. I can take you far. This star thing. I don’t get it.🎵
I love this song so much. I know it’s not exactly big hit potential. easily digestible. But lyrically it’s just so forkn amazing. Sometimes the words just pop randomly into my head and I start singing along to them without the music. The wohle New Adventures In HiFi album is just wonderful. I know it’s not that popular, but it’s my favourite of theirs. REM, Radiohead, Pumpkins. Michael, Thom, Billy. That was my holy trinity as I started growing into music.
Here comes the flood. Anything to thin the blood. These corrosives do their magic slowly and sweet. I don’t wanna disappoint you I’m not here to anoint you I would lick your feet but is that the sickest move? I wear my own crown of sadness and sorrow and whoda thought tomorrow would be so strange?
Tastes like fear.

11/7 2023

And now for something completely the same. It’s.. goats.
Hopefully little Luna’s leg will be fine in no time.

11/7 2023

Oh Luna. I noticed the goats didn’t seem to be eating a lot from the hayholder lately (maybe because SOMEONE was jumping up on it..) so I thought I’d take some of the hay and put it in the tub on the ground. Should have known it wouldn’t be long before that became a goat bed instead. Looks pretty cute, though.
And in case you missed it in the goat time update, she hurt her leg. But she seems to be doing fine, full of energy and using the leg. We’re keeping an eye on it.

11/7 2023

Here’s a bit of video from yesterday. Remember I mentioned Bella the troublemaker felling the tripod? Tiiiimber. *exasperated sigh*
11/7 2023

Just watched the new Ahsoka trailer. It looks good. I will try tnot to iget too excited, recently things seem to not live up to the hype a lot. But it looks like they have captured a lot tof the fiun and excitement. I ‘grew up’ watching the Clone Wars cartoons, the Rebels cartoons. I read all the Thrawn books. The original ones that we thought would be the only sequels to the two movie trilogies. And the new Disney era ones. It’s cool seeing so much of that stuff coming to life. We’ve already seen Rosario as Ahsoka and she just seems perfect for that role. And then we get to see Thrawn in live action. Played by a Danish Mikkelsen, no less.
The last few months I haven’t had much capacity for watching new tv. I haven’t watched the Andor series yet. I haven’t watched the final season of Barry. The only new thing I have really watched recently is Ted Lasso. Other than that I usually end up watching old episodes of The Soup. Preferably while eating soup. And then watching youtube videos. Lots of retrogaming stuff. Living in the past. I have been a lot happier since we got the new babies, but the depression is still there. Heavilty missing Mia and Milo, even though I try not to think too much about it. I still feel like I’m barely functioning most of the time, but at least when I am in the goat pen I am still feeling happy. So good to see Sky doing better, bonding with her more than ever. Seeing her get to be Top Goat, after a lifetime of being the undergoat and hiding under houses and running from stronger goats. It’s good to see her doing better. And baby goats are always wonderful to be around. It’s good to have a happy place again, just have to keep the eyes looking ahead. The eye, sorry.
Anyway, Ahsoka. Looks gootd. I’m slightly excited for the new Indiana Jones movie too, even though reviews are mixed. But I need my escapism.
So anyway.
I wasn’t planning to, but let’s add a goat photo to this pointless post. Three in a row.

11/7 2023

Even troublemakers have to take a nap now and then.
12/7 2023


12/7 2023

Bella and Luna watching Jeanette work. Don’t bother, kids. She was just sweeping, not filling the feeders.

12/7 2023

I quack me up.
Not sure Luna is amused tho.
12/7 2023

Good goat times today. A little rain and a little shine. Some nice visitors at the fence. I love our sweet little goat crew. I’m a lucky guy, three wonderful ladies for company. Although I miss my homeboy. And my princess, of course. But it’s hard not to be happy when you have a little Luna climbing around on you like you’re Mt Everest and she’s determined to reach the top.
We have had another sad incident at the playground though. Something got a couple of our bunnies. At first Jeanette couldn’t understand what had happened, because she checked and there were no holes in their enclosure or anything for the fox, or whatever, to get in through. But something got in. And took a bunny. Jeanette said there was a tail left… and it had tried to get the other bunny. That one was badly injured. So badly that Jeanette had to take it and go to the vet clinic, I think, to have it euthanized. “I hope I can drive ok, I’m so shook up” she said. Very sad. When she first told me about it I thought she was talking about the hens actually. The one that she had to take away she said was “the big white one” and I thought she was talking about Henrietta Solo. I am glad it wasn’t the hens, because I do have more of a relationship with them. Honestly I am not sure I have seen any of the bunnies up close until Jeanette came and showed me the one that was hurt. But it’s still very sad of course. When Jeanette came back she did a more thorough inspection of the bunny house, and it turns out there WAS some kind of hole or similar where I suppose the fox came in. At least we know how it happened and it wasn’t someone who left the door open or anything. But it’s not nice to think of. I guess in the natural world there are predators and prey and that’s how it goes. But it’s just painful to think of those sweet little bunnies who were supposed to be safe. Man, I wish that fox, or however many there are, woould stay away from our place. Hopefully this is the last bad thing to happen for a long time, hopefully everything will be secured properly.
Poor bunny babies. I am not sure if we actually have more or if those two were the only ones. I know there are some hamsters too in one of the places. Hope they stay safe.
13/7 2023

Bella pretending to be a giraffe.

13/7 2023

Here is Jeanette handing out some carrots to the goat crew. This was filmed last week. Jeanette usually slices some carrots up and has them ready so if we get visitors they can feed the carrots to the goats. And if we don’t get visitors then she’ll just hand them out herself.
Unfortunately Jeanette is going on vacation for the next 3 weeks now. That sucks. For the goats and for me. I’m not going to lie, I look forward to seeing her when I’m there. And you know that’s saying a lot coming from someone like me who can barely talk to humans. But I can talk to her, and that means a lot. And she takes good care of the animals. This week, for some reason there was no one on the schedule for the animal upkeep? I don’t even know why or if it was changed after Jeanette told me about it, but she’s been coming in twice a day every day this week. Getting there in the morning to do chores and get stuff ready and then coming in again at night to check on things and spend time with the animals. And I know she worked hard to find a solution for Milo when that was going on. That was weighing heavily on her mind. She cares a lot about the animals and it stresses and frustrates her when things aren’t going well and others aren’t following instructions and doing what needs to be done.
So we’ll miss her. Hopefully there won’t be any problems, and I hope she’ll have a good vacation with her family. There aren’t a lot of people like her that I feel comfortable with.
13/7 2023

Well, I guess this is just Luna’s bed now. Might as well accept it.

13/7 2023

Ugh. Got switched to the new Page Experience on Facebook. Predictably everything is just worse and more cumbersome. Every time something changes, it’s for the worse. Grumble grumble. Oh well.
14/7 2023

Luna’s giraffe impression is not quite as good as Bella’s, but she’s working on it!

14/7 2023

Okay, the goats had a good run. But I think we’re all getting tired of them. From now on it’ll be all chicken content all the time, welcome to the chicken channel! Pay no attention to what’s going on in the backround, the hens are taking over!
14/7 2023


15/7 2023

Luna doesn’t eat my face like Mia did, but she has started sniffing around my face. Maybe it’s because of the quacking.

15/7 2023

Did you know that John Williams’ son is the lead singer of Toto? The son of the guy who done the Star Wars theme sang bless the rains down in the Africa. I only just found out today, so I am still adjusting. I will let you know how I cope.
15/7 2023

Also how was John Williams nominated for a thousand oscars but wasn’t nominated for Jurassic Park? I love the JP theme.
15/7 2023

My backup pizza place is ALSO GOING ON VACATION. It’s the endtime. Hashtag pray for pizza.
That’s two pizza places and a Jeanette on vacation. Maybe I should go on vacation. Do any of you have a shed I can stay in? Must have room for 3 goats too.
16/7 2023

You may think it looks like Sky is bleating after someone here. But she’s not. I discovered recently that when she rubs her belly like that, she starts bleating. The first few times I noticed I thought she was calling for someone, had seen something, something was going on. But then I realised that it just seems to be an instinctual reaction for her when she does that kind of rubbing. I have seen it happen in two spots. This branch in the video, that’s her favourite. Milo used to use it to rub his hoof on it… but Sky gets in there with her belly and rubs back and forth. And she also does it on the black tub in the goat house. She’ll get up with her front legs in the tub so the edge of the tub is rubbing up on her belly and then she’ll rub back and forth. And start bleating. Haha. She’s like a big plushy toy with a button on teh belly that makes her do noises. She’s so cute.
16/7 2023

These two kids tho…

16/7 2023

My Sky and me.

16/7 2023


That’s all for now

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