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Good goat times today. A rainy day. Massive rains overnight, but by the time I got out it was fairly light. But a day to spend indoors. Which was a lot more complicated than usual because of the new power dynamic.
Yes, if I was hoping that evens on Thursday were just a one time thing, well that hope was shattered. it’s very clear that Sky is retreating from Bella now. It’s hard for them to be in the same space, to the point that Sky would go out in the rain to get away from her. It’s a sad development. But it’s very clear now.
When I put out breakfast, Bella was eating from a bowl in the doorway and Sky was behind her and didn’t even dare go past her to get to the other breakfast bowls. I had to open up the door more to make mor space so she could go by.
What really makes me sad is when I sit down on the yellow chair. That was always, ALWAYS, Sky’s signal to walk over and stand next to me so I could scratch her. But now, she will look to see if Bella is there first. If Bella is there then she won’t come over. She’ll just stand and look at us. And if Bella isn’t there and we get a good scratching session going.. it gets interrupted if Bella comes over. Then Sky complains and withdraws. It’s making it all a lot harder to get good time with them all. If I sit down with Sky then unless Bella is preoccupied then she’ll come over too, because she loes attention too. And then Sky will get up to go. Hopefully it’ll be a little easier in better weather when we can go outside and there’s more space to share. In tighter quarters it’s not easy. But I did make sure to spend lots of time with Sky. While Bella was attacking the hay rack. Lots of attention and treats for Sky, that’s my mission now.
Sigh. It’s not a complete disaster. When I was handing out an apple and cucumber, Sky did come over to eat from my hand while Bella was there. And later on Sky had sat down and Bella sat down pretty near and they were sitting down like that okay. Hopefully when there isn’t competition for my attention or food they can still get along okay. I hope Sky doesn’t get blocked out at night or in heavier rains, if Bella is in the entrance. It makes me sad, but we just have to adjust. I got some good lapgoat time with Luna too. Bella will chase Luna away sometimes too. But Luna is only scared of her when they engange in a fight, if they’re relaxed then Luna isn’t scared. Sky on the other hand just doesn’t want to be near Bella, even if they’re not fighting.
Oh boy.
Yeah, the summer is over in more ways tahn one. We had one week of really lovely hot weather in September, but now it’s raining and the forecast shows lower temps ahead.
At least it’s soup weather, I’ll have some of that.
9/9 2024

Hey, look who remembered his rain jacket!
Okay, I may not have a future as a male model. But at least I got a cute date, Red Sonja!

9/9 2024

Here’s Bella and Sky sitting pretty close, so it is possible after all.

9/9 2024

Here’s the flipside of the coin, Sky standing outside in the light rain because Bella is the way next to me.

9/9 2024

Aw. Rest in peace James Earl Jones. He was much more than the voice of Darth Vader of course. But he was also the voice of Darth Vader. What a legend.
9/9 2024


10/9 2024

This is a bit of a sad video, wasn’t sure if I should post it. But I want to show what’s going on and all. Here’s Sky retreating from cuddles when Bella comes over. I am making sure she is getting lots of loving still.
10/9 2024

Got an hour forty on the bike today. Calf seemed to hold up okay. At least no sharp pains this time. My butt on the other hand was very sore, made it harder to endure. I got some kind of bruise on my inner thigh/groin, right where the seat hits. Even with the memory foam seat it wasn’t great. But I gotter done.
Got a pepsi & protein delivery today too. Doing some Skyr again. After careful evaluation of my options on teh delivery site, there’s a brand of Skyr that seems to offere the best combination of lots of protein, no fat, almost no carbs or sugar. So i’m trying that for a bit along with the stricter diet again, just to see how that goes and what results I get. So far so good.
10/9 2024

party killing except then I’m your enemy

10/9 2024

Good goat times today. Cold and grey morning. But the sun did come out later on and made it a bit better. No doubt summer is over though. The seasons change, as with the goats. it’s difficult to adjust to the new normal. The goat place is my happy place and it’s tough to have conflict and sadness there. Not that it’s not making me happy. It’s still wonderful to be with them. It’s just hard seeing Sky taken down a notch.
I had a little chat with Jeanette about it, just to let them know what’s going on and to give Sky some extra space and consideration if they can. I told her I was doing my best to give Sky all the loving she deserves, and she said “we couldn’t make it work without”. I doubt that, but it’s nice to feel appreciated. And it’s nice to be able to do good things for the goats, especially my Sky girl.
I mentioned I might bring the water bottle and see if maybe I can discipline Bella a little. It just feels wrong to essentially punish Bella for just being a goat and doing goat things. But Sky just means the world to me, and I want to be able to sit with her without constantly fending off Bella. So I might try the water bottle. I don’t know if it’ll do any good. The problem is Sky’s instinct is to run. Even if Bella doesn’t headbutt her, Sky will still want to run from her. And I can’t keep Bella away from me all the time, that wouldn’t be fair either. Well we’ll see how it goes.
At one point I was sitting with Sky on the plywood board. Bella came over to us, I managed to sort of rediract her away. She contined on to the platform beyond. Then Luna went over to that platform, but Bella knocked her down a few times, so Luna went over to the other platform. Maybe Luna’s getting tired of Bella’s domineering too. But it just felt sort of symbolic sitting there with the three of them all apart. Luna on one platform, Bella on the other, Sky with me on the board. Will I ever be able to just sit down with all 3 of the together again?
Well, I am sure I will. But it’s a lot more tricky now. And it’s not helping my mood to have this strife. But I’m still thankful for my goat family, the whole lot of them.
And the feathers. I may have created a monter with Red Sonja though. I let her peck a couple of peanuts out of my hand. Now she’s got the idea, and she tries to peck at my hands sometimes , but she doesn’t seem to be able to tell if they’re empty or not! I got my finger pecked once while holding my hand out, I think to Sky. Oh dear. Might have to start wearing metal gloves. She’s so funny though, Red Sonja. Total litlte feathered goat.
11/9 2024

Jeanette brought a bouquet of fresh branches. Good to see all three goats working at it together.

11/9 2024

Loving Sky as much as humanly possible.

11/9 2024

Is it your dream or is it the parasite’s dream?
11/9 2024

Here’s what I was talking about earlier. Sky on the plywood board, where I was sitting with her. Bella over on the rightside platform, Luna over on the leftside. Divided we fall. Well, when we get into the cold and wet season they probably won’t be spending much time on the platforms anyway. I think that’s how it went last winter. Although now that the ‘kids’ are grown up maybe it’ll be different this winter. We’ll see. I hope we’ll still get some united we sit time.

11/9 2024

Good goat times today. A cool morning, but the sun came out and it turned into quite a lovely day, almost summery feels. Lots of visitors, Jeanette started up the campfire and I think they made popcorn. Nice. The sweet little girl with impaired vision was back. She was outside the fence but wanted to pet the goats. I got Bella to come over, and was holding a peanut in my closed and so Bella could jump up against the fence and was sniffing at it and trying to get at it, while the girl could pet her. She’s really sweet, the girl. Seems to like the goats a lot.
One of the adults came over and asked me for the address of the facebook page. He wanted to show it to the other kids at the school they come from. So that’s fun. I guess the kids they take over to visit us have been telling the other kids about it all, I imagine.
Spent lots of time with Sky again, making sure she felt the love. At breakfast time even Luna was tying to take her breakfast bowl. Sheesh. I was using the water bottle to keep her and Bella away, to let Sky get her. It’s not like she’s starving, at all. But I don’t hope Luna will start getting bossy with her too. She butted heads with Luna a few times, and even once with Bella. That’s good. Stand up to her! But mostly, just running away and complaining. Sigh.
Got home and did an hour and a half on the bike. So that’s a full day. Time to relax now.
12/9 2024

Obligatory loving Sky pic.

12/9 2024

I always feel like the Chris Farley dancing next to Patrick Swayzee.
my snl oldwatch is up to the Farley years. Love seeing him again. I think my first times watching snl was when Farley was on. But I remember it being with David Spave and Adam Sandler and Rob Scneider… must be later on, these episodes are with Dana Carvey and Mike Myers and that gang. Phil Hartman sigh.
12/9 2024

when the pain is gone, then your work is done, at last

12/9 2024

It was a beautiful day in the goathood.

12/9 2024


13/9 2024

You know me, I don’t like to be all political. I’d just like to ask, would it be okay to eat a dog that was behaving badly? Or do you have to throw the body away once you’ve dragged it out to the gravel pit and shot at it until it died?
I don’t mean to be all cynical, but maybe the steep grocery prices would be less of a problem if you ate the bad dogs instead of just leaving them in the gravel pits, you know.
Anyway, digging the ALF memes. Those illegal aliens are coming for your pets.
Meanwhile, one side is studying Trump’s ear to see if there’s any sign of him actually being shot, and the other side is studying Harris’s ear to see if she’s wearing bluetooth earrings that are feeding her the answers to the debate.
Good grief, what a time to be a leif.
13/9 2024

Bella, looking deceptively sweet.

13/9 2024

For the premium subscribers, a couple of patented camerafalls. And a little lapgoat time iwth Luna in between.
14/9 2024

Got an hour forty on the bike today. Took some time to get into the groove, but I did the time.
I have been kind of going back to the stricter diet this week, just with added protein skyr. To see how that would work out. I’d put on a couple of pounds after going off the diet. I was fully expecting that, after losing 44 pounds. But it still annoyed me. So I got back on.
And it seems to have worked well, because I got a new record low weight today. So that’s about 46 pounds lost since November.
I think i’ll try the diet + skyr another week or two. See if I can lose a bit more before going back to normal. It’s addictive seeing the numbers drop when you’ve be overweigt all your life. I’ll always feel like the Chris Farley next to Patrick Swayzes. But I’m proud of the last year’s journey. I don’t like saying nice things abut myself, but I’ve done alright.
I could really go for a pizza rightabout now funksoulbrother.
But I’ll have soup, that’s great too. I couldn’t do it without teh soup. The schedule on my strict diet is 3 days of soup and 4 days of green stuff. The’s a compromise I can just about stick to. The cucumbers and tomatoes are pretty much not worth eating anymore now though, so that makes it trickier. But they got me this far.
Now about that soup…
14/9 2024

At least Sky won’t be the smallest goat in the pen as long as we have Red Sonja fluttering about. Wutt wutt chicken butt.

14/9 2024

Twitter says to me: “Find out how to register to vote in the United States elections.”
I thought voter fraud was a myth, but here we are, Elon Musk is trying to get a Danish citizen to vote in the American election. I say I say, someone alert the fake news mainstream liberal fascist deespacestate news
14/9 2024

“Hey Lasse stop posting about politics, hey Lasse stop posting about politics, hey Lasse stop p”
okay okay, Luna. I get your point.
14/9 2024


15/9 2024

A cute sleepy Luna.

15/9 2024


That’s all for now.

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