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Good goat times today. The days are getting cooler, it’s fall in Denmark now. Come clouds and wind, but sunshine too. All in all quite nice. Jeanette backed a trailer up with leaves from her hedge trimming at home. So the goats got a nice bounty of tasty leaves dumped in their laps, or near enough. They quite enjoyed that.
Nice visitors too that got to feed the goats. Along with the usual treats from me. Yeah, they don’t go hungry those goats.
Speaking of not going hungry, time for soup.
2/9 2024

Jeanette backed up the food delivery truck. Maybe we could put an ice cream van bell on it.

2/9 2024

Casually posing with goats. Nailed it.

2/9 2024

Tell us a story, the one about the treats.

2/9 2024

Btw, in case you’re pish ohed about inflation and you’re blaming it on [that guy] or [that other guy] I can let you in on a little secret. We don’t have either ofthose guys in Denmark, and everybody here is still berry ohed about inflation and gas prices.
But sure. you just have to find the right rich man or woman to run your country, that will fix your personal economy and make it easier to afford basic stuff. You know [your candidate] cares about you and will fix the price of [that thing you want cheaper].
It’s funny, I literally see both sides of the US politics posting the “patriots vs stealers superbowl” meme and both side psting “these were the prices under the other guy” stats and so on and so forth. There’s so much stuff that’s literally exactly the same just with a different president photoshopped into the meme. The [insert name] crooked crime family.
It’s so funny I forgot to laugh.
Anyway. You all know what side of the memecoin I’m on. Toss it in the air and see.
3/9 2024

Bella’s butt is just hanging out.

3/9 2024

Got an hour fortyfive on the bike today. Chuggalo chuggalo. Plus assorted wimpy crunches and pushups. Still going at it. So far de-regulating the diet has worked fine. Weight and blood sugar seems stable. Started eating bread again, yum. And various protein additions. I think I forgot to mention that I did end up having pizza on Sunday, sorry to keep this vital information from you. I tried a new place and it wasn’t very good, oh well. If I cram cheese, bread and tomatoes in my mouth it’s a kind of pizza, right? I’ll try that.
3/9 2024

I love the open road, and all that it suggests..

3/9 2024


3/9 2024

Good goat times today. It suddenly got hot again. Upwards of 24C/75F. Welcome back summer. The forecast said possibly intermittent heavy rainfalls. It stayed dry while I was out, but the ground was muddy. And it was humid. That oppressive humid heat. Unpleasant at times, but it was nice when there was a big of wind.
Obviously lots of lounging around by the goats. I have found that the upside down bench makes for a really nice thing for me to sit against, my back leaned back against it .Feels good. I may have dozed off a little. Sitting there in the humid heat. Sky was on the plywood next to me. I was listening to the sounds she makes when she’s just sitting and relaxing. And then the sounds slowly fading out as she slips into a little nap. Bella sitting on the tub next to us with her leg dangling over the side as she likes. I was hoping Luna would sit next to me as she loves to do, but I think the ground was too muddy. She ended up walking over to one of the platforms and getting up there to sit in the sun. Later I walked over there to check on her and she was all out, laying down curled up and sleeping. Tired cuties.
Nice to have a bit of summer in September. We had some sweet visitors at the fence too and the feathers fluttering around of course. Quality time.
4/9 2024

Tired Sky.

4/9 2024

While I was lying back against the upturned bench and baking in the humidity and sun, I wanted to take a picture. I didn’t really have anywhere to place the camera, i didn’t want to get up and go fetch the tripod. I ended up putting the camera on the log, which was right in front of me. Set the selftimer, took a bunch of pics. Came home and looked at them. I’m sitting there with my legs bunched up, legs open wide, crotch right in the camera. Like photos of a pregnant woman being told to PUSH. I thought to myself I thought, well I can’t post any of these. Too bad. And then I thought, there’s a couple of people who would enjoy these. However, everyone else would be horrified and I would be humiliated.
So at least I got a story out of it. I’m not posting the pics, don’t ask!
4/9 2024

Bella loves chilling on the tub.

4/9 2024

Okay, I’m not going to post *THOSE’ pics, but here’s one after I managed to move the camera to the side. Not flattering, but at least it won’t get me flagged. Probably. You’ll have to imagine me in this position, with my legs spread and the camera right in front of me pointed right at the twigs and berries. Actually, please don’t imagine that. For your own good.
I think that’s enough facebooking for me today, I’ll end up getting my license revoked.

4/9 2024

Good goat times today. Another beautiful summery day, even hotter than yesterday. Upwards of 26C/78F. But no oppressive humidity. Really lovely day.
We had a lot of visitors today. Lots of sweet kids. Svend, the namekeeper of the animals, was back. He’s sweet, but he needs to be told to close the gate when he goes through it. He just leaves it open, it has happened plenty of times, on several visits. Hopefully he’ll learn. Good thing the goats are too preoccupied to make an escape.
There was a sweet girl that’s been there before too. I think her name was Irene. She came in with one of the adults, who asked me “I’m so embarrassed, but I have forgotten your name”. Haha I don’t expect them to know my name so tha’ts fine. but she asked if Irene could come over and sit with me and pet Sky. And of course she could. Irene walked over to us very slowly and the adult explained that she had problems seeing, that’s why she was so slow. I am not sure if it’s a permanent condition or not, but you can imagine that got to me. I know a thing or two about not being able to see. But she came over to us and sat down and spent a lot of time stroking Sky’s fur. She was very sweet.
Meanwhile Jeanette was cooking “squash deller” on the campfire. A version of a tradition Danish dish, frikadeller. I think that’s made with pork. it’s something I have never ever eaten. I might have tried them made of squash, but as Jeanette apologetically remarked later in the day, she forgot to ask me if I wanted some! Maybe next time.
Beautiful day with furs and feathers and even peoples.
And I came home and got an hour and a half on the bike. On a hot day. Phew. Pretty beat now.
5/9 2024

Sky is filling up her skinny frame with some hay, while Bella and Luna are relaxing inside in the cool shade.

5/9 2024

I should probably get the christmas decorations out of the attic, I don’t want a repeat of last year’s fiasco where I was the only person on the block not all decked out in September.
5/9 2024


6/9 2024

What kind of father would buy an assault rifle for his 13 year old son, AFTER the fbi had contacted them over the kid making threats about school shootings?
The kind of father who is now charged with manslaughter, murder and child cruelty because his son did a school shooting,
What a fkn insane world. Everything about it is so damn sad.
And half of America will agree that it’s just a fact of life and we have to move on and 8 year olds shooting themselves becaue they were left alone in a car with their parents weapons, that’s just how it is. Fkn nuts.
6/9 2024

Losing all this weight has been nice, but there are side effects. Shameful ones that are hard to talk about. It’s difficult to admit, but I can no longer eat a whole pot of soup in one go.
Haha. I used to cook up a whole big pot of soup, like big enough to feed a family. And I would eat the whole thing and love it. I can’t do that anymore. I googled it and apparently human stomachs don’t shrink when you’re in adult age, but that’s what it feels like. It’s kind of hard to adjust and try to cook up less. Sometimes I end up actually having to throw some of it out. I can usually down all the soup, but sometimes I have to throw out some of the veggies and flourballs. And no matter how bloated I feel after a soup session, the next time I make soup I still find myself wanting to cook up as much as possible. I have a mental craving to just make as much as possible, even though I know I won’t be able to finish.
Talk about first world problems.
6/9 2024

Sky and Sonja, gal pals.

7/9 2024

Got an hour on the bike today. i had to cut it short unfortunately. When I started doing the intervals part, I started feeling a sharpish pain in my right calf. Not excruciating, but bad enough that I thought it beetter to abandon bike and put some ice on it. Not feeling it too much now, hopefully it’s not too bad. A month or two ago I had something in my left calf you might recall. This one felt a little worse. But we’ll see. I’ll give it a little rest and hopefully it will be ready to go again.
Now I’ll cook up some soup, and do my best to finish it all.
7/9 2024

Wut wut, chicken butt. Red Sonja shaking her tailfeathers.

7/9 2024


8/9 2024

Been feeling a little down. Partly just the regular depression that follows me around. But also little bit because of a new development at the playground.
Thursday was such a beautiful sunny day with lots of happy kids and fun. But it was also the first time I really saw a big shift in the hierarchy of the goats.
It’s been going on for a while that Bella has been getting stronger and dominant. I could see it especially in the mornings, hen she’d finish her breakfast bowl and then try to get into Sky’s breakfast bowl. She could easily push Luna way from her bowl, but Sky would stand her ground and fight her off.
But on Thursday for the first time I saw Sky retreating. Not so much at breakfast, but in general.
I saw it first, without realising it, in the morning. When Luna and Bella were up on the platform together, while Sky was sitting I think on the plywood board on the mountain. Normally you’d see Sky and Bella on the platform, Luna perched on the ramp. I didn’t think too much of that, it’s not like it’s unusal for sky to go sit somewhere on her own sometimes.
But then later in the day there was a big headbutting battle. Sky and Luna crashing heads. I just uploaded a video of that on the goat page. And you can see when Bella joins in, Sky is bleating unhappily about it. And she ends up having to run away. She can’t match Bella anymore. Bella is bigger and stronger and has the youthful energy.
It was a little sad, seeing sky retreat. I don’t want it to be like when she was young and she had to run away from the other goats and hide under the hoat house and all that.
AT least she got a year and a half of experiencing being the biggest and strongest goat in the goat pen. It also makes me a little sad because I can’t help thinking, I wish she still had her brother with her. Sigh.
Later on Bella and Luna were next to me, and I saw Sky a ways away looking at us forlornly like she didn’t dare come over to us. Okay, the forlornly part is just me projecting. But I don’t want her to not be able to come to me because she’s scared of Bella.
We’ll see how it all develops. Hopefully they will still function okay as a group, even if Bella is the leader. She can be pretty pushy, I can’t remember if I’ve mentioend it, but for a while it’s been harder to feed apples or cucumber to all three of them together, because Luna will retreat from Bella a lot too. Those two used to be able to eat from the same apple, while I gave another apple to Sky with my other hand. But Bella is so pushy now that Luna will usually retreat and I’ll have to do extra effort to give her some too. I love all three of them, but Bella can be very demanding.
Anyway. Sorry for the rambling. You better believe I showed Sky a lot of love. As Bella and Luna started climbing the branch pile and went around grazing, I sat with Sky for ages and loved on her. She loves the attention. She’ll sit for absolute ages and just be scratched and cuddled and get hooves rubbed and she doesn’t seem to get tired of it. I will make sure she still knows I love my Sky girl.

8/9 2024

Here’s me loving on Sky to amke sure she still felt appreciated and cared for. There’s a longer version of the video up on the goat page. But this is just a bit of sweetness.
8/9 2024


That’s all for now.

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