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Lights Action

Good goat times today. Coldish and grey morning. At least I had my jacket on, as Jeanette remarked when she introduced me to Anna, who will be working at the playground. I think taking care of the animals one day a week. There’s another guy called Sebastian too. But I mostly see Jeanette, because I kind of time my days to be there when she is there too. But Anna seemed very nice. And we all laughed at how Jeanette ‘mothers’ me a little when I don’t have enough clothes on. The other day when she noticed the weight I’d lost she remarked that it was too bad she’d gotten rid of that winter coat she tried to give me last winter. It had been a little too small for me. Might fit now. Oh well.
Also, I did manage to not dress quite appropriately after all. I hadn’t brought a raincoat and by the time I left the goats, well of course the rain started coming down. Came down pretty hard, but only for 5 minutes or so. Got me soaked, but not too bad
And it stayed mostly dry while I was hanging out with the goats, so that was good. We had some nice kids visiting in the pen, Jeanette brought another bouquet of branches with fresh leaves. I almost hkilled a chicken. At least that’s what it sounded like. I was taking in the remainders of the branches Jeanette had brought, I was going to put them inside because it was starting to rain a little. I jammed them into the hayholder, but I was not able to see that one of the feathers was nesting there. It didn’t react at first, so I didn’t realise it was there until I was really jabbing branches into the hay. Then it got up and squawked a million obscenities at me, I can only assume. Thankfully it wasn’t hurt. Just startled I guess. And then later the feathers startled the furs. Three or four times they all started squawking super loudly in the goat house and all three goats came running out like the devil was chasing them. Oh the fun we have.
Now the soup I’ll have.
26/8 2024

Last week of summer, make it count.

26/8 2024

I know I may come off as self-involved, but it’s only because I’m very important.
26/8 2024

The look of love of Luna. Wore my Superorganism shirt today. I love it. It hasn’t been on heavy rotation, because it’s one of the shirts that have been a little too tight on me. Not too small, but I just… prefer oversized shirts. Side effect of being fat all my life. I have always gone for XL shirts. It’s nice to feel comfortable in the tighter shirts now. Better enjoy it before my rollercoaster weight ride goes up again!
Things proceed cyclically, as above so below.

26/8 2024


27/8 2024

For the premium subscribers, a little behind-the-scenes footage. Sky directing me while I set up the camera. I believe her direction was mostly “Hurry up, I’m hungry”.
27/8 2024

Got an hour forty on the bike today. Tired legs, struggled a little. But kept it going nonetheless. My first experiments with the added protein has been good. I had a protein bar yesterday. It’s not too bad in sugars and fats, but it’s a little more on the candier side compared to the skyr. Very tasty. Blood sugar fine, weight stable. Getting the extra protein should be good. Note to self: Move to Jamaica so it’s t-shirt weather all year round.
Note to self: Check what the weather is like in Jamaica first.
27/8 2024

“No treats? Pfft as if. Get him,kids!”

27/8 2024

Good goat times today. A beautiful, hot day. Up to 24C/75F, the forecast says even hotter tomorrow. A couple of hot days to close out or summer season.
I was a little later than usual today, had to wait home for some pacakages. When I got to the playground all thre goats were sunning themselves up on the platform, while a group of kindergarteners were at the fence, trying to get their attention. Well when they saw me they started screaming. The goats, I mean. Not the kids. And they came over to the fence and everytone was happy.
Lots of kids in the goat pen later in the day. Bella was up on the tub, eating from a fresh bouquet of branches that Jeanette had brought. A little girl kneeled down and was looking up Bella’s butt, laughing. I think she was spotting berries. Jeanette warned her “be careful or she’ll kaka on you”. Kaka, or is it caca, is a word kids commonly use for goat poop.
Another sweet girl came over to pet Sky. She went “Den er så cute. Cutie cutie cutie”. Very cutie.
On the downside, Luna’s streak of behaving so well with kids has ended. Already on Monday she was butting at some kids, and today too. Might have to bring the water bottle again and see if I can do something about it. She isn’t generally aggressive with the kids. But if they’re loud or a bit pushy she’ll lash out, which is understandable. But not great for playground goats of course.
She also managed to take a bite out of my nose, but I had that one coming.
Lovely late summer’s day.
28/8 2024

Sky sure is a cutie cutie cutie.

28/8 2024

Luna, looking for kids to terrorize. Sigh. Brought another shirt out that hasn’t been used enough, but now I’m feeling slim enough to wear again without crippling anxiety and uncomfortableness. Some of you in the goat circles might recognise it.

28/8 2024

Good goat times today. it was a scorcher! Up to 28C/82F. That’s burning hot for Denmark, we’ve only had a couple of days like that here I think. Some parts of the country even hotter.
Phew! I love toasting in the sunshine with the goats. Lots of visitors too, kids in the pen. Svend was there again, you can always tell when he’s around because he’s very vocal. And he likes saying the goats’ names. He’ll just be walking around talking to everyone, humans and animals. But it’s just nice ahving all these people enjoying the visits to the playground, I think it’s something the kids from the neighbouring school really look forward to.
The campfire was going too, I’m not sure if they made pancakes or soup or something else this time.
And there was a groundskeeper on a lawnmower rider going over the sportsfield next door, with the sun blasting down, just a very summery feeling.
29/8 2024

Top o the world maah.

29/8 2024

Not just goat times on this scorching day. Also an hour and a half on the bike when I came home. Phew. I love exercise on a hot day, that sweat going.
For dinner today it was potatoes, carrots, peas and corn. Yes, fancy cooking. Protein skyr for dessert.
In other news, I managed to fix my bathroom light. I think I mentioned that I had a problem with that, right? My old fluorescent light tube had to be replaced, but you can’t only get LED tubes now. They don’t work in my installation. I was stressing a lot about it, but turns out if you put in a LED starter instead of the old starter then it does work, and it didn’t explode. And now I have LED light in my bathroom and it turns on immediately unlike the old fluorescent light that flickered on. Kinda freaked me out the first couple of times I went into the bathroom and the light was on immediately, what sorcery is thsi?! Anyway, just glad to have that sorted out. I worry too much.
29/8 2024

Oh yeah, I did pushups yesterday.
I mean, like 5 of them, with my knees still on the ground. But it’s a start! I’ve been doing situps too. I mean, I can’t get my arms anywhere near my knees, can’t really get off the ground, but it’s something!
Yeah, I’ll never have the lean fitness bod. But i’m just trying to strengthen my muscles and get a little more limber and flexible. My body is extremely un-limber. Just trying ot strengthen it to help with the back pains. it’s gotten better after the weight loss, but there are definitely still problems, sometimes badly so.
Just kind of hilarious to think of me doing pushups. Fish out of water.
In other news, been feeling pretty depressed today. So that’s not great. But hey hey one day a day day.
30/8 2024

Uncle, we need a net Luna unit. This one’s got a bad motivator.

30/8 2024

We managed to fix the Luna unit, now it has proper balance.

31/8 2024

Got an hour forty five on the bike today. And then some crunches and pushups. I mean, wimpy ones.
Wasn’t really feeling it at first. Tired legs and not really feeling the groove. But it got better in the second half of it. My time on the bike is sort of split in two. First I have some longer steadier laps at higher resistance. And tnhe I do some arm exercises with the bendy rod while biking at low resistance. And then the second part I do intervals, I think it’s called. Thirty seconds high resistance as fast as possible then thirty seconds recuperation at no resistance. And then just keep doing that. I started really losing weight when I started doing those interval things, but that was also around the time I went really strict with the diet so I’m not sure how much was effect from the exercise and how much from the diet.
Anyway, good to keep going. I am officially off the diet and attempt to weight loss now. Going to eat more normally and hope to keep the weight and blood sugar stable. So far so good. Haven’t put on weight despite adding protein stuff this week.
May enjoy a pizza tomorrow. A pizza a week seems fair, in the grander scheme of things.
Tonight it’s soup. All is fair in soup and flourballs.
31/8 2024

Btw I wanted it to be noted for the record that I can’t donate to fundraisers on Facebook anymore. I think I got a notification a while back that it was due to .. something something in the EU? Or is it just Denmark? I’m not sure, the upshot is I can’t do it. There have been a few birthday fundraisers lately that I have wanted to contribute to lately but it’s not possible.
And this post isn’t just a bad excuse from my accountaint because I’m going broke, how dare you even suggest that. If I could afford a lawyer I’d sute the heck out of you!
This post is sponsored by SmurfShark. Like to watch smurfs being fed to sharks? Join SmurfShark and use promo code BlueBerries to get elevensih percent hoff. Sorry can’t afford spellchek.
31/8 2024

Top tip: If you see a post on Facebook saying Facebook is censoring something and you have to repost it to fight the censorship then you are almost certainly being manipulated to repost something.,
Now, you may be totally cool with supporting the thing you’re reposting, it may be something you agree very much with.
But maybe think about why you’re being manipulated into reposting it, and what others ways you might be currently manipulated.
Oh and also, any posts telling you to copy something to your timeline to avoid some bad cause and effect, they are almost certainly reposting a chain letter. If you’re using Facebook and agreeing to their terms and condition in the process then posting “I don’t allow fb to use my photos” does not have any legal effect. It’s like you can’t put a sign on your car saying “I don’t allow the highway police to measure how fast I’m going”. That’s not a legal agreement.
That being said, if some weirdo from Denmark tells you that you have to share his goat photos on Facebook or inflation will keep rising, I ran that by my fact checkers and it’s absolutely true.
Now, put your fingers over this text and highlight it and..
31/8 2024

Alright after all that we better have a goat photo. To figh inflation and all that.

31/8 2024


1/9 2024

Red Sonja really just is a little feathered goat. Cracks me up how she jumps up to peck at the tomato I’m feeding Bella.
1/9 2024

Sorry, I didn’t mean to sit on your hoof, Luna.

1/9 2024


That’s all for now.

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