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Protein & Pepsi

Good goat times today. Lovely sunny day. Enjoying the last weeks of summer. Soaking up all the sun we can. Lots of siesta times with the furballs. I mean, the furteat. Sorry.
We had a nice group of visitors today. Kids and adults in the goat pen. Feeding and petting the goats. There was a sweet little girl who stayed in the goat pen on her own when the rest of them left to play on the swings and do other things. But she just wanted to stay and look at the goats. She was stroking Luna’s back for a long time. Sweet. And Luna has been very good at letting the kids pet her. Everyone is on their best behaviour.
And then just back to relaxing in the sun. I may have laid back and halfnapped a little on the mountainside. Master of my domain. Don’t tell the real masters I said that.
19/8 2024

Do not disturb

19/8 2024

I know it’s not going to mean anything to anyone here, well there’s one, but I just want to say that I love Preben Kristensen.
19/8 2024

Face to face with totally comfortable Bella.

19/8 2024

I think I may be suffering from PTPD.
Post Twin Peaks Depression. I’m so sad I finished it! I already made a post where I expelled my praise and lvoe of it, so I won’t go on about it. But what a masterpiece and I just want to start over and watch it all again. I do still need to reread the last book, but that’s only about a 3 hour audiobook. Wishing good health to David Lynch, sad to hear his recent announcement of his health problems. I never like when smking is portrayed as something that makes characters cool in tv or movies. It ain’t cool, it’ll kill ya. I noticed that in TP. I wish Lynch hadn’t smoked all his life. Well, he said he isn’t retiring, so I’m going to go on living in the hope of some kind of continuation of Twin Peaks. You neverk now. Although the three seasons and a movie are absolutely perfect. I still don’t comprehend half of what happened in the last episode, but I love that. As I always say, i’m the type who enjoys the questions more than the answers. I love the mystery, whether it comes in a box or a movie or a show. That’s why I love shows like Lost and Twin Peaks. It’s a vibe, man. It all cannot be said aloud.
But on the plus side, now I can get started on my Lost rewatch soon. I have to go back!
19/8 2024


20/8 2024

An hour thirtyfive on the bike today. Going going gone. Well, still in the same place. The nice thing about a stationary bike is that you don’t have to find your way back. it’s always more comfortable in starting position.
Keeping at it. I can feel the quality of the tomatoes and cucumbers in stores is starting to get worse, though. It’s still summer, I’d think they would still be good. But I don’t know. Tomatoes, cucmbers and apples have been a huge part of my diet since I cut bread. I got soup days and then I got green/red days. But that will be changing soon. Not the soup part. The soup is my constant.
If you can spot the two Twin Peaks and the lost references in that post, then you’re my kind of people. And if you can’t, well I still love and appreciate you for caring enough to read the boring jammer I spool on the intertubes. Hello and thank you, friend.
20/8 2024

Good goat times today. A bit of a cold and grey morning. But the sun came out and it turned quite lovely. Before a little rain on my walk home. So it goes.
Pretty quiet day with the goats. No visitors today. Jeanette had to feed the carrots she had prepared for visitors to feed the goats, to the goats. That sentence got away from me. But yes, when no visitors come to feed the goats then Jeanette has to give the carrots to them on by her own self. The goats are happy enough whoever gives them the snacks. Because you know, they are poor starved creatures.
Now i’m going to have some soup, because i’m a poor starved Lasse.
21/8 2024

Jeanette, handing out the carrots to the congregation.

21/8 2024

I was looking on google for some goat info and one of the things listed as “People also ask” was “Why is my male goat peeing on me?”. Haha.
21/8 2024

Good goat times today. Bit of a cold and grey day, though. Not very summery. Light rain on and of. Had to bring my jacket for a change.
We had a bunch of visitors today. Jeanette had warned me in advance that there might be a lot of people. It wasn’t too bad. I think the bad weather kept some away, and kept most of the others overy by the campfire, where there’s some shelter. Jeanette was making campfire soup. Now if the pancakes she made that one time didn’t tempt me, soup surely did! But no soup for me, today.
Some of the visitors did come to see the goats. Sweet kids in the pen. The boy called Svend was back. He’s the one who knows all the names of the furs and feathers. Her clearly likes the animals. There was a sweet girl too who was petting Luna. Luna was just standing still and enjoying it. Kind of like she does when I’m brushing her with the brush. I’m happy that she’s being such a good petting goat now, after the earlier times when she was a little pushy a couple of times. She’s doing so well now, hope she keeps that up.
But that was all quite nice. And then I came home and got an hour and a half on the bike. A workout and a half for me today. Maybe I should have had that campfire soup…
22/8 2024

A captive audience.

22/8 2024

Okay goats, don’t hurt me. I give up.

22/8 2024


23/8 2024

Are you the guy with the treats? Luna is trying to score.

23/8 2024

Oh by the way, after watching more of the early Saturday Night Live episodes, I am willing to grow and learn and accept my mistakes. I am liking The Church Lady more and more. Still not my favourite thing, but I am definitely not disliking her. Sometimes she’s even great.
So. never let it be said that i’m stuck in my ways. Except when it comes to everything else.
23/8 2024

How do you guys feel about cutting a goat’s beard off?
I was thinking about it for Bella, because her beard has grown a little. Not a lot, not nearly as much as Luna’s. But enough that it makes it harder to tell them apart in some photos.
I remember we once considered painting something on Bella’s horns, but it turns out covering the horns may not be the best idea because it might obstruct the horns ability to.. do stuff that’s good for goats, something about heat and stuff. I forget the exact thing. But it wasn’t recommended when I read up on it.
As far as I can tell, cutting a goat’s beard of wouldn’t be a health problem. I don’t think it’s really known what goat beards are for, there were some suggestions but they didn’t really seem very likely, especially for goats living the easy life like ours.
I don’t know, I just feel kind of bad about doing it haha. Like it would be mean. But it’s not like her beard is very big at all. I wouldn’t cut Luna’s off, it’s bigger and more.. part of her? Funny since she’s the little goat. Bella is so much more bigger, so much more dominant and strong. You’d think she’d have the huge beard. So much for gender stereotypes! Luna is also the one doing most humping and grunting and snorting. Yes, I did actually at one point check to make sure she wasn’t just a little buck. That thought did cross my mind.
Anyway. Anyone have any thoughts about this? Would it be mean? Have you done it if you have goats? Any reasons not to do it? Would you be mad at me? Would Bella?
I’ve though about putting a bow or something on her horns, but itw ouldn’t last long, and I just don’t like messing with the horns either.
Anyway, leave a comment if you have a thought. Related to the subject. Most of you probably ahve thoughts. I don’t want to brag, but I have a thought in my head like at least a couple of times a day. I am so smart. S M R T I mean
23/8 2024

For refence, here’s bella and her beard. NOT ME, the actual beard. It’s not super prominent. But it’s enough that in some photos it makes it harder for me to tell them apart. If I’m there with them I can tell them apart, but when at home looking at photos it sometimes gets difficult. I’m blind, that’s my excuse.

23/8 2024


24/8 2024

Got an hour and a half on the bike today. I wasn’t going to do it since I wasn’t feeling so great. But then I pushed myself to do it because that’s the kind of can-do macho attitude I excel in. Not all heroes wear capes, but I’m definitely going to get a cape.
And I promise I won’t let it go to my head. The cape, I mean. It goes over the shoulders, not the head. See, I am still so s m r t.
It was an effort. But it paid off with a new record low on the weight, so that’s nice. How much of that is muscle weight lost though? The other day Debbie commented that with all the fruits and veggies, she wasn’t seeing much protein in my diet. And I hadn’t really thought of that. I do get some protein in me, but since I went on the stricter diet I don’t think I’ve been getting near the amount you’re supposed to get. My legs and arms have been getting stronger with the exercise, and clearly my brain muscle is am get big and strong work good, so that’s can’t be can’t be can’t a porblem.
Anyway. I need more protein. Tomorrow I got a pepsi delivery coming, and I decided to stuff the basket with some protein stuff. I’ve been eating sugarfree licorice as snacks, they have almost no sugar or fat. They doo have a ton of fiber, so if I eat too much well let’s just say I don’t have constipation issues. They have some protein, but not enough. So, I’m going to try to replace them with something with more protein. My first choice to try is something called Skyr. Google says it’s called Skir in English. It’s something I’ve heard of but never tried. It’s a dairy product. I found some that has zero fat, not a lot of sugar. Lots of protein. I don’t know if it’s something I can eat, I’m a very picky eater, especially with new things. But my plan is to try that for a week or two, see if I can still lose weight while eating that, see if there’s a reaction in my blood sugar levels. I’m still planning to go back to a more relaxed diet soon. But I figured I’d give this a try and see how it goes. My metabolism is probably underperforming right now so I should probably be careful adding more calories to the diet, not rush in.
I have no idea what the hex I’m talking about with all of this, I’m pretty much just making it all up as I go along. But I’m to 44 pounds lost since November and my blood sugar has gone from “needing medical attention” to perfect, my blood prssure has gone from trending on the high side to perfect. So something has worked okay for me so far.
Anyway, today is soup day, brain say go soup now brain smrt listen brain. punctuation!
24/8 2024

Heard a loud sound outside. My first thought was that it was an explosion. Or something BIG falling over. It’s 10.30 pm. Looking at the weather forecast it says rain and possible thunder tonight. Guess it was thunder. Had me spooked for a second. Didn’t sound like thunder, but I can hear more now. Hope the goats are cooped up snuggly together.
24/8 2024

Got my pepsi&protein delivery this morning. So i’ll be trying out some Skyr tonight. Let’s hope it doesn’t make me go all Ramsay on it. YOU DONKEY.
Well, here’s to hoping. Thank you everyone for all the protein advice too. And your friendship and kindness. YOU GOAT!
25/8 2024

Just a pillow for Luna.

25/8 2024

Well, I had my first taste of Skyr just now. Went okay. I actually tried two different kinds. One of them was pretty good, the other not so much. None of them exactly made me ecstatic. i don’t think I’ll be eating them for pleasure. But I’ll try a week or two with them for protein, see how the weight, blood sugar and exercise goes. Take it from there. One day a day. And then the day becomes the night. One night a night.
25/8 2024


That’s all for now.

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