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Good goat times today. A beautiful sunny day. Up around 24C/75F. That’s hot for Denmark.
I don’t think we’ve had any days up at 30/86 this summer. One or two that got close. But no scorchers. But plenty over 20/68. For me it’s a good summery day when it’s above that.
Just trying to enjoy the last weeks of summer, before hte gloomy months start approaching. Better not think of that yet.
And sweet times with the goats. Summer vacation is over, hopefully we’ll start seeing our regular visitors from the neighbour school soon. There were a few people going by today, but none that stayed very long at the goats.
So we just relaxed in the sun. I maybe have laid down on the plywood board and taken a half-nap. Roasting in the sun. Well baked. Lots of treats and cuddles of course. The goat days of summer.
12/8 2024


12/8 2024

Luna is waking up Cinderfella.

12/8 2024

A beautiful day in the goathood.

12/8 2024


13/8 2024

Got an hour thirtyfive on the bike today. Still going strong. LEMME HEAR YOU SAY YEAH.

13/8 2024

Double goat butt salute.

13/8 2024

Busy day of goating and tech support today.
My parents got their new printer, and I promised to come over and hook it up.
First I had to get some good goat times in, though. Even if it was shorter than usual, it was still good to spend time with the furbles. I did get a little worried when the skies suddenly opened up and a massive, heavy rainfall started. There I was in my t-shirt, no jacket or raincoat. Jeanette asked me “don’t you have one of those small packaway raincoats?”. I do. I just.. hadn’t brought it. Oh dear. Thankfully the rain stopped before it was time for me to leave. Otherwise I would have gotten completely soaked to the bone.
But I went off to my parents place. It was easier when we were at the old playground. My parents place is more or less halfway on the road between my place and the old playground. So I could swing by more easily. This playground is not on the way to my parents place. So now it’s a bigger detour. It’s a bit of a problem with my bad back. I took the bus for half the way, but there’s still a fair bit of a walk. But I got there. Got the new printer unpacked. No USB cable in the box. I’d been worried about that, since everything is wireless these days. Thankfully the cable from the old printer worked. The new printer is basically a newer version of the same model. It would have been a big bummer if we had to postpone it all and find a new cable. But got it hooked up. It took some work to get it all in order, but got the computer to see it and got it to use the new printer instead of the old. You’d think when there’s one printer connected to the computer and one printer ‘offline’ it would be smart enough to figure to use the available printer, not hte unavailable one. But no, had to set the new printer as the standard. All of this done hunched over with my magnifying glass, trying to read the screen. Again, stuff that would take me 10 seconds on my own computer takes ages and is much mroe difficult there. The printer gave soem errors, first with the ink cartridges then with the paper feed. But I got it sorted and it was a relief when we finally got it to print the first page. Phew.
Thought it was all done then, but then my mother tried printing a recipe from a site and it came out with not as it should, so I had to spend more time trying to fix that. But I think it was a problem with the site she was using, it was doing something weird with the page formatting. She tried another site and it worked fine. And my dad could print his mails. When we talk to each other I usually send him an email afterwards with the details of what we have agreed on, because otherwise he will forget it immediately. So he prints a lot of mails from me, and other stuff I’m sure, to remember stuff. That was the main priority, getting that working again.
And it seems like it’s working. So that’s good. i’m happy that I can help them with tech stuff. It’s frustrating now that I’m increasingly getting ‘left behind’ by new tech. I haven’t followed the evolution of tech stuff as much since I started losing my eyesight. Like wireless stuff. I don’t do wireless connections. I need wires. There was a day when it was unthinkable that a printer would come without a cable. Now I guess it’s standard. At least it still hast he USB port. How long before that just goes away?
And my dad was supposed a photo to his doc of his hip, after his falls. But sending photos over the computer is kind of beyond them. And I can’t really help since I don’t know anything about smartphones. His phone has a camera, but I have no idea if he has a cable somewhere to connect it or if it’s supposed to be wireless too. I can’t help them with newer phone and smart device stuff.
But I’ll stop rambling about all that now.
Walked home, thankfully it still stayed dry. But my back is killing me now. It’s been better in the last few months. The weight loss probably hasn’t hurt, and I got psoas massager that I use on my back before leaving home and I bring it to the playground so I can use it before walking home. It seems to help my back a lot. But when I’m out for a long time and walking a lot and in uncomfortable positions in places I’m not familiar with, my back pain still gets excruciating.
I need a nap now.Sorry for the blabbing.
14/8 2024

Hiding from the rain, with Sky.

14/8 2024

It would have been Mia’s 12th birthday today. I still can’t really think about it too much, the pain will overwhelm me. But I will always love and miss her and be thankful for how she changed my life.
Up there weighting down the clouds with Mio, Palle, Kamel, Yogi, everyone.
14/8 2024

Good goat times today. Lovely sunny day. Hot and humid. We had more heavy rain coming in overnight. But it stayed dry to and the sun dried everything off nicely.
Lots of visitors today. The neighbour school friends are back from vacation. Some old faces, some new. Good to have them come by again. There’s especially one lady who is always nice, I think her name is Cecilie, but I could be wrong about that. But she’s always kind to me. You can tell she cares about the animals, and appreciates what Jeanette and I do for them. She told she was glad to see me again, and the goats too. Some of the kids came into the pen and got some closeup time with the goats. And feathers. There is one boy, Svend, who knows the names of the goats, and the feathers. He’s better at their names than I am! Yes, the newfeathers have names now but I only really know Susie, the big white one who isn’t Henrietta. She’s a sussex. The two other are Hanna and Maren, but I’m not surew hich is which. Is that all of them? Henrietta, Sonja, Susie, Hanna, Maren. Yup, five feathers.
But that was all lovely. And then home for an hour twenty five on the bike. Phew. Pretty beat now. Time for soup.
15/8 2024

A spot in the sun with Sky. And a little Luna in the back.

15/8 2024

Oh yeah. I got my results from the doctor visit last week back. My longterm blood sugar levels are… “exactly how where they’re supposed to be. Good job”. Hooray! So that was a success. Last November we were talking about maybe putting me on new meds because the levels were too high. But I wanted to try to fix it with lifestyle changes, which I’ve managed to do before. And I managed to do it again. Let’s hope I can manage to keep it down this time. At some point I’m going to go less restrictive on my diet, we’ll see how that affects things. I’ve kind been back on the strict diet, after the pizza and Corn Flakes break I took for a couple of days. I’ll probably try to keep it going for a couple of weeks longer. But I do want to get back to eating a little more normally.
Happy to have lost all that weight and gotten my blood sugar down to where it’s supposed to be, though. I’ve been working hard on it, so it’s satisfying to see the results.
Thank you all for cheering me on and listening to my b&m.
15/8 2024

My Twin Peaks rewatch is almost at an end. I am loving it so much, it’s been a great experience going through the whole thing. Still need to finish the last two episodes and then reread the last book. But just, what a masterpiece. Beautiful, frightening, thought provoking, hilarious, melodramatic, spiritual, ridiculous, hammy, slow, fast, brilliant and wonderful. What other show could feature the words “see you in 25 years” and then actually come back 25 years later and be the best thing on tv. Twin Peaks could. IS it about the bunny?
Anyway. It’s about bedtime for me. Just finished the Eddie Vedder episode. I am not a big Vedder or Pearl Jam fan. Respect from my afar was my relationship with him. But I have been listening to this song over and over since this episode aired for the first time in 2017. I love it so much.
🎶 And I am who I am, who I was I will never be again. Running out of sand.
Who I could have been, i’ll never have the chance. Running out of sand🎵
Man, I feel that so hard. Sometimes I feel like there’s just a single grain or two left in the hourglass. And what could I have been? I don’t know. There’s another us somewhere with much better lives,
Okay, goodnight folks. Here comes the sandman.

15/8 2024

Anyone else getting just a blank page when they try to look at their notifications?
Strange, when I switch to the goat page, the notifications load there. But not on my personal profile. Maybe fb just realised that they’re forked up the notifications system and are getting rid of it alltogether. I am tired of it.
My dad was just over, he seems to be doing pretty well. A big swelling on his leg from the falls, but other than that he seems to have recovered well. So that’s good.
16/8 2024

The graass is always greener on the other side.. says Bella.
When they’re standing like this at the fence it always makes me think of prisoner’s in the prison yard, staring at the world outside. Thankfully the goats have it pretty good on th inside.

16/8 2024

I want to be Dave Grohl when I grow up.
Or marry Dave Grohl. Or be around him. Be near him. I want to wear his face as a mask and go on stage and play horribly and mumble the words while the other members of Foo Fighters look at each other and try to decide who’s going to tackle the imposter wearing hte Dave Grohl skinsuit and perform the banishing ritual to send him back to hell.
I want to trap Dave Grohl in ember and keep him as a prize for thousands of years and then the aliens can extract his dna when they try to bring back the human race after we nuked ourselves into oblivion.
I want to make four clones of Dave Grohl so he can do all the housework while i sit and listen to foo fighter music on youtube.
I could go on

16/8 2024


17/8 2024

For the premium subscribers, some bonus footage. Bella remains focused on ruining my footage.
17/8 2024

Got an hour thirtish on the bike today. Still working hard. And good results, dropped another couple of pounds. Great motivation to keep at it for another couple of weeks. See how low I can get before I start easing into a more normal diet. I tell you what, it’s kind of surreal seeing such low numbers on the scales. I have been at least 20 pounds heavier most of my adult life, and at times 40 all the way up to 60 pounds heavier. Estimated numbers, but the point stands. If I didn’t wear a belt, my pants would be dropping around my ankles. And we wouldn’t want that now would we.
Time for some reward soup. It’s the reward program that keeps me a loyal customer at Lassecorps inc. Apply for a membership today, donut delay!
17/8 2024


When she’s not ruining my videos, Bella likes to relax and chill.

17/8 2024

Hmm, maybe I should get a shirt made with a goat silhouette on it…

17/8 2024


That’s all for now.

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