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Elephants In Rooms

Good goat tims today. Another beautiful sunny day, and quite warm. I think it got up around 24C/75F, which is hot for us. I didn’t bring enough to drink so I got a bit woozy later on. But I was fine.
The big deal today was of course the long awaited return of Jeanette from vacation. Hooray! We survived three weeks without her. We ran out of hay at the end of last week. Jeanette had to go get new stuff. She said that, like last year, there’s not enough available to buy. She had to get some extra expensive premium stuff, I think it’s for horses. Well the goats were happy with it. Fine dining! Let’s hope we can get our hands on some of the regular stuff soon.
It was good to see Jeanette. We had a nice talk in the morning. “There’s not much left of you now” she remarked. Haha. Nice of her to notice. So we chatted a little about my diet and health too. It’s just good to have her around and taking care of the animals again, and of me. Of course.
And I had a lovely time with the goats. Lots of cuddles and treats, good relaxing and some headbutting. The goats, not me. Bella and Luna got into a big one where they were running and grunting at eachother, they don’t usually do that. But they calmed down before I could get my camera going. Come on, save it for the show!
Now I’ll grab some soup, no cheese.
5/8 2024

Meditation in the goat pen. While Sky is ready to steal the goat tax from my pocket.

5/8 2024

The goats enjoying their premium hay.

5/8 2024

Made good on my second promise/threat. Got myself Corn Flakes today. I have to fact check myself. I said that I thought I’d never had Corn Flakes before. That’s baloney. Of course I have. As a kid. I don’t know why I thought I hadn’t. But I haven’t as an adult, so it was fun to grab a bowl. Well it was alright. Not something I’ll be doing again I think. Not sure why I suddenly had a craving to have Corn Flakes. Got milk, too. For the first time in more than a decade I think. Maybe have had chocolate milk a few times over the years. But straight milk, I stopped that long ago. And no plans to keep doing that either. If I was going to start drinking milk again, I’d drink some kind of milk-like drink. Just to pee oh the people under the thumb of Big Dairy who get infuriated because YOU CAN’T MILK A NUT. The only reason I didn’t get some nutmilk (mmm…) today was because I don’t know which I’d like and I didn’t feel like experimenting for just a bowl of cereal this one time. Now I got it out of the system, no more cereal or milk for me anytime soon.
Back to tomatoes, cucumber and apples, and soup, for a while, I think.
5/8 2024

Sunblissed with the three goat girls.

5/8 2024


6/8 2024

You know, I don’t mean to take photos with goats in them. But every time I try to take a cool selfie for my instergam peeps, when I look at them afterwards there are just goats in them.

6/8 2024

Got an hour and a half on the bike today. Good to get back on it after a couple of ‘cheat days’ with pizza and Corn Flakes. Good to get a sweat going again. Burn those calories.
It was a bit of a slog, because I hadn’t gotten enough sleep last night. They have started laying foundations for a new building in a lot almost right next to my apartment block. They’re going to be doing that for the next three weeks. it’s not constant noise, but when they’re hammering ground.. that’s like an earth quake sound and feel. And it went off before 7 am today I think. I had planned on an hour or two more. Oh well. It’s 7 pm now and all quiet. I’d rather they did the heavy pounding around noon. You don’t want a heavy pounding too early in the morning. Should I shut up now? I think I should shut up now.
6/8 2024

Big day of downtowning for me today. Off to the doctor’s office first. A quick blood test, hopefully it should come back all good. My blood pressure is perfect. And all my own blood sugar level measurements have been good, so hooves crossed that’s as it should be.
After that I had some business with my dad. He had asked for my help gettnig some photos taken. The city has put up some elephant sculptures around town, and he really wanted some photos taken. He CAN take photos on his phone, but he doesn’t know how to get them to the computer. I don’t know anything about smartphones, I suppose he must have a USB cable iwth it or something. Anyway, I was happy to take some photos for him. I’ll talk more about that later and show you one.
We also stopped by a hardware store, because I need a new fluorescent light tube for my bathroom. Unfortunately we didn’t get one though. I have an old armature, and it can’t use LED tubes. And that’s all they had. I think you can get an LED starter to fix it, but I’ll have to do some more research I gues. The lady in the store wasn’t a whole lot of help.
After all that we went back to my parents’ place where I had to look at their printer. it’s been out of commision for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to fit it. In fact I broke it completely. Whoops. Well I figured I could be a little rough with it, since I was pretty sure it would have to be replaced anyway. It’s an old one, they’ve had someone else look at it, and fixing it was just beyond me. I hate when I can’t fix their tech problems, I know they depend on me for some of that stuff. it’s just hard when it’s problem with things I am not familiar with. Like printers and smartphones. My low vision makes it really hard to deal with new stuff.
Now I’ll have to try help them get a new printer. I hope we can get the same make and model so they know how to use it, but that’s probably asking for too much. We’ll have to see how it goes.
I am really tired now. Too much time out in crowded places. And working on my parents’ computer is really hard on my eyes since it’s not set up for my needs. Just transferring the photos from my camera took almost 10 minutes, it takes 30 seconds on my own pc. And now my legs and back are messed up from all the walking and awkward sitting and bending and positions.
I need some soup.
I really prefer living life in my own bubble. I hate when i I am forced to get out in the real world. Bubble boy is getting upset!
7/8 2024

Here are some photos from our little trip downtown. Dad with the elephant.
It’s funny, it was only within the last few years that I found out that my dad loves elephants. I don’t know how long he’s felt like that, but it took me by surprise when he told me some years ago. Don’t know why I never realised that. Elephants are his goats, I suppose. Goats are easier to sit with, though. And their berries are more manageable.
Anyway. One of the activities my dad has done at the dementia support center he goes to has been to make elephant clay figures. Made in clay and glazed. He gave one of them to me and I have it here in my apartment, it will be a treasured keepsake in the future.
But when the city put up these elephant sculptures around town he wanted to get some photos taken. I took a bunch of pics, hope some of them turned out okay. When you hire a blind photographer you gotta take what you get.
Beautiful sunny day for it too. A few hours after I got home I could hear the thunder bowling outside, rivaling the building foundation laying from earlier. Somewhat like the elephant kids who dance upstairs in the morning sometimes.
Funnily enough the book I’m currently reading is The Elephant Vanishes, another collection of short stories from Haruki Murakami. So far, not very elephant centric though.
Anyway, it was nice to get downtown with dad. I’m not a very sociable person, I’m not good at just spending time with humans, even family. And it takes a lot out of me. Been a long time since I walked around downtown too. When I was younger I’d sometimes take the bus down there, the shopping streets, the cathedral. These days I usually only go as far as my doc’s office. Suppose it’s nice to get a view of the world once in a while, before going back to the bubble.

7/8 2024

Good goat times today. A cloudy day, but the sun broke through now and then. Good to be back amongst goats, instead of humans. Much more my comfort zone. Well, I’ll allow Jeanette in the bubble. And we had some sweet visitors, a cute lil boy running around the pen. Mostly interested in the feathers though. But that was all good fun.
Got home and did an hour twentyfive on the bike. So I’m quite worn down now. I can feel all that walking around downtown in my legs, uses different muscles than the biking. Time to unwind now.
8/8 2024

Just hanging out with Lady Sky.

8/8 2024

ese bake

8/8 2024

Sky and Luna out grazing.

8/8 2024


9/8 2024

Well, my dad’s had a rough day. He was over here earlier, but he’d fallen in the bus when the driver made a sudden start. And just now he called, back home but he fell AGAIN in the bus. So now he’s heading off to the hospital to get checked. He sounded fairly okay, but it’s obviously not good. He just got over that concussion he got recently, and he passed out while at a friend’s place a couple of weeks ago I think it was.
He’s staying active and getting out pretty much every day I think, but he’s gotta be careful. I worry about him. Thank you to everyone for the comments on the elephant photos by the way, he appreciates everyone getting to see them.
9/8 2024

Thanks everyone for the concern about my dad. I just talked to him on the phone. He’s still at the hospital. He’s had x-rays done, and still has to go through some checks. I think he’s okay, other than pain from the fall(s). Hopefully nothing broken or any head trauma. It’s 9.30 pm now, unless there are serious updates I probably won’t hear any news until tomorrow. It would be nice if he could go home tonight, but I don’t know if they’ll let him go. Maybe better to spend the night at the hospital anyway, if that’s possible. We’ll see. Hopefully no complications.
9/8 2024

My dad is back home and doing okay, under the circumstances. He’s hurting from the falls and may have some slight concussion. But no broken limbs or serious injuries. So now he just has to heal up. Exercise it away, the doc says. Well, hope he takes it easy. Thank you everyone for the concern and kindness. One day a day, for us all.
Some of you asked for a picture of the elephant sculpture he made for me a while ago. Here it is. Not a hood photo, it’s hard to capture it with the shiny glaze, but it’s a lovely elephant figure, made with love and care. Just don’t tell the goats, I don’t want the to get jealous.

10/8 2024

Got an hour thirtyfive on the bike today. Still chuggalugging at it. I’m not going to give up on the exercising, even if I’m relaxing a little on the diet. Gotta find that balance between staying healthy and staying happy. Well, as happy as a chronically depressed prince turned into a toad can be, wait I’ve said too much. Quack.
10/8 2024

This is a moustached puffbird, in case you were wondering.
10/8 2024


11/8 2024

Siesta time is the besta time.

11/8 2024

Hey, Sky made it up on the biggest log too. Good going, girl.

11/8 2024


That’s all for now.

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