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Good goat times today. A lovely, warm summer day with lots of sunshine. My leg seems to be doing fine. The furs and the feathers are hungry and ready to play.
Last week of vacation. We did have a couple of visitors, but not interacting with me or the goats. There was a new playground worker, I don’t think I’ve seen her before. Didn’t get her name, but she seemed very nice and friendly and was working with the animals like Jeanette usually does, so that was nice.
We were all tired in the sunshine. I didn’t sleep enough last night, so I was Bella levels of tired. I’m pretty sure I dozed off a little, sitting on the ground. Woke up thinking someone was tugging at my pant leg, turned out it was Red Sonja pecking at it. Maybe there were some tomato seeds stuck on it. She made me laugh earlier too when I was giving peanuts to the goats and Sky dropped one on the ground, as she sometimes does. Red Sonja came running in and pecked it up with her beak and quickly carried it to the side where she started pecking on it. She’s fast and food driven like a goat.
Time for some soup now, maybe a nap before bedtime.
29/7 2024

Bella, the tireddest goat in all of Denmark. Often the first to sit down, always the first, and often the only one, to curl around like this and just zonk out completely. I was worried she’d fall off the tub, a couple of times she was rolling around and it looked like she’d just go over the edge. But she stayed put.

29/7 2024

Kickin’ back, laid back. totes relaxed.

29/7 2024

I have no light and I must descend.
29/7 2024

Better get another sweet goat pic up. Look, Luna sat down with Sky again! Maybe they are starting to bond. It’s mostly been Bella and Sky sitting together, or all three of them. But now twice Luna has purposefully walked over and sat down close to Sky. Sweet. Luna is the headbuttiest of the goats. Bella and Sky don’t butt heads together too often. But Luna will butt heads with both of them. She’s the kid trying to prove herself.

29/7 2024


30/7 2024

Got an hour and a half on the exercise bike today. After a week’s break. Legs felt good, no sign of problems with the problematic muscle. At least not so far. Felt good to be back on track, even if it’s just biking in place. The track leads nowhere, but the track also leads forwards. And upwards. And around the bend. And, okay maybe I need some more water.
But yes. I’ll give it some extra effort for a couple of weeks and see where it takes me. If I can lose some more weight, or if it’s just a matter of mainting now. Got a doc’s appointment in a couple of weeks, hopefully the long term blood sugar measurements will be good. They’ve been perfect the last couple of months when I’ve checked. That was really the main objective of getting back to diet and exercise, to get the blood sugar back in control. Losing the weight has been a great bonus. So far so good.
30/7 2024

It was the wind, I swear! says Luna.
30/7 2024

good goat times today. Another beautiful sunny and warm day. Lovely to get some good summer again. And another pretty quiet day of vacation, only a few visitors passing by without seeing the goats. I lugged the logs around for a bit again, they’ve been lying against the fence but I moved them over to the mountain. Propped the biggest one up more, and both Bella and Luna got up on it and did some fine balancing. They were more intested in peeling the bark off a smaller branch that somehow previously had avoided their attention. Luna managed to peel off a couple of really long, thick strands of bark and was chewing on them like a big liquorice treat or something. Yum! And of course we laid back and relaxed in the sun. I hope August will be a good summer month, I want more!
And now I want more soup.
30/7 2024

Bella first to master the new log configuration.

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Luna also conquered the log, after Bella had settled on the tub to get tiredder.

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Luna barking up the right branch.

30/7 2024

Good goat times today. Once again a lovely, warm and sunny summer’s day. Not too quiet, there was a guy riding a lawnmower in the sportfield in the morning. Later on there were a lot of kids, but they were over by the playground building, not at the goats. When I walked by on my way home it looked like they had a lemonade stand or something. Not sure what was going on, but some kind of activities.
My activities was just hanging out with the furs and the feathers. Mostly just relaxing and treating. I did do some construction work. I had noticed a couple of old pallets in the pen where the chicken and bunny houses are. I lifted them up into the goat pen and ararnged them around the logs. More stuff to climb on, because goats gotta climb.
And then I came home and got an hour twenty on the bike. So I’m quite tired now. Might need a goat nap.
1/8 2024

Everywhere I go, there’s Luna.

1/8 2024

It’s a beautiful day in the goathood.

1/8 2024

Political discourse be like

1/8 2024

It’s 11 pm, my head is hurting, and someone in the hood is playing loud booming music. I guess it’s a Friday night party, but still. And I really want cake. The cake is no lie.
Bedtime soon. Earplugs to the rescue.
1/8 2024

I also hang with Bella, cos I’m cool like that.

2/8 2024

This isn’t the most interesting video, but here’s how I spend some time at the goat pen. Trying to build something the goats can use for entertainment. This was from Wednesday, so it’s not the finished project.
2/8 2024

Maybe I should do a Buffy/Angel rewatch too. After Twin Peaks, Lost and Mr Robot. And The Good Place. I just want to watch old things and avoid the present, nevermind the future.

2/8 2024

Loving Sky. By the way, thank you to everyone for all the encouraging words about the exercise and weight loss and all that. I appreciate it. I know I’m supposed to be all holy and saying I do it for my health, but it feels good to get positive feedback from others, no doubt. I have spent most of my life hating myself, so I try to take in all the love and positivity I can. I don’t know what it is, but somehow it’s so much easier to accept and take in those feelings from animals, they can make you feel loved and accepted. It’s harder with humans. But you guys have done a lot for me to change that. Thanks yous.

2/8 2024

guess the embed isn’t going to work. Sorry bout that. It’s just the same old goat stuff.

3/8 2024

Got an hour and a half on the bike today. Woring hard.
And it paid off. Afterwards I recorded the lowest weighto n the scales I have had since I started recording it back in 2013ish. A new record low. Quite possibly a record low for my adult life, since I was always overweight and before I got the diabetes and started working on it, it was even worse.
So that’s something. Down about 37 pounds since November. About 54 pounds lower than the highest I ever recorded.
Not bad. And I think that’s it. I’m done. According to Dr Google I’m below the the halfway point in the healthy weight range for my height. Closer to the lowest point than the highest. It wouldn’t hurt to lose more weight. But. I’ve been dieting pretty hard the last couple of weeks. Exercising hard. I don’t want to obsess about it. I’m happy with where I’ve gotten to. I miss eating good stuff. I want to have some noodles with coconut oil sometimes. I want some pizza sometime. For some reason right now I have a craving for Corn Flakes. You know what’s crazy? I don’t think I’ve ever had Corn Flakes. Well, I suppose I probably may have as a kid. But I was never a cereal kinda kid I think. And if I were, I think it was Captain Crunch, I have memories of that. If I’ve had Corn Flakes then it’s 40ish years ago. I want some damn Corn Flakes! Not that I’m going to start eating cereal, I know that stuff isn’t healthy. But just one bowl to celebrate. And definitely pizza and noodles.
I’m going to try to keep my diet fairly healthy, not go back to the really bad habits. And keep exercising. Keep monitoring my weight and blood sugar. And see if I can eat a little happilier and stay around this weight. That’s the new goal. No more hunting the scales. I got myself to a good place. Try to stay in that zone and be happy. Should be possible, right?
Maybe even a cake now and then. I just have to be careful, because I’m very bad at limiting myself. If I have one cake, then I’ll have the all. And then get more. And then it’s a spiral. But we’ll see.
For now, I’m just happy I got to here. I have worked hard for it. I might get a pizza tomorrow. Tonight I’m having soup. Lasseman: Into the Soupverse. Hereby announcing that i’m running for President of the United Soupstates of Anywhere.
3/8 2024

Sorry I keep yapping about how great I am at weight loss. It’s a curse and a blessing. Mostly a blessing. But also mostly a curse. If I had to make a mathematical statement regarding the ratio of curse and bless I’d put it around 50% or thereabouts. Accounting for inflation and statistically anomalies due to orbital wobble. Look, I’m not a scientist. Or a mathematician. Or a person who is good at writing words on the internet. Or a hedgehog. There are a whole lot of things that I are not. But I yam what I yam. I’m a yam. No wait, I mean .Yak. Did you know there’s an alien in Star Wars called Yak Face? That’s why the original SW movies were the best. Practical effects and good names. If they had Yak Face in Woke Disney Era it’d be a CGI effect called Non Human Inoffensive Alien (not ilelgal). And another thin
3/8 2024

Bella’s always got good balance. She stood like that for a minute, one leg just dangling in the air. Goofball.

4/8 2024

I made good on my promise/threat and ordered pizza today. For the first time in.. 3 or 4 months. Crazy. It was nice to have some pizza again. I do love it. I don’t have any plans to go back to regularly eating it though. I used to eat pizza or other junk food maybe twice a week. It cost a lot of money, and my anxiety gets flared when I have to wait for deliveries. I don’t really want to get back in that habit. Maybe a pizza now and then. But Id prefer soup, and other simpler things. But it was nice to do today. I haven’t had cheese in so long either. Mmm melted cheese. Is there such a thing as cheese soup? Maybe I should invent it. If it melts enough then it will be soup, right? Okay.
4/8 2024

Don’t you just love when people play loud music out in nature. Just swell. Who wants to listen to the birds and goats anyway!
4/8 2024


That’s all for now.

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