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Got and hour twenty on the exercise bike today. Three days in a row phew, I don’t usually do that. But plans changed a bit today. I was planning to see the goats. But I had a heavy package delivery coming today and then the forecast said heavy rains, like ‘be careful going out’ heavy rains. So I ended up staying home. Got my package and got some good exercise and another notch down on the weight. And I promise i’ll make it up to the goats. Extra treats coming up.
22/7 2024

Mjallo. Sky checking in.

22/7 2024

Good goat times today. Back where I belong. We’ve had a lot of rain in Denmark, but it stayed dry while I was out today. Grey and cool. When I got home it wasn’t longefore I heard loud thunder and heavy rain rolling in. Dodged those bullets. Oops, not politics. Sorry.
But good day. Things are still pretty quiet because of the vacation. We did have some nice visitors. A family I guess. I think there were three adults and two little kids. They were speaking English, may have been tourists. They came over to the fence. One of them, a youngish man, asked me if that was a Mr Robot shirt I was wearing. It took my brain a couple of seconds to process what he’s said. But yes, I told him. I was wearing one of my FSociety shirts. Cool, he said. And asked me what this place was, and I told him a bit about it. Their kids were running around and having fun, looks at the feathers and the furs. So that was all very nice.
Now I just want the sun back, but some soup will do for the night.
23/7 2024

Me and Luna and my famus Mr Robot shirt, star of the show.

23/7 2024

Meditation in the goat pen.
In worse news, I guess I finally managed to injure myself with my exercise. Three days in a row on the exercise bike was not a good idea. My left calf is hurt. I guess it’s just a strain, it’s not awful but there’s definitely a pain in there. Hopefully it’s nothing serious, I really don’t want to have to stop biking for a longer period. Hopefully a couple of days rest will be enough.
My calves hae always been teh biggest problem after exercising and walking. I stretch and stretch, try to drink water and magnsium. But I get cramps and tightness in the. This ist he first time I’ve had a strain though. Poop.

23/7 2024

It’s a beautiful sunny day in Denmark. And I had planned to spend it with goats.
Ended up staying home instead. My leg still bothering. I think I may have pulled a muscle. Pulled, strained, I don’t know the difference, the correct words. Anyway, there’s definitely something wrong and it’s definitely worse than just tired or overworked muscle, not just cramping. There’s a sharp pain in the musce. it’s not super bad, and I think it’s better than it was yesterday. I’ve been icing it and taking some painkillers and doing some light stretches. But there’s some kind of injury and I’m just worried I’ll make it much worse if I’m not careful. So i’m taking today off. Probably won’t do any more biking this week. Can’t stay away from the goats for that long of course, but I’ll do my best to let the muscle relax.
Hopefully it will be better soon.
24/7 2024

Good goat times today. Got out and goated despite my leg still not being quite tight. It’s not too bad though. As long as I tread lightly I don’t really feel pain. If I step down too hard or fast I still feel that pulled muscle or whatever it is. It’s fine as long as I’m careful, I’m still just mostly worried about aggravating it and making it a real problem. But it went fine today. A lovely warm day, some nice sun through light clouds.
Another pretty quiet vacationy day. A couple of families stopped by briefly and saw the animals, but not too fuss. I got a loud bleating orchestra when I left the goat pen a few times to check on the chicken coop. A visiting boy informed me that he’d locked up the chickens because they were making too much noise or something. I told him he shouldn’t do that, but he didn’t seem to care. So i went and opened up again so the feathers could roam around again as they want to do. The goats don’t like when I roam out of the goat pen though. I hear ya, I feel better when I’m in there too guys.
25/7 2024

Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool

25/7 2024

The feathers and the furs know who has the snackx.

25/7 2024


26/7 2024

Just a couple of goats, Red Sonja and Lasse.

26/7 2024

Aw, Luna went and sat down with Sky, at least close to her. That was sweet. They’ve been butting heads a lot lately, I think Luna is hoping to move up in the hierarchy. At the end of the day everyone is still buddies.

26/7 2024

updated his profile picture.
I know, we’ll DIG our way out!

26/7 2024

I started using a new microphone with my camera a month or so ago. There are upsides and downsides to it, but the audio is definitely more clear and vibrant. Just listen to thse lip smacking tomato smooching sounds from Sky for example. If it was a human doing it we’d think it was disgusting. But with a goat it’s just the cutest. Or maybe that’s just me.
26/7 2024

My leg is feeling pretty good. Not feeling the pulled muscle at all. Of course I’m not really putting much pressure on it. I’m going to stick to my plan and take the weekend off. I’ve been working the legs hard. So it makes sense to give them a break. And then next week I’ll get back on the exercise bike and hopefully I can go stronger and harder and pump it up.
Things I won’t be watching: deadpools, wolverines and olympics. Sorry not sorry. I will be watching some more Twin Peaks. and some The Soup reruns while eating soup. It’s the soup continuum. The soup singularity. Now I am become soup, devourer of flourballs.
27/7 2024

Sky putting on her best “I know you have treats.I also like treats” face.

27/7 2024

Just vote this one time, you’ll never have to vote again.

27/7 2024

The scene that followed made me cry.

27/7 2024

Close to Luna.

28/7 2024

A lot, or at last some, Twin Peaks fans hated Dougie. I know the storyline went on forever. But I loved it. other than the hilarity of it, I also loved the duality of Dougie on one side and Mr C on the other. Seeing Kyle playing these two diametrical opposite facets of Cooper. And there’s also just something touching about it. The idea that you’re trapped inside yourself and desperately trying to find your way back to who you’re supposed to be, who you’re capable of being. You knowt here’s good in you, but you’re just lost because well you got trapped in the black lodge for 25 years and was flushed out through an electrical socket, it happens to us all sooner or later. I feel like there’s a good Lasse in here somewhere, it’s just a struggle to get through the barriers that I have spent a lifetime putting up around me.
The good Dale is in the lodge and he can’t leave, write it in your diary.
Tonight I will be watching episode 8 again. The Oppenheimer of Twin Peaks. Just needs soem Barbie. Gotta light?

28/7 2024


That’s all for now.

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